"Bronya, you still have a lot of time. Think about this later. Are you interested in visiting my place?"


After that, Bronya and Su Bai appeared in an oasis.

There were many tall buildings around, and there were also a large number of plants and trees, which were filled with many heavy fruits, which made Bu Ronya was stunned

"Is your civilization actually not far away from ours?"

"Why can I come to your world all of a sudden? This, what exactly is this?"

She just said in shock, you...On your side?

Logically speaking.

It should be a vehicle brought by people from outside the world, right?

The kind that can fly in the air.

After all, Beloberg's civilization has indeed declined severely, but you can see trains running in the upper area, and it's not too backward to be primitive or anything like that.

So she was definitely a little curious.

Mr. Su Bai's civilized riding method and the internal structure are very different from those of Bello Berg.

As a result, he suddenly came to a completely different world.

She was dumbfounded.

Surrounded by a rainforest oasis environment that feels like spring all year round, this is something you can't see at all in Belloberg. For her, it is novel, shocking and impactful.

That kind of fresh and comfortable air, there is also the fragrance of fruits and moist water vapor in the distance.

Bronya felt that she was gradually getting warmer.

My back is sweating.

The clothes I originally wore in the cold city are not suitable here now.

In particular, the boots he was wearing started to get hot even after just two steps.

But Su Bai handed her a strange little green cattail leaf fan, about the size of a palm.

Bronya took it.

An energy lingered around her, and the comfortable green wind controlled her temperature, making her cool here. she was very surprised

"This, this is"

"The wind alchemy tool [Wind Cattail Fan] can adjust your own temperature to adapt to the environment here. In your understanding, it is a human body temperature regulator, so you don’t have to be overheated."

"A small prop here, some people like to call it [cooling fan]】"

"You can put it in any bag on your body, as long as it is on you, it will work"

"Alchemy tools? Cool fan?"

Bronya doesn't quite understand, what is alchemy?

But this item is really magical. Is this the technology of Mr. Su Bai's company?

It's just that the name Liangqingfan made her want to laugh.

It's very interesting. What a sense of liveliness.

Then Su Bai responded to her original question

"In fact, this may also be a simulated ecological environment space inside the spacecraft, but this time, it is indeed my world."

"But it's far away from your place. Remember, I said, we are good at space movement here."

Bronya nodded.

Indeed, I mentioned it before.

But I didn't expect it to be such an amazing thing.

"Maybe you are curious as to why I suddenly invited you. In fact, we suddenly appeared in the lower area and supported them. But after the people in Panyan Town have improved their lives, your upper levels have really become cold."


It's a star core, and it's from Cocolia.

It's easy to have a strange idea.

That is, a civilization with evil intentions suddenly came here to provoke the upper and lower districts, and tried to deceive her as the next one. Successors, conflicts and contradictions with the incumbent, and trying to profit from them

"Not to mention that Cocolia is the mother who raised you. It will be hard for you to believe me. I understand the feelings between relatives very well."

"So I’m afraid you’ll ask the Great Guardian about this later, right?"


"Well, you should be wary. Since you will be the next great guardian, don't be stupid."

After all.

Beloberg had a great guardian in the past who was completely manipulated by others and caused a series of things.

It was a mess.

It was the eighth great guardian, the one known as [The Fool]. Son.

At that time, there was a minister of the interior who took advantage of the [Great Guardian Selection Process] and sent this mediocre and dull girl to the position of Great Guardian.

As a leader, it is best to be better at it. Thinking and strategy are the same wherever they are placed.

Just like the Luofu Immortal Boat.

If the general is a naive fool, the entire fairy boat will be destroyed.

It is impossible to say when the boat will be destroyed and everyone will die.

After all, in that place, all kinds of monsters and ghosts lurk there.

"So how about you put those things down first and take a tour with me. You will be able to understand our civilized side and relax. I hope that both parties can get along with each other in a friendly manner instead of being too suspicious."

"First, let me show you the whole picture here."

In an instant, the two of them came out of the top floor of a building here.

From here, they can see the distant scenery and the large rainforest city below them, and just when they looked up, Bronya let out a shocked sound. Voice

"So, what exactly is that?"

In her eyes, there were deserts and desolate areas in the distance, not all rainforests. The rainforest area was smaller.

But in the distance, there was a terrifying figure that was taller than the mountains, and it was standing there. He moved, raised his arms, causing the earth to roll over, and then continued to cultivate and change it.

Like an ancient giant, he exercised unparalleled divine power!

He could easily tear the earth apart, and do whatever he wanted. Transforming, the golden power roared to the earth, and then the green power continued to spread, giving this land a new vitality. It looked so spectacular and shocking!

Like a god, like a demon!

It made Bro Nia was so moved. Her body was trembling.

If a punch were to hit her, it would be okay. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the silver-maned iron guards couldn't bear it at all. Just hold on for a moment. A single blow of your hand is enough to destroy the entire army. It’s too scary.

Is this the technology possessed by Mr. Su Bai’s civilization?

It’s so scary.

Su Bai just stood next to her and whispered softly.

"In the past, we brought this world back. Because of its rich resource reserves, we planned to transform it into a new home suitable for living, so a grand transformation plan began."

"The ones you see are [Long Bo, the creator of the Colossus Rock] and Kuafu, the creator of the Colossus Rock. 0...."

Let’s put it bluntly.

It is an alchemical creation used to transform the planetary environment.

It can cultivate the land and change the wilderness, so that a series of environments such as rainforests and plains will continue to emerge.

They all have names from mythology.

Able to move mountains, shake seas, and shake heaven and earth!

Among them, Kuafu mainly uses the power of [Rock] and is responsible for the most troublesome terrain changes. Long Bo is responsible for [Grass].】,【Water] element creation is being transformed and cultivated after [Kuafu].

Division of labor and cooperation.

It can break the harshest land and environment back into dust, and then change the soil quality to become fertile land.

After all, it refers to the story of Long Bo fishing for a turtle.

Su Bai added the power of water element to it, making it more suitable for work.

So what can be seen with the naked eye is that the oasis was born there.

This is such a powerful force, and its efficiency is frightening.

A large number of plants are growing, and there are many [Thousand Tree Battleships] flying in the air behind them, sowing special seeds in some places. What to plant in each area, and how to plan it.

It's all already arranged.

It won't be long before towering buildings in the Liyue style will continue to rise here.

Forming another prosperous and fertile Liyue area.

There were airships everywhere, and Bronya was dumbfounded. It was such a developed place.

In the end, Su Bai just shook his head

"Of course, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s just an alchemical creation of this level. When civilization develops to a certain level, it can transform the planet and so on."

"So it's nothing spectacular."


Obviously, this is no different from the miracles created by the gods in mythology, okay?

You can see that those plants are growing rapidly.

This is too fierce.

Not only did you transform the earth, you also created so many oases.

If such a scene were seen by other civilizations, it would probably be passed down as a new myth and spread in their history 3.3, right?

And right under their feet, many aqua dragons suddenly flew out.

Create lots of dark clouds.

Then it started to rain, and various dragon shadows could be seen flying in the clouds and mist. They all had slender bodies and powerful dragon claws. They were actually causing heavy rain.

Bronya was stunned for a moment.

As a result, she looked at Su Bai, and Su Bai just glanced at her

"Today is a regular heavy rainstorm. Of course, we stand high and don’t have to worry about getting wet."

In the rock dragon lizard clan, after the fire dragon, the water dragon clan also appeared smoothly.

And it is not the fat dragon of the earth or the flying dragon with wings like the first two, but the brand new slender dragon and the grass dragon. That style is almost the same.

Su Bai is quite satisfied.

This is very suitable for Liyue.

As expected, it was fed with many dragon-shaped sea beasts and dangerous species. It produced a new evolution.

They have also become Liyue's new Members are responsible for the rain in some areas, and will carry out large-scale rainfall according to the planned time.

There is no need for it in Liyue Port.

Usually they are allowed to move like water dragons in this kind of world bubble.

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