And it's actually invisible.

Even if it is hovering at low altitude above the Silver Mane Iron Guard army, it will not be noticed.

She was shocked.

Is this a visitor from outer space?

There was no need to walk slowly on the ground at all, and there was no need to worry about all the severe cold, snow, various investigations, and dangers brought by monsters?

Could it be that this is how Su Bai came to their world?

At a casual glance, there are advanced environments everywhere.

Various decorations, sofas, seats, equipment, bookshelves, counters, drinks, alchemy refrigerators, all kinds of things are available, and there are a few pieces of glass not far away.

You can see the snow in the sky.

Not only is it very warm here, but there are also many plants and potted plants planted there.


For her, it was like flying in a big box.

Or is he flying in a mechanical house?

But it’s too advanced.

There is a comprehensive display of the entire spaceship on the screen on the other side. It looks like a ship, very beautiful and exquisite, but who would have thought that the space inside is so large?

"It was as if I was flying away with my family. Along the way, there were complete food, drinks, and various equipment, as well as places to rest. Wow, Mr. Su Bai, you feel so comfortable like this, right?"

"So spacious."

Think about it, flying to distant plains, visiting mountains, or flying to glacial lakes.

There are also many rarely visited areas and restricted areas.

Witnessing scenery that you can't usually see.


Xi'er actually It's normal. There are a lot of flying ships in Liyue. I've seen them before when I went there. They are flying all over the sky.

There are also various models and sizes.

Su Bai also brought some tea and food and put them on the table.

"In the universe, there are basically all kinds of spaceships. If you are interested, Shiluva, I can take you to see them in the future."

"There are also different shapes in terms of appearance. Some are like a long train, some are like a very large ship, and there are many other styles, depending on the concept of civilization itself."


Hearing a strange name, Sylva was surprised.

Is it the kind of train she was thinking of?

The same thing as Beloberg? And then it flies in the sky? And travels through the universe? It

's weird.

That's it. , what is power, what is energy?

Xi'er spread her hands.

Don't ask, ask about the power of the Star God.

Obviously this refers to the pioneering train.

Su Bai also smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it is a train that shuttles through the galaxy. It can travel to many worlds through star rails. I also plan to build one by then. Anyway, star rails are everywhere and the roads have been paved long ago."

"The star track is actually easy to understand for you, just like the track under the Beloberg train."

Let Jizi drive it when the time comes.

She has been traveling in various worlds recently, and she has accumulated a lot of train experience. As for whether she can learn from the developed trains or build Liyue's own trains.

It doesn't matter.


Is this also possible?

But her eyes also lit up

"Su Bai, when the train comes out in the future, I will also take it. Then I will go to other worlds to visit. Sister Xiluwa can also come. Let's go together."

"me? Xiluwa was startled and pointed her finger at herself.

But it sounded like it was indeed a very good idea.

Su Bai agreed readily.

"You can all come, and then you will be able to see many wonders and spaceships. In some places, huge space stations have been built in the universe. The space inside is very large, and countless scientific researchers are in it."

"Or the Fairy Boat Alliance?"

"Space station, Fairy Boat Alliance?"

Sylva felt that there were too many things she didn't know, which made her embarrassed to ask more questions.

But Su Bai explained without caring.

"You will know the space station when you see it later. As for the Fairy Boat Alliance, it is an alliance civilization that is very similar to my civilization, so I am also very interested in it, and I will naturally go shopping in the future."

"As for their fairy boats, they are actually huge ships, which are called [Sky Boats] by other civilizations.】"

"Of course, they all look different, and some even look like a golden zebra."

"Ze Zhi?"

Xiluwa was confused again, ugh, he was obviously a genius researcher in the past, why is he so blind now?

It's so embarrassing.

Xi'er hurriedly said something

"Ahem, this is the civilized way of calling him. In fact, it can be called Shui Zhi or Hibiscus. Of course, the most straightforward one is Lotus."

The ice and snow environment here in Belloberg is really easy to see.

In the end, Su Bai turned out a lotus flower in his hand, which made Shivalu look at it curiously. It was such a beautiful flower.

In fact ,

【Zhu Ming] The fairy boat looks like a golden lotus.

It is completely different from Luofu Immortal Boat.

This is very clever, because Su Bai also has a blueprint for creating a fairy boat with a lotus posture in his future designs.

It's easy for two civilizations to be similar.

And then next.

Su Bai was discussing some mechanical issues with Xiluwa.

This was naturally done deliberately by Su Bai. Shivalu had not had much contact with the Milky Way.

If you talk too much, people will be confused. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the contrary, mentioning these things that she is good at makes it easier for her to show confidence and familiarity.

Thus taking the initiative to talk endlessly.

And under Xiluwa's gaze, Su Bai also used some machinery and assembled it neatly into a mechanical chicken. It was able to run freely here, which amazed her.

"Mr. Su Bai, you are really amazing"

"In terms of mechanical technology, just a few words can give me a lot of inspiration, and I can often talk about aspects that I am not aware of, which makes me gain a lot."

"And if you add automatic robot design, you will be able to easily update and replace it."

Being in the same field, the two of them naturally have more topics to talk about.


Xiluwa's surprise and joy never stopped, with an expression of sudden realization.

She had an inexplicable idea.

If she were in the machine room, there would be Su. If Mr. Bai was here, she wouldn't have to be in such an empty-nest Sylva state.

Instead, she would have a lot of fun, very interesting and lively.

But she laughed again.

It was obviously the first time they met, what was she thinking.

But it was really nice to meet such a friend.

Soon, the spaceship flew all the way and reached the depths of the snowfield. The pollution in the crack here was getting more and more serious, which essentially meant that it was getting closer to the star. After all, the star core gave birth to a cracked world.

If you look at where the cracked world is the most serious, you can guess where this thing is.

Even if there are too many cracked worlds, they will overlap to form a terrain like a cracked world maze, so Shiluwa She was also looking forward to it. She also wanted to see what the star core looked like.

After studying it for so many years, it would be a pity if she had never seen the original body.

But at this moment, Xi'er suddenly spoke out

"Sister Xiluwa, do you really not care about Cocolia as much as you appear on the surface? You two were good sisters who talked about everything in the past, so you must not be so calm in your heart."

It's rare for Shiva to be silent.

She sighed.

"That is a thing of the past. Unfortunately, since she ascended to the position of Great Guardian, her whole person has changed. I even suspect that she is no longer her."

"Or, was it some other creature that took on her appearance?"

After all.

The Cocolia after that changed a lot from the one she knew.

She believed that it was a stranger who looked like Cocolia.

Su Bai took a sip of tea.

"Speaking of turning into a human form, there is a creature in the universe called an alien mandrill that can turn into the appearance of someone else. It is not just a person, it can also change over and over again."

"Playing tricks on others, causing a series of troubles and so on."

Hearing what he said, Xiluwa's eyes suddenly widened.

"Mr. Subai, do you mean that the same is true in Cocolia?"

"No. That is a very rare creature, you don’t have it here. The Cocolia should still be herself, but she has most likely become Star Core’s puppet, executing Star Core’s will."

"It may be a bit bad for me to say this, but Siluva, you'd better be mentally prepared."

Sylva still has knots in her heart. She cares about the past.

But as for Cocolia, her situation has long been very straightforward.

She is celibate and ruthless.

She is protecting the world in the way she wants..

This is the Cocolia information loaded in the previous life. Judging from a series of information, her way is, I am for your own good, so please go to hell and send the lower level to the Silver Mane Iron Guard.

More than ten years of Time, how many soldiers' lives has she killed?

Just for the new world she agreed with Xinghe.

Her pattern is very

What she cares about is the new world, and she no longer takes the past friendship into consideration. For her, it is only an insignificant part, compared with her protection.

Not enough.

So Shiluva was quite miserable. She was expelled from the Silver-Maned Iron Guard and no longer engaged in a series of researches of her own. She could only repair machinery and play music.

There is a feeling of giving up on oneself.

In the fourth part of her story, Sylva said that it would be better to just have fun in time like this.

But the next sentence is the same.

Take a hammer, the end is clearly visible.

There is a feeling that it is done.

Her friends were gone, her job was gone, and her life had changed drastically. She didn't hate anyone, which was already a good attitude.

As for the bottom.

Cocolia was walking with Bronya.

For Cocolia, who taught and raised her, Bronya always calls her mother, and she is the great guardian in public.

The relationship between the two of them is very respectable..

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