As more and more people spoke up, more and more people chose to stay voluntarily.

Zhang Liang could no longer tell how many people were willing to stay!

Zhang Liang looked at the people below, who were getting more and more excited, with complicated eyes, but he still stretched out his hand to interrupt everyone.

"Stop, stop!

There are too many people!

Those who are willing to stay, please go to the left!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone moved.

A young man walked to the left with firm steps.

The man had a knife wound on his arm that had been bandaged, and his legs had no scars. If he followed the troops, he could actually walk on.

He was a soldier of the rebel army, and he was also one of the first people to follow Zhang Jue to liberate more people.

The remaining soldiers of the resistance army also moved on them, and without exception, they were all injured!

No one complained, and everyone's face was full of determination!

Zhang Liang stood there in a daze, watching the group of soldiers behind him, walking to the left with firm steps. After a long while, he said something deeply.

"You are all great!"

As the soldiers moved, the people in the crowd also moved.

A little boy of a few years old looked at his grandfather curiously and asked in a very innocent voice

"Grandpa, why are you crying!"

A white-haired old man, with a kind smile on his face, slowly squatted down, slowly held the child in his arms, and said softly

"Child! I, your grandpa, am going to a very far place..."

"How far is it!"

"Very far...

Maybe as far as a lifetime..."

"A lifetime? How far is that!"

The child asked his grandfather very innocently. For such a big child, they could not understand what a lifetime really meant.

The old man picked up the child with a smile and brought him close to him, and gently kissed the child on the forehead.

"You'll know when you grow up..."

The boy was still curious, looking at his grandfather, and asked nervously

"Can we meet again?"

The old man laughed twice, gently stroked the child's forehead, and said softly

"Silly! Although grandpa has left, he will always be by your side."


"Of course, when has grandpa ever lied to you!"


The boy nodded gently, and the old man slowly took off the longevity lock that he had been wearing around his neck!

The old man slowly hung the longevity lock on the boy's neck, looking at the boy kindly.

"In the future, you will carry this, and grandpa will always be by your side!"

"What is this?"

The boy looked at the longevity lock in front of him curiously, picked it up and played with it for a while.


After hearing the boy's question, the old man's eyes fell into memories, and he said with emotion

"This is the immortal lock passed down to me by your grandfather's father.

It has protected my grandfather until today.

Now I leave it to you, I hope this immortal lock can protect you like it protected me!


When you are alone in the future, please remember that your grandfather will be by your side!"

After the old man finished speaking, he hugged the boy again. After hugging for a while, he slowly stood up with reluctance and waved to the child


The child also waved to the old man, and several rebels on the side.

Waiting for the old man to say goodbye to the child, he took the child to the place where the children gathered.

After all, this may be their last goodbye, and letting them chat for a while can also be regarded as fulfilling their wishes.

Such a scene happened everywhere in the crowd, whether it was a child who parted with his parents or an old man who parted with his children.

The crowd was filled with a sad atmosphere, and the reluctance and separation filled everyone's heart.

After the elderly hugged their children and grandchildren, they walked to the left with a smile on their faces.

Looking at the moving crowd, Zhang Liang's eyes became wet without knowing when, and tears were flowing uncontrollably.

The originally gathered crowd quickly split into three groups. The ones on the far right were all children, the ones on the far left were some elderly and young people, and there were many women who were voluntary to stay, and this part of the people accounted for as much as 40%.

This means that 10

00,000 people, 400,000 people voluntarily stayed.

And the remaining people in the middle, only 600,000 people were left.

Most of them were young and middle-aged people, and these people were also full of sadness. Some of them had just separated from their wives, parents and even children.

There were many more women in the crowd on the far right, and they were all mothers of children.

This was also a temporary decision made by Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang couldn't let those children become orphans, and couldn't let them have no relatives in the world.

With their mothers accompanying them, maybe there will be some comfort in the future.

Then, under the guidance of Zhang Liang, the underage children of the rebels among the remaining people in the middle.

All rushed to the children's square to help them go back together, and also gave them a hope of survival.

There were also many soldiers' wives, who brought their children into the children's square.

In the end, only 500,000 people were left in the middle!

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