After that, the two of them chatted quietly, and Xier gradually changed from a blushing and shy state to laughing lightly, and gradually began to adapt.

They talked about a lot of topics that only the two of them could respond to quickly.

After all, he is actually himself in another world.

We can chat very well, and we have a good rapport.

Various unpopular works and series have long been reduced to many products of the tears of the times, and there is no problem.

Most of them have been seen by both parties.

Very cooperative.

After all, the taste is the same.

Perfect fit.

Ling Xi'er also looked at his face from time to time, and Su Bai's appearance was reflected in her beautiful eyes. So this kind of conversation is so great? It feels like there is endless fun, no matter what they talk about.

Everybody can catch it.

It seems that before, when I returned to Belloberg and often handled official duties, I never got to be so close to Su Bai, chatting and laughing carefree.

Su Bai also often runs around.

As a result, sometimes I can't see him.

But it feels so good now, and what else did Su Bai say? Before, Esdeath took the initiative to care and love him, but now it is the turn of the baton to be passed here, and he will take care of himself.

Let Xi'er feel funny and ashamed.

I never expected that in my past life and this life, a girl like me who had never been interested in men would be the one who was so sensitive to me now, as a man from another world. What kind of unfolding was this?

I never dreamed of this happening.

How perverted.

But even though she said that, she quietly held Su Bai's hand with her hand, and then blushed and leaned closer to Su Bai.

It seems that I can understand the happiness of those sisters. so.

Sorry, add me if you are a pervert.

In this conscious space, Xi'er first glanced at Su Bai. With those beautiful eyes shy, she hesitated for a while, and then took the initiative to put her mouth forward.

The two people's hands also intertwined with each other.

A large number of flowers began to appear on the ground. outside world.

After a moment, Su Bai regained consciousness.

Then he looked at Xi'er in front of him with a smile, because in fact, at this moment, she got a response from the sea, and the power of the quantum sea appeared, centered on this lonely white tower.

A large amount of water splashed into the sky, turning into water columns that continuously circled and surrounded here. and continues to rise.

The scene was once spectacular.

In the water, a tall tower stands.

Such a magnificent and magnificent miraculous sight was also seen by many people living in the city. They all wiped their eyes and were shocked.

"What happened over there in the tower?"

"This is a miracle!"

"A scene I have never seen before. Oh my God, this must have been caused by the Sage. He is an omnipotent god."

"By the way, will the water wash down, then we will be doomed?"

"It's impossible. You have to believe the sage. Didn't you find that those divine messengers didn't react at all?"

So, the people here prayed again.

In their eyes, those water pillars continued to spread, showing a beautiful trajectory, sacred and gorgeous, and gradually surrounded the tower, turning into a Huge water cover.

Some people were worried, but they could only wait.

After all, nothing could be done.

At this time, in the Sage Tower, the outside turned into the ocean.

Only Su Bai and Xi'er stood there Here.

And Xi'er's clothes have also changed. From the original Belloberg style, the silvery and dreamy Herrscher outfit gradually emerged. There is an extra light blue flower on one side of her head. The flowers, accompanied by many petals, form a beautiful ornament.

She is wearing a silver-white dress.

There are also many flowers on it. This is a floral dress full of girly and wonderful style.

Lingxi The child showed tenderness and waves that were very different from before.

And she opened her eyes, with a butterfly dancing on her fingers. At this moment, it rained in both worlds, but that was nothing. It's not a bad thing, but the benefit brought by Xi'er becoming a Herrscher

【The Rain of Creation! 】

Life began to be born on countless grounds, and a large number of green grass and flowers continued to spread.

The spread is boundless.

This world that has been winter for a long time has finally ushered in spring. seem.

This is a perfect match for her from Belloberg. it's the same.

Even in the other world, the Kingdom of Sand and Iron, the will-o'-the-wisps were bathed in the rain. Not only were they not extinguished, but they began to appear in human form, which now really looked like souls.

This is the manifestation of the power of [creation].

But no matter what, those souls are still just shadows in this world of ice and snow.

Xi'er feels all this. Now, compared to the previous passive laws of death, she has gained a truly complete and powerful power, and has successfully transformed into the [Herrscher of Death and Life].

And according to what she said before, she nodded towards the person she liked.

Reunification and induction began.

Integrate all the powers together and become the original power.

In this way, there will be no conflicts and perfect control.

After a while, she completed this step smoothly and walked towards Su Bai. Then with a gentle and mature attitude, she stepped forward and hugged Su Bai. and whispered

"Thank you, you helped me a lot this time. With your company, my mind has changed a lot, becoming more calm and open-minded."

"And ushered in the person I am today."

But not long after, her face became hotter, because Su Bai was also hugging her, and her fair back was touched.

And Su Bai was still looking at Xi'er now.

Those slender white thighs , exceptionally straight and very sexy

"Your Herrscher costume is a bit too tempting."

Xie'er suppressed her shame and unnaturalness. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Actually, there are more Herrscher costumes, but I didn’t change them out, because the way they are now, they are only for you to see."

"Ah, what are you doing!"

She screamed in shame because Su Bai took action.

A series of touches came from her legs.

And Su Bai chuckled in her ear.

"I think you are too novice to tease a man like this? Now you know the consequences, right?"

"Also, we kissed before in our consciousness, and your physical first kiss is still there, so keep going. Unexpectedly, after Xi'er regained consciousness, she had a cute personality and a sexy figure. They were perfect together."

Only now did Xier realize how they were so close all of a sudden.

0 Ask for flowers. Things were developing so fast.

Her face was red and she wanted to run away, but the next moment she was speechless and could only whine..

I should have known better not to seduce him!

What on earth was I thinking?

Her beautiful eyes were full of shyness and annoyance, so she had to close her eyes.

From the beginning to the end,

Xier did not resist, but was very obedient.

After all, she had already treated herself She was placed in the position of Su Bai's girlfriend.

After that,

Xi'er wore a lot more Herrscher costumes, covering some areas of her white legs and a large area of ​​her white back. Just like she said, it was intentional before..

I want to show Su Bai a better side.

It’s just a pure girl who suffers from such an old driver. She doesn’t talk about martial arts and messes around.

It makes her very ashamed and angry.

But when a certain guy enters the world, Finally, she felt it too and murmured to herself



In the high tower, a female figure appeared out of thin air and came here.

And looked at Xi'er and Su Bai.

But at this time, Vita frowned

"As expected, he is an outsider, and this energy is very strong. It seems that I don’t even care.."

"You have to be erased."

Obviously what she meant at the beginning was that she wanted to say that she was no match.

But the next moment, she gained confidence again.

Xi'er knew the reason very well.


The evil god Suo gave me the strength to come here.

And Vita also took a look. Su Bai didn't see anything, he was just an ordinary man.

She just noticed Xi'er's power.

And the change that happened here just now, Suo's power was activated, and she couldn't feel it at all at this time. It was obvious that these two people had done something to be able to do such a thing, which made Suo judge.

The other party was a threat.

He was able to target her power and rules, and he couldn't let it grow.

Otherwise, sooner or later, it would be a big trouble.

So she ordered Vita in front of her to kill them.

Vita also sighed at this time, but it always felt like she was smiling

"Oops, sorry, if possible, I hope we are friends and don't need to fight"

"But, yes."

After the words fell, a flying creature appeared next to Vita as her weapon.

And the space here also changed.

In an instant.

Xi'er came to another area, which was full of clouds and buildings. It looked gloomy and gloomy, like a different space. In the distance, it looked like a starry sky with dots of stars.

And without giving much time to watch, a large amount of light shot down from the sky all at once!

Those are some purple energy eyes that suddenly formed.

Facing such an attack, Xi'er, as the Herrscher of Death and Life, suddenly appeared in her hand with the sickle Su Bai made for her, and the Herrscher's ability also lingered on it, making its power even more powerful.

And when she moved, she turned into a phantom.

Extremely fast!

He passed through a lot of areas at once and headed towards where Vita was!

After all, she is good at speed and long attacks.

This was the case when I used the power of patrolling the destiny before.

Now it has been strengthened.

Thereby easily dodging those light attacks..

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