Nasida is in the void terminal, fighting with that force!

In the past, she often wandered around in the terminal, running around, observing the outside world with the help of the void terminal, so as to continue learning and understanding.

So Nacida was keenly aware that something was wrong.

After entering, I was even more shocked. An unknown force had already taken over more than half of the authority of the Void Terminal.

When did it start?

Why didn't she notice it at all?

Nasida was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

I'm afraid it was because the other party couldn't hide it anymore that she launched an attack. After all, she planned to use the void terminal to program these machine beasts [Qiongqi] and carry out the task of transporting them. By the way, she would complete the last improvement and modification of the terminal..

Need to touch some permissions.

Under the training of King Daci Shu, she has become very powerful and can multitask easily.

As a result, those areas were actually already occupied? hateful.

She didn't realize the enemy's existence in advance!

After entering.

Nacida discovered the horror of the intruder.

It was a quite strange and unknown force.

She had never seen or heard anything that did not match the information in her knowledge.

But the terrifying level made Nacida's hair stand on end.

So she immediately mobilized her power and began to regain authority and area.

Before the opponent could reach the point where the disaster continued to expand mechanically, Nasida forcibly cut off the connection between Sumeru and the Void Terminal.

Prepare to start the duel between her and the opponent right here.

But what shocked her was that even this could not prevent the machine from going out of control. Even if the opponent could not pass through the void terminal, he could still control the machine?

What ability is this?

Did it separate itself, or was it more than one?

Went outside?

Even here in the Void Terminal, they began to desperately fight for control. The other party wanted to open it, but Nacida gritted her teeth to stop it, and a large number of figures appeared to fight with her!

Nasida's face twitched.

They are all virtual images of various characters in Xumi, especially NPCs in virtual games.

For example, the Yaksha Bronze Bird came over with a spear in hand.

Still expressionless.

After being destroyed by Nasida, he turned directly into data.

This also made Nasida notice something. Most of them were Xumi images. There were only a few in Liyue, and she could feel that strong feeling of fear. Why?

Is it possible that this thing also tried to invade Liyue's Tiandao terminal?

And then got beaten back?

Today's Nasida is no longer what she used to be. Facing a large number of strange figures emerging in front of her, she quickly eliminated them and quickly found traces of their power.

Chased him.

Then there was the first confrontation with the real owner.

As a result, Nacida ushered in a great defeat.

In fact, this is also normal.

Because she was facing the Herrscher of Corrosion.

If it still develops into such erosion, it would be strange if it doesn't become deflated.

This was because at the critical juncture, Nacida merged her power with elemental martial arts and burst out with stronger power. Otherwise, she doubted that she would be ejected in an instant.

What the hell?

So in the next battle, Nasida had no upper hand at all, let alone being at a disadvantage.

When I came in, I was pressed and beaten.

Step by step back, the power was seized.

It was strenuous and difficult.

At this time, Nasida's hands were illuminated by green light. She kept waving her palms, striking out one terrifying divine palm after another, defeating the enemies one after another.

Grass element demon god level martial arts Tathagata palm!

She has grown up.

Such a palm technique, placed outside, is enough to stir up strong winds and smash open anything in front of you!

Create huge power easily!

But suddenly, she was knocked out by another impact.

He fell to the ground far away and looked up with difficulty.

"Me, I can't give up."

"The people outside still need Nasida to protect them."

After many of those figures were eliminated by her, a special being slowly walked out. His appearance was still changing, and he looked more and more like Nasida.

This made Nasida speechless with shock.

"You, are you imitating me?"

The fake Nasida smiled and spread her hands slightly.

"No, I am you. As long as your consciousness dies here, your body will be occupied by me later. After that, I am you, and I am the Little Lucky Grass King of Sumeru Rainforest."

"The leader of this country!"

"You are really too weak. Compared with the existence before, you are nothing like clouds and mud. Why are you resisting? Be obedient and let all your consciousness be swallowed up by me."

"Don't even think about it! monster!"

"court death!"

The angry fake Nacida instantly grabbed Nacida, lifted it up, and crushed it instantly, intending to seize all the information belonging to this god.

It's all hers, it will all be hers!!!

What do you want with me? Fight!


Next, she is the god of this country.

She originally wanted to control this place and attack Liyue, but the information about Liyue recorded in the void made her afraid.

Damn it.

What a scary place..What the hell? They are obviously one of the seven countries in the world. Why is there such a big gap between this Xumi and others?

But Xumi is also a developed country on the mainland, which makes the erosion of the laws speechless.

You mind yourselves It’s called the Country of Wisdom? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And there are several other countries, which are also heavyweights.

Where did they get the face to be ranked alongside others in the Seven Kingdoms, no, one of the Eight Kingdoms? ?

Is there any time to count!

So from now on, she can only lurk temporarily and slowly plan and destroy that country.

At the Tiandao Terminal, she realized for the first time what death was in front of her eyes.

Fear. , tremble, fear, panic

The emotion of counting suddenly emerged.

Make it run away subconsciously.

I don't dare to fight against it at all.

It doesn't want to die!

Therefore, its logic as the Herrscher of Corrosion is very simple. In order to survive, it must eliminate all factors that may threaten itself!

Now, let’s start with the memory of this little grass king.


Why is there nothing?

The Herrscher of Corrosion was shocked. He had clearly killed the other party. Where was his memory?

Why does it feel like killing someone fake?

And suddenly a voice floated out from behind

"Because that is indeed false."!!!

The fake Nacida quickly turned around and saw the real Nacida standing here, looking like she was fine and still fine.

And Nacida also looked like she was sighing.

"Everything is like a flower in the mirror or the moon in the water. When did you think that what you saw was real?"

"But you are indeed very strong. You have killed me many times, although that is just a lie."

"It's what I want you to see"

"Because I gradually realized that you are a special existence that uses the void as a carrier. It is very terrifying to be able to continue to grow."

"No, if you put it outside, you may be easy to eliminate, but when you come to the void terminal, you become extremely terrifying. You are the nemesis of all data."

Or, the time when this thing entered the void terminal.

It should be the time when it was at its weakest.

It was easy to solve at that time.

But now, it has become the climate.

It is too late.

Nasida felt extremely heavy and under great pressure.

But in fact, this thing is only attached to the void terminal. Instead, Nasida's power can interfere with the terminal, and the level priority is higher. After all, this terminal depends on who built it. The tree king's lineage.

And As soon as Nasida came in, in addition to disconnecting and preventing the spread of the other party, she was also secretly trying to recapture a certain area.

That was the functional area where the Tree King and the Grass King could play their greatest role.

It could bring people's dreams into full play. It produces miraculous results.

As for why we do this?

"In fact, Nasida is the original terminal of the void, and I am the being that can influence the void the most. No matter how many areas you capture, you are still no bigger than me."

"After discovering your essence, I immediately realized the way to completely destroy you, destroy this place, and destroy the void!"

"You will be buried with the void~!"

This was a method that Nasida did not want to use in any case, as a last resort.

Because this means that Xumi's long-term knowledge and achievements, so many years of development, have all been wasted. This is not a closure, but a complete destruction.

As long as it is closed, Nasida can still investigate the information at will.

After all, it just stops everyone from using it.

And if it is destroyed, the whole series will be gone.

Sages and scholars, everyone's hard work and efforts continue to move forward with Liyue. So many traces and fruits will be in vain. It will be an unimaginable project to recover..

Nasida sighed, Liyue attaches great importance to books.

If it were them, even if the virtual stored information was destroyed, most of it could be quickly restored with the help of real books.

This is the gap.

Xumi's library is more symbolic than practical.

For this reason, Nacida, who did not want to use this trick, put her hope in the power of dreams.

Continuous calculations and simulations are going on.

Include this enemy.

The Void Terminal originally had such an ability, and King Daci Shu also used the power of dreams.

Just this time.

Nacida felt heavy in her heart, as she deduced more than a thousand future possibilities, all of which were failures on her part.

And he lost quickly.

The only success.

Just destroy this place.

The reason why she was able to delay and plan for so long was because she, Nasita, was not a virtual data, but a real consciousness that came here.

Just replace it with virtual data.

I am afraid.

She must have been eroded and destroyed immediately.

This thing is adjacent.

It’s simply a virus!.

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