Xi'er and Misaka Mikoto were surprised for a while. what's going on.

Are you having a party?

Wouldn't it be just right for them to join?

As the saying goes, sooner than later is worse than luck.


Isn’t this the best opportunity for everyone to get acquainted with each other!

So you can integrate quickly!

You can also grab some delicious food by the way.

Fubuki:"No, I'm going to fight the Herrscher of the End. Xi'er, just come over and watch. As for Mikoto, you'd better watch the live broadcast."

Misaka Mikoto:"......"

Too much.

Isn’t it just that you can’t disappear at will? Wait, let’s get rid of that thing!

Xi'er actually exclaimed

"Isn't Kiana the end of the world now? What does it mean to fight the end of the world? Is it possible that Kiana is a jerk? The more everyone beats her, the happier she becomes?


You still know how to play.

Thinking about this picture is perverted.

After all, according to her timeline, Kiana's normal situation is already the end of the world, why would she say such a thing?

When Xier learned that the end of the world had not been fought yet, she was stunned.


Are you guys? The beating was too harsh, causing human civilization to regress? So the Herrscher in front never came out? Is it stuck now?

It's already reached my point in time.

The sound of the butterfly flapping its wings is really loud.

But It doesn't seem to be long?

Forget it.

Xi'er quickly accepted this fact.

The three worlds collapsed.

The Hyperion battleship flew out of the earth and went into space before that, and it was not just one of them. Looking at it, In the past, at least five or six such battleships were scattered here.

They have been paying attention to the movements on the other side of the moon.

Among the battleships, many Valkyries were observing the starry sky, collecting and displaying them on the big screen. data on the Internet.

They expressed various sighs about this

"In the blink of an eye, the bishops changed, the anti-entropy returned, we cooperated with the mysterious Liyue and established the 507 alliance, the continuous flow of resources between the two parties, and our continuous growth in the world"

"It's been so long."

Destiny has become more and more expanded.

It was originally a behemoth.

Now, it is the only giant force on this planet. With the discussion of Su Bai, Kiana, and Theresa, Destiny continues to move forward quickly and collect resources. , develop technology.

Look to the universe and the sea of ​​​​stars, and actively explore many unknowns.

Even space battleships have been built, and two of them have left the solar system and gone to other predetermined targets to conduct reconnaissance and collection. information.

If this continues, Destiny will become more and more prosperous.

After all, it will fly directly to other places without caring about the finality and collapse. The same is true for the Ark of the pre-civilization.

Destiny, on the other hand, is looking for resource stars.

It is not that it carries The escape of life seeds has not yet reached the level of colonizing planets.

It can be regarded as the official start and expansion of that kind of interstellar civilization.

"But it’s Liyue’s Immortal Boat that’s abnormal. The single size is much larger than ours, let alone the internal space. The series of various abilities and many wonderful caves are too powerful."

"It makes me want to join their Fairy Boat series"

"Ahem, what are you in a hurry? I feel that if this continues, it will be a matter of time before we merge with them. This is what everyone sees and expects. We will become a big alliance community."

"If there is a chance then, it may even be our technological warships sailing together with their many fairy boat fleets."

"It’s very interesting to think about it."

The eyes of these Valkyries are full of expectation.

Liyue, you are so cool!

Let's develop together and go hand in hand!

Let's face the unknown universe together.

With Liyue here, everyone has confidence in their hearts.

So after arriving, I'm afraid Liyue will have a new unit, the Valkyrie.

But that's okay.

Groups of fairy boat fleets are also being built, and they will become larger and larger by then. Although they are still very small in the face of the universe, But Liyue is very energetic and is developing at a high speed.

Sooner or later, it will encounter other cosmic civilizations.

As for the Hyperion battleship, this battleship has been expanded and renovated many times.

In Su Bai, Chuixue, After Esdeath, Morgan, Tendou Kisara and many others appeared here, a brand new woman also appeared here.

She was wearing exquisite and pretty clothes with blue and purple gradient colors, with black embellishments in some places. And because it is a bow tie and light style, it looks particularly suitable for running and long-distance movement.

The butterfly feeling is particularly obvious.

It is blue and purple.

It looks light and airy.

There is also a red belt on the left shoulder. The right hand has a metal wrist that looks like light armor.

The whole thing is made up of hot pants and a jumpsuit. Together with the lightweight outer clothing, it makes up most of the outfit. The long white legs are also wearing metal. Short boots.

This wonderful beautiful girl is Xi'er from the world of [Star Railway]!

As a result, when she was about to say hello to everyone, there was suddenly someone behind her, and the other person looked at her curiously, making Xi'er Black lines appeared on my forehead.

And the other party commented with gusto.

"Sure enough, Xi'er looks particularly beautiful when viewed from behind, and it's great for running photos!"

"Your clothes are very beautiful. The one on the back is a fish tail skirt with a gradient of white, blue and purple!"

"Very delicate, let me touch it"


Xie'er jumped away angrily, this guy, that's butterfly style!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

It was Esdeath who came over and persuaded the two of them.

This also surprised Xi'er.

The general of the empire, Esdeath!

He looks very different now. Instead, Liyue's costume is the main one. , looks tall and charming, good guy, what a great beauty.

This strong sense of maturity, plump figure, and plump white thighs make her envious.

After all, she has a girlish physique.

And she is also mature. There are quite a few Tendo Kisara, um, from the dark bullet world, she still remembers this.

Fubuki, from the One Punch Man world.

She is a mature woman. (daei) How come they all have such good figures. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Forget it.

She is not bad herself.

And Morgan, like a queen who escaped from the fairyland, is noble and mysterious. They are all very interesting friends here. , and they are both female Su Bai!

On the contrary.

Xi'er was dumbfounded when she saw Liyue Su Bai. With this appearance, she can recognize them at a glance.

They look like male versions.


Why does this happen?!

And is it an illusion?

I always feel that they are a little too close to this Su Bai.

There are Fu Hua, Herrscher of Knowledge, Mei Yi, Bronya, etc. beside them. Phew, this version of Yaya..

Or her Beloberg one, which is more mature.

This one here would be very interesting if it meets the silver wolf.

And Theresa, the Judas launcher.

It reminds Xier of her original life. The days of using God's Grace have really gone too long.

Seeing the familiar figures come into view one by one, Xi'er also sighed. The chat group and other worlds are so amazing. They expanded all of a sudden. His own destiny.

From a backward underground town, he came to another universe and met people from so many different worlds.

And not long after, the Hyperion battleship flew towards the direction of the moon, where a terrifying Changes and storms are forming, sweeping across more than half of the moon's area, and gradually expanding.

It can be said that there are dark clouds, and a sense of gloom and depression is coming.

Xi'er's face is grim and ugly.

"Is this guy too strong? Herrscher of the End, the last enemy of civilization"

"I will definitely be beaten if I go up there."

She could only watch the battle.

Because the difference was too far.

This was far from something that could be explained clearly in one or two levels. Unexpectedly

, as soon as she joined the group, she encountered such a scene. All the group members were ready to The fight is over.

Xier looked at everyone next to her

"By the way, can you see how strong this guy is?"

"After all, I don’t remember any actual fighting scenes at the end."

In the comics of the previous life, there was very little information.

Everything was written in one stroke.

You only know that it flew all the way, dropped to other planets in the solar system, and finally came to the earth.

The story of the previous civilization unfolded.

Fubuki's eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

"Don't worry, you'll find out later when you look at it directly. Next, it's our stage!"

They jumped up. They began to turn into many streams of light, flying towards the moon one by one.

They shuttled through the Milky Way and the starry sky.

Here are all Herrschers, and the game is a battle between Herrschers vs. Herrschers!

Wind Ritsu Fukiyuki, Rock Ritsu Tendou Kisara, Kong Ritsu Kiana, Ice Herrscher Esdeath.

And Flame Ritsu Nezuko.

Xi'er's face twitched when he saw it. Have you asked about Honkai and the End? ?

How did you do it?

And Scathach was still here, so she turned her head and looked at Morgan

"Won't you go? Don't think I don't know, you're almost like the Herrscher, you've smoked so much"


Morgan smiled.

"I'm just a god, and the so-called Herrscher ability is just a part of my many abilities, so I won't go. After all, I prefer to sit in the back and drink tea and watch the show."

"As the saying goes, planning is thousands of miles away."


There is still a lot of fighting power.

In the end, I was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Meiyi and Bronya, on the other hand, watched silently, especially Bronya who also whispered

"Bronya will definitely become stronger!"

She couldn't help but squeeze the Homu doll around her waist.

Mei Yi also nodded and bit her lip.

Even though everyone had said it before, Mei Yi was still unwilling to accept it. She was still far behind. She was not even qualified to enter the battlefield. None.

But Su Bai looked at Fu Hua and the others in surprise.

"Fu Hua, Ah Shi, are you sure you want to go there?"

Seeing the fighting spirit in their eyes, Su Bai also laughed.

"Okay, I will pull you back before anything happens to you."

"Thank you!"

Fu Hua clasped her fists and said in a deep voice.

Fifty thousand years of waiting!

How could she stand here and watch!.

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