But in the end I still sighed.

Okay, since it’s your crush, let’s forget it.

It's outrageous.

Even Daozhu's Thunderbolt General always accompanies Su Bai.

These are the seven rulers of the past world.

Can you attract people like this?

As expected of you, Su Bai.

And he picks up girls everywhere!

Are you as godly as you are?

The most terrifying thing is that he is still a good thief, his time management skills are also ridiculously powerful, and his alchemy skills finally crush her.

After all, I was really speechless.

As for Sumeru, what are their means of transportation and transportation?

Pack beast!

Big in size, strong in strength, and gentle in character, it is a good friend of mankind.

It is the most classic and commonly used in Xumi.

After all, the alchemy carts in Liyue are not suitable for an environment like Xumi, which is full of rainforests and deserts. After all, the roads in Liyue are very well built, many and flat.

So the ones Nasida and the others used last time had to be specially customized to facilitate walking in the desert.

Liyue doesn't need this style at all.

This is a difference caused by different countries and terrains.

The yak beast of burden can continuously cross between the desert and the rain forest. The caravans all use it, and"Nine Zero Seven" has agreed to use it.

It’s obvious!

When the rainforest is full of trees and plants and the desert is full of sand.

It also suits my own beast-type machine beast!

So when she was exchanging technology with Nacida, Nacida's eyes lit up and she expressed her hope that she could bring some over. Their Sumeru needed this kind of thing, so there was this display of machine beasts.

After all, he subconsciously looked around.

The damn treasure teller won't pop up again this time, right?

Fortunately, fortunately!

Moreover, these sages and the senior officials of the Teaching Council were also filled with admiration.

"He is worthy of being the ancestor of Liyue's mechanism. The mechanism bird flying in many cities in Liyue is already quite shocking."

"Yes, when I went to a certain city in Liyue, I was dumbfounded when I heard that there were 100,000 machine birds working there, making it convenient for many Liyue residents."

"There are people delivering food and goods everywhere. How developed it is."

And for the reaffirmation of the end, they nodded confidently, their faces glowing red.

"Yes, according to this test, your mechanism beasts are very good. We want these dozens of them, and we hope to purchase about 500 to 1,000 of them in the second batch."

Even if this is an auxiliary coolie machine beast, it is enough to make them eager.

This is what is needed for transportation in the rainforest and desert.

In Liyue, this thing can only be used a little bit at most, and it is not the icing on the cake. , after all, you are so angry after all, Su Bai, why are you studying so many kinds of alchemy and transporting creations!


Even Ke Qing's subordinates still have a ridiculous amount of those things in their hands?

Yellow scarf warriors?

Just carry it with you and use it if you want. Call it out, it looks like a fairy treasure from the Immortal Family. It is still mass-produced.

And there are yellow scarf warriors in the contribution list that can be redeemed. Just work hard.

One person can have a bunch of them. This kind is convenient to carry around.

There is also that kind Large-scale alchemy construction equipment assembled on the spot in the city, etc.

Her mechanism beast can only be said to be one of the many in Liyue.

Instead, it comes to Xumi and can shine!

It is really a wonderful thing in the world.

And the other A wise man also spoke out for it

"And now we are also using mechanical technology vigorously, and many mechanical creations are helping to build them. Among them, there are also a large number of alien machines, which are the type that imitate insect limbs."

"It soon came into heavy use."

After all, compared to humanoids, crawling machines are more suitable for easy movement in rainforests and deserts.

However, in terms of performance and flexibility, this master's work will surpass them by a lot.

So when the time comes, it will be a cargo-carrying type. The mechanical beast [Qiongqi] is the main one, and the alien machinery is the auxiliary, to build a new era style that belongs to Xumi.

Thinking about it makes it bright.

Full of expectations

"Sure enough, when Master Su Bai was still studying in our teaching academy, he took the initiative to advocate the lifting of restrictions on mechanical technology and said that it could be relaxed a little, so now we are also benefiting a lot."

"The more machinery we should build, the better!"


After all, his face looked weird.

"But what did he say last time? As the saying goes, too much is not enough. It is not good to do too much. It is better to continue to upgrade and improve on this basis."

"And if something happens and someone with intentions takes advantage of it, the harm will be great."

"It’s better to diversify, don’t focus on one type"


Several senior leaders of the Order were stunned and scratched their heads.

"What Lord Su Bai said is true."

And at this moment.

From the distant teaching courtyard, the screams of female students and the frightened sounds of a series of male scholars were heard.

The sages and Nasida all looked over hurriedly.

Only to see the original The crab-like alien machines responsible for transporting research resources suddenly turned into red eyes and started destroying everywhere. The crowd began to flee.

There were also some scholars who were fighting.

This chaotic phenomenon was still intensifying.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It spread rapidly from the inside.

A series of alien machines outside also began to have this problem one after another, and it spread rapidly.

After all, it was a surprise.

"Wow, isn't it? What did your teaching institute study? Or something went wrong with the project?"

"Why do I feel like these machines are rapidly losing control from the inside out?"

The faces of the sages changed greatly and they lost their voices.

"Impossible. There has been no such research recently. Alien machines are already a very mature technology. They originated from the ancient country of Kanreia. Could it be that the Kanreians controlled them?"

"This, but this is a new version developed by our Xumi!"

Or is it a person or force with evil intentions who has mastered Rhea's technology?

Could Master Su Bai have seen this a long time ago and asked Master Guizhi to remind him?

After all, he subconsciously looked at his machine beast. ,self-mumbling

"Your unknown situation that can make the machine go out of control should not affect my machine beast. Although it is connected to your void terminal, this is my technology."


To Gui Zui's shock, these machine beasts' eyes quickly turned red and roared.

Then they ran in all directions.

Gui Zui's face turned green.

It was unbelievable.

"What a joke! This is my mechanism technique! Why can it be controlled?"

"Why, it doesn’t make sense!"

"not good! I have to stop them. Once they go outside and hurt someone, it will be trouble!"

She turned into golden wind and disappeared here..........

And instantly appeared in front of one of the machine beasts [Qiongqi], cut it open with a golden divine wind, and caught up with another machine beast again.

And Nasida was also very anxious, and she was thinking quickly.

And using the void terminal to perform calculations. etc?

Her eyes widened.

Being smart, she suddenly flashed many ideas and possibilities. In addition, even the final machine beast had a problem. Nasida suddenly realized where the attack came from!

"This is not a mechanical technology gone out of control, nor is it a conspiracy by those who possess Kanria technology."

"It's the void terminal!"

"Something has invaded the void terminal and affected these creations!"

Seeing that the disaster was about to get out of control, Nasida burst out with the power of the grass element, formed herself into an energy sphere, and quickly spoke to the sages.

"Everyone, I will enter the void terminal to prevent this disaster."

"As for the crisis outside, it depends on you!"

"A lot of machinery has been invested in Xumi City and other places. Once it gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous. Please!"

Nascida began to release her divine power and began to put her consciousness into it.

Her power shrouded the surroundings, and everyone had to retreat quickly, and the faces of the sages and senior officials suddenly turned pale.

They yelled towards the rear

"Quickly, organize manpower. The only ones we can rely on at this time are the guards and the Holy Tree Army!"

"In addition, send someone to protect Mr. Grass King, and don’t let machines interfere with your actions!"

When they think of the machines that were popularized before, they feel regretful.

They built too many!

This is terrifying! Damn it!

What on earth invaded the void terminal?

Once it is not dealt with properly, it will probably gradually expand the disaster. , thus becoming a terrible crisis sweeping the entire Sumeru Kingdom!

The sages were trembling with fear.

It was terrible.

What is this, a crisis of mechanical out-of-control?

5.5 for a time.

The Order Academy was in chaos.

A large number of saints The Shu Army began to arrive after hearing the news. Fortunately, Mi Mi had formed a new armed force before this and stationed many of them here, so they could rush over as soon as possible.

Even many scholars from the branch began to resist.

They are not weak. On the contrary, they have grown up very well during the friendship exchange and study at Liyue College.

As a result, these rebellious machines were suppressed for a time.

But one sage's expression did not relax, and it was still ugly. , he quickly led some guards and rushed towards the city. Now, how has it spread?

And it ends here.

She turned into wind and quickly chopped up these machine beasts [Qiongqi].

This The name was the inspiration she got from Su Bai.

It's domineering, right?

But looking at so many corpses of machine beasts, she finally felt numb.

This wave of creations was in vain.

The key is that she lost control of her own machine creations. She was so proud that she caused a huge impact.


She is the God of Machinery. Looking at Liyue, no!

The best in Teyvat!

How come there is a situation that makes her Machinery Beast lose control?

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