After a long time, Keqing was in Su Bai's arms with a blushing face, and was weakly beating him. hateful.

You came prepared!

And even now, Su Bai's hands are still dishonest. She said that she was very good at massaging, which meant that she was very tired from running around for a long time and wanted to help you relax your legs.

This is a technique that Ye Landu praised highly.

Keqing was speechless. you.

I am a martial arts immortal now, how can I get tired so easily?

On the contrary, it is easier and more convenient to work overtime~.

This massage of yours is not serious at all!

But Keqing still didn't say anything, she just rubbed her cat's head against the bad guy in front of her and showed a happy expression, the beautiful eyes in her eyes reflecting Su Bai's appearance.

It's just that his face is getting redder.

Su Bai smiled slightly

"It's been a long time since our experience in the rocky abyss, and it's really nostalgic."

Ke Qing's beautiful eyes rolled her eyes.

"What do you miss, miss the time when I was always taken advantage of by you?"


And later on, the relationship got better and better. Ke Qing even took the initiative to relive that time, but was hugged by Su Bai, making her scream in embarrassment. She couldn't believe it.

Wow, I didn't let you push forward!

At this time, Su Bai Bai still whispered

"Keqing, do you know how I felt back then?"

"you say"

"It feels like Yu Heng Keqing, who was originally majestic and responsible, looks more like a delicate girl when held in my arms, very soft and fragrant, I can't put it down."

"I want to hold you forever, just like now."

Ke Qing became shy again, you guy, wuwu.

Is this how it was at that time?

And later on, didn't Su Bai want to give her a medicinal bath and see the effect up close? Ke Qing was so embarrassed that everyone burst into tears. Come on, is there any mistake? You want a girl like me, and you?

Ke Qing refused.

As a result, she still didn't become an immortal, so Su Bai forcibly took her back and had her soaked.

He also said that I wouldn't look at you the whole time. , let’s wait until you go in.


This made Keqing feel frustrated again for no reason. I, I, you can’t let me, a girl, be so direct. It’s too embarrassing. It’s wronged and uncomfortable.

Don’t be like this to me. You're cold.


I, I like you very much.

But it turned out that Qingqing was still naive that time, and Su Bai deliberately put in more herbs. Anyway, when she became an immortal, her energy overflowed and the barrel exploded. Her whole body went into Su Bai's arms.

Keqing was so angry that her eyes were darkened and she was gnashing her teeth.

You guy, you have already settled it, right?

But that time, Keqing did not leave, but hugged Su Bai hard. I looked like I was about to cry, indicating that I will never let go again. If you want to tease me, just tease me. Anyway, I like you and love you.

From that moment on, the relationship between the two made the greatest progress.

They became lovers smoothly..

Keqing finally stopped being arrogant and made a wave of proactive confessions.

Now she is a Thunder Elemental Martial Immortal, and she also has a series of alchemy equipment with strong combat power and rich methods. Su Bai also refined it for her. A pair of exclusive armor.

But now.

Su Bai plans to give her a greater means

"Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder God Universal Transformation Tianzun?"

After listening to Su Bai's series of explanations, Ke Qing showed a shocked expression, and her little cherry mouth didn't close for a long time.

"Yes, this is a thunder god training method"

"I specially prepared it for you. You can also understand it as the advanced technique of [Thunder God's Fury]. After all, you have already mastered this technique, so on this basis, you can continue to practice."


Didn't Fubuki develop a brand new move based on [Wind God's Fury]?

【Wind God Law God Lord].

Then Su Bai made a new development and extension in the aspect of Thunder God's Wrath, turning it into something more than just elemental martial arts, but more like a skill.

Initially, a long time ago, Su Bai developed the demon-level elemental martial arts - Seven Gods' Wrath.

The important thing is that if you have God in your heart, it is for yourself!

The divine shadow condensed behind the back is also the user himself.

It's a very domineering technique.

This time, the [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Universal Transformation Tianzun] cultivation method, as long as Keqing continues to practice it, she can gradually make the Thunder God's anger undergo a qualitative transformation, which will condense into her divine appearance and her power.

With Keqing as the center, Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun can transform into various abilities with ease.

In the end, it can turn into a huge divine shadow.

Take charge of the war!

On weekdays, it can also appear as a normal size, or just an arm, or cover Keqing's body and hands. Anyway, it has endless uses and is extremely magical.

The ceiling is high and the potential is huge.

Just like Fubuki’s Divine Lord, it’s obvious that it can continue to be developed.

Enough to keep using it.

After all, Keqing is one of Liyue's managers, with a noble status and high status, and she is on the path of the thunder element, so this [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun] is indeed very suitable for her.

Who made her Su Bai's lover?

Naturally, Su Bai would put in more effort to help her.

Otherwise, Ke Qing, a fool who knows how to build and build, keeps digging into it, and is not even active in becoming an immortal. He is really a weird thing among the people of Liyue!

Su Bai has to come and supervise.

So after hearing Su Bai finish speaking, Ke Qing was moved and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Thank you, husband, for always caring about me so much"

"Ke Qing is so touched"

"So, are you going to learn this technique later?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, don't worry now, you should have recovered a lot of strength, right?"

"ah? What's the meaning? Woohoo."

I only knew that Ke Qing was knocked down by Su Bai again.

Not long after, a pair of fair and slender legs were exposed.

The other one still had black silk.


【Large Rainforest Area No. 6].

At this time, a battle is starting here.The members of the Gilded Brigade are fighting against the monsters. They are a group of things that look completely different from the mushroom beasts. Instead, they are creatures from the desert.

As the rainforest continues to expand, it is constantly turning the desert into a rainforest.

Then, it will naturally come into contact with the monsters in the desert.

Especially the more brutal ones.

For example, a large bird monster that looks like a vulture seems to be a unique carrion-eating raptor in the desert, but its whole body has a sense of bone and a sense of fire.

Especially after spreading its wings, it looks even bigger.

This thing is called [Holy Skeleton Red Vulture], and it is a fire beast that has eaten a great life, causing it to mutate and twist like this. As a result, it was affected by eating the corpse and became cruel and bloodthirsty.

Very aggressive!

Because it is a creature that thirsts for blood and corpses.

When the rainforest and oasis are established here, you will come here when you smell it.

Not only it, but also creatures such as the Holy Horned Crocodile, the Holy Skeleton Tooth Beast, etc., all of which are [Alien Monsters].

And some other monsters.

The brand new Gilded Brigade and the students of the Teaching Academy are fighting against them. It seems that the current Gilded Brigade has changed and become a new group. They are all wearing standard rainforest equipment. were unified.

After observation and research, Nacida decided to integrate these mercenaries and make them a fighting force to protect the new rainforest area, with Sumeru and desert people fighting together.

These are desert people who are willing to live here.

Therefore, this army is called the [Holy Tree Army].

Corresponds to Mondstadt's Knights, Liyue's Qianyan Army, and Inazuma's Shogunate Army.

Sumeru established his own armed forces.

The origin of the name is naturally Xumi City. That place was originally built around a huge holy tree. The light bathed in the light under the holy tree naturally gave it its name.

Some students from the Teaching Academy also controlled their own mechanical structures and fought.

And at one point, when the Holy Skeleton Scorpion and the Holy Skeleton Red Vulture jointly attacked, the attack they launched shocked people not far away.


At this time, the Holy Skeleton Red Vulture flapped its wings, and a large number of flame feather blades followed it like bombs.

After the Holy Skeleton Poisonous Scorpion rotated, a large number of thunder element scorpion stingers spread all over the sky.

They fell down one after another.

The people here were about to be doomed.

Suddenly, a Lanaro jumped over from a distance. The invisible grass and trees barrier blocked those people, and the two monsters flew out instantly, causing a burst of Impact!

It was like being hit by an invisible attack.

They were exploded instantly, and the corpses flew away in several pieces.

Invisible iron fist!

At this time, there was a white-gold figure here that was invisible to the naked eye. Appeared in an instant, punched out, knocked over a strange monster, and easily defeated them with two punches.

And killed other monsters!

For a moment, it was as if these monsters had been beaten away.

The [Saint] here Shujun] The pressure is greatly reduced.

They all do itHead, cheering happily

"It's Lord Grass King's retinue, Lord Lanparika!"

"As expected of the mysterious Lanaro, he was so strong that before we could react, the enemy was instantly killed, and we didn’t even understand how he made the move!"

Under the arrival of Lan Bailijia, the battle here was quickly over. It also said that it would continue to practice hard and left here.

Everyone was amazed.

"You are so strong, why do you still have to practice hard? No wonder Master Lan Bailijia is so strong"

"I heard that last time a large number of ruins heavy machines appeared near a certain ruins, but they were dismantled into a pile of scrap metal by this person in just a few clicks."

"Too fierce."

At that time, there were several Sumeru people there in the distance, and they were all dumbfounded.

Now, with the strengthening plan of the Great Ci Tree King, the Lannaro clan has also begun to be active in various ways. As Nasida's assistant, they are constantly The work and protection of the rainforest are being carried out.

The people of Sumeru are becoming more and more familiar with it, and they are shocked by the work.

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