"Do you understand?"

"No, I don't understand it at all. I feel that our civilizations are different. You are just like refining tools in mythical immortals. I can only remain in the clouds and mist."

At this time, Xi'er was complaining.

Su Bai was next to her, and Su Bai took out many types of ores and summoned flames, performing a series of melting and forging, like the art of flowing water.

Fire The molten iron melted and flowed here, surrounding the two of them, drawing a beautiful trajectory.

Then, without even seeing what Su Bai did, when the flowing water returned to the flames again, a brand new armor appeared. It began to take shape in the fire.


What about the steps?

Did I miss something?

Are you still forging?

But she knew very well, which can only mean that Su Bai already has the skill of forging. The understanding and use of the miraculous is no longer limited to any forging furnace and environment. It can be forged from all directions in the world.

It pays attention to one who does whatever he wants.

"There is an old saying that says that looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water. But looking at you, I didn’t see anything."

"Oh, you can still speak our Liyue dialect."

"Damn it, I’ll hit you!"

Xier laughed angrily and wanted to hit him with her fist. What nonsense are you talking about? I'm also a female Su Bai.

Isn't it normal to say this?

But the two of them have a good relationship. This is a room of laughter. Xi'er just slapped him a few times while playing around.

But a moment later, the mountains of earth marrow piled up here had disappeared, and Su Bai himself had also taken out a lot of ore just now. was used.

What was displayed in front of them were sets of brand new armors, suspended here.

Seeing many Liyue-style golden armors that were a little more complicated than those light armors, handsome in shape and full of momentum, Xier also sighed. , why do you always use gold and stone equipment here?


Liyue is indeed the land of golden rocks.

"By the way, what do you plan to call this?"

"【Elemental Armor], a conventionally driven alchemy armor that Liyue will use to fight in many places from now on."

"Does it mean driven by elemental power?"

"No, any energy will do. It’s just a symbol, representing the elements from our past. That’s why we use such a unique name. In fact, after wearing this armor,"

"It can fight in a series of battlefields such as volcanic areas, underwater areas, space areas, etc."

A series of magic circles are engraved in it, which can play various roles.

The state can be adjusted according to the terrain.

"Also in space?"

"Of course, don't you remember the anti-matter army? When they invaded the Black Tower Space Station, a large group appeared in space in an instant and launched an attack inside."


So what are you talking about, the space Liyue Army armor?

You can also freely fly and fight in the universe, land in a series of ways, etc., right?

"In fact, our Xianzhou side has already been able to fight in space. Now that I have developed this, it is just a further enhancement."

"After all, compared to the quantity, we are still close, so we naturally need to continue to improve."

Even if the Liyue Qianyan Army and the Anti-Material Army and the Fengrao Army fought hard, one on one or one against many, it was still not enough because there were so many of these guys.

Especially the people of Fengrao.

Look at Luofu Immortal Boat The Alliance with the Immortal Boats knew this, and the Immortal Boats over there were constantly fighting against the many.

Each time there was a massive and abundant army.

Even the [Yao Qing] Immortal Boat in the past was once in a state of anxiety and sent people there. [Zhu Ming] Xianzhou asked for help, hoping that they would send reinforcements and support some weapons.

Xianzhou’s positioning is very clear

【Yao Qing]: Martial Arts School, Great Victory Immortal Boat

【Zhu Ming]: Forging fairy boats is the best at craftsmanship and the main expenditure on weapons. Countless aliens from the star sea come from afar, hungry for technology. It is also a place of learning and learning.

Many people come here to learn science and technology, and then return to their hometowns to build civilization.

Xi'er also remembered

"Oh yes, it seems that the Zhu Ming Immortal Boat is indeed positioned in this way. The Yingxing in the past, the Star Core Hunter [Blade], probably came from this immortal boat."

Let her think about it.

It seems that Ying Xing (Blade) is a short-lived species, and his hometown was destroyed by the [Keliren] army. This is also a kind of Feng Rao people, and it is also a main force in Feng Rao.

Xianzhou is against They, don't be too familiar with them.

Old rivals. The enemy of the alliance!

Started with N.

The fox people were rescued from the Xili people by Xianzhou.

In the past, the people used the fox people as cannon fodder. , has the same function as slaves, driving these foxes to fight at the forefront of the army to consume the enemy.

Moreover, there is a very disgusting thing about the people. Their army has various [weapon beasts] with the same combat power, that is Behemoths, and then what to feed them?

Destroy the residences of other life races and use them as pieces of meat. This is the [Weapon Ranch] of the Kili people.


This is the end of Yingxing's home, so he Came to Xianzhou [Zhu Ming] to study.

Therefore, the Fengrao people definitely have a lot of bad lives.

Look, this is one of them.

They are completely the enemy of life races in the universe. Who can bear this?

Who has seen it? Don't you shake your head?

Moreover, the way of existence and behavior of the Fengrao people have a sense of Zerg.

To fight them, you have to be prepared to face the situation of being outnumbered.

This is the case for most forces in the universe.

On the contrary, Li Yue Cai doesn't have anything to eat, and keeps piling up quantities.

Then he falls behind.

So strengthening combat effectiveness and improving quality is more important.

Elemental armor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

In essence, it can be called anything, the space all-round alchemy driving armor, the Qianyan Army combat alchemy armor, if Xi'er uses it, it is the fate alchemy armor, etc. In the end, it is still necessary to return to nature, and only the word element is enough.

This is the conventional equipment for fully arming all Qianyan Army. When the time comes, all the army will be wearing this.


The Qianyan Army squads that were summoned were all happily wearing elemental armors. Their defense was greatly increased, and their combat effectiveness was greatly increased. It has also increased a lot.

Sure enough, there are many advantages to following Master Su Bai on missions.

You can experience the new standard armor in advance.

At this time, everyone is in the mining area.

After all, they are digging while Su Bai is refining it casually. , the mining area they are in has the erosion of the boundary, but for the Qianyan Army, there is no danger. Just destroy the monsters!

Local troops like the Silver Mane Iron Guard will still be able to defeat these boundary monsters. There are 0 casualties all the time...

But for Qian Yanjun, it was a piece of cake.

And after having new equipment, they went to the deepest part of the world with great interest, actively looking for monsters to try their hand at, and the young warriors were all very motivated.

So Xi'er saw a piece of ice from the outer universe floating in the air, which was like an ice-blue crystal monster. When it raised its hand, the power of ice quickly condensed, forming an ice spike ball.

Then it turned into ice cones that filled the sky and killed those Qianyan Army.

As a result, he was wearing elemental armor and a golden helmet. He ignored the attack and rushed forward. He knocked the enemy away with one punch and used it as a target for testing.

Battle armor, amazing defensive power!

Even if this caused a riot among monsters in the depths, the Qianyan Army still looked down upon it.

A large number of world-breaking monsters began to appear.

As a result, one of the Qianyan Army suddenly took out an alchemy tool. It turned out to be a dragon tooth cannon, which could be loaded on the arm, and then fired out with a single cannon. The terrifying explosion instantly knocked away a large number of monsters.

Or a Qianyan Army stretched out his hand, and several small green flags flew out. can hear her drink softly

"Go, Cloud Mist Green Mountain Formation."

These formation flags were planted everywhere, forming a formation that immediately surrounded many enemies. It looked like it was filled with clouds and mist, and green mountains were constantly forming to launch attacks.

What a wind element formation.

And There are also others who use formation flags, such as a water-based formation flag that was thrown by another Qianyan Army and fell on the ground.

"Pure water reflecting the moon formation!"

In the formation, many water creatures began to emerge and launch attacks.

This method made Xi'er silent for a moment.

It looked a bit like a pure water elf.

But the water creatures created were all in the shape of Warcraft.

Got it.

Water can be transformed into various forms, right?

And these are formation flags that can be used by a single person.

The previous eight-door golden lock formation was a team formation, which was more powerful.

Nowadays, various new formations Naturally, there are more methods.

4.4 Xi'er can only marvel, there are so many alchemy equipment, but they don't use the flying sword, and they don't seem to take it seriously.Most of them are in close combat, trapping the enemy, and then testing the armor.

And there are also many who use elemental martial arts.

This surprised her.


Each one of these can release various moves.

Among them was a female Qianyan Army squad leader. She kept forming seals with her hands, and a large amount of energy quickly condensed. Then she suddenly clasped her hands together and slowly opened them.

A golden rock seal began to emerge.

Exuding amazing fluctuations

"Rock Immortal Earth Seal!"

With her shout, this seal directly hit the group of monsters in the world. In an instant, a large number of rocks rose into the sky, swallowing up all the monster groups over there.

Good guy.

Xi. I couldn't help but be envious of how Liyue had developed.

So many martial arts skills!

She was at a high place at this time, and Su Bai also appeared here and patted her on the shoulder.

"That is the elemental martial arts of the immortal family. How about it? Do you want to learn it? I can teach you a demon-level sealing technique."

"After all, there is no need to talk about the relationship between you and me, and with your rapid growth, ordinary martial arts is not suitable."

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