The old man was born in a strange way.

There is a kind of people standing on the top of the mountain, looking down at the vast crowd.

In Liyue, they are called immortals!

They stand on the top of the mountain, guarding the people below.

They shield the people from disasters and eliminate disasters.

All peace is the result of someone carrying the burden forward.

The immortals of Liyue are a long way from the people of Liyue.

And every time there is a festival, there will always be immortals who turn into ordinary people to watch the fireworks of the world.

Among all festivals, the Lantern Festival is the most popular among the immortals.

Because the Lantern Festival is rich and colorful enough to satisfy the hobbies of most immortals.

That's why!

During the Lantern Festival, people's enthusiasm is higher than ever before.

Because no one knows whether they will have the chance to see the immortals.

But this year's Lantern Festival can no longer be seen, and the breath of those immortals can no longer be felt.

Ningguang stood at the top of the Qunyu Pavilion, lying on the fence, looking at the lively people below.

In this festive holiday, everyone's face was filled with happy smiles.

The wind gently blew Ningguang's hair and blew up the corners of Ningguang's clothes.

Ningguang's face was also a little sad, and she looked into the distance.

There was the direction of Xumi, and there was also the direction where the immortals of Liyue were now.

"I wonder if those immortals are doing well during the Lantern Festival."

Ningguang looked into the distance, whispered to herself, slowly picked up a flute from her waist, and slowly blew it.

Beautiful music sounded in this quiet Qunyu Pavilion.

During the Lantern Festival, everyone in the Qunyu Pavilion took a holiday to celebrate their own festival.

For Ningguang, her holiday is to watch the happy people below in the Qunyu Pavilion, feel the lively atmosphere in the breeze.

As the current ruler of Liyue, Ningguang dare not relax at all.

The development of Liyue and the fate of the people, all these pressures are on Ningguang, so she dare not relax at all!


While the rebels were resting, Ganyu took a pen and a notebook to record the recent situation and summarized it.

On a tree not far away, Xiao was lying on the tree trunk, holding his head with his hands on the tree and looking into the distance.

And the direction he was looking at was the direction of Liyue.

After Ganyu finished recording, he put away the notebook.

After explaining to the people next to him, he slowly came to Xiao's side.

Ganyu stood on the ground, looking at Xiao lying on the tree trunk looking into the distance, and asked softly

"Do you miss home?

If you want to go back to Liyue, it's okay to rest for a few days.

I'm here, it won't be a problem!"

Ganyu's voice was very gentle, and Ganyu could see that Xiao was a little homesick.

"Well, that's not necessary..."

Xiao, lying on the tree, slowly turned his head to look at Ganyu, picked up the spear in his hand again, and sighed softly.

"It's just that today...

It's the Lantern Festival!

I'm fine, even if it's the Lantern Festival, I still stay away from the crowd.

On the contrary, you like to go out and play during the Lantern Festival the most.

Now you stay here, I'm afraid you will miss home."

Listening to Xiao's words, Ganyu slowly reached out and smoothed the hair on her forehead behind her ears.

Ganyu looked into the distance, which was the direction of Liyue, with a bit of nostalgia in her eyes.


It has been a while since I came out, and I do miss Liyue."

"Why didn't you go back before?

You should know that I am here, and nothing will go wrong."

Xiao looked at Ganyu with some doubts. Among all the immortals, Ganyu is one of them who is close to the people.

"Because I still have work to do.

There are also many people here, and there are also people who need help.

The task assigned to us by the Emperor has not been completed, and the matter of Xumi has not been concluded, so how can we rest?

Even if we can't celebrate the Lantern Festival in Liyue, it is okay to celebrate our own Lantern Festival here."

Ganyu took out a cloth bag from her pocket, which contained a few pieces of osmanthus cakes.

Ganyu handed the osmanthus cake to Xiao and asked softly

"Want to eat?

I made it...

There is no Liyue osmanthus cake here, so make it yourself.

As long as you want to make it, you can always make it happen!"

Xiao lowered his head in the tree, looking at the hands below with complicated eyes

Holding the osmanthus cake, he raised the smiling coconut horn girl high.

After a moment of silence, Xiao slowly reached out and took out a piece of osmanthus cake, put it in his mouth and ate it.

"Not bad! It's delicious."

"Of course, it took me a long time to make it."

Ganyu's face was also gentle, as if it was obvious that the osmanthus cake she made could be recognized by Xiao, which was also a happy thing.

Ganyu also had a smile on her face, slowly reached out and took out a piece of osmanthus cake and ate it, leaning against the tree and looking into the distance with Xiao.

The fine breeze quietly blew the figures of the two people, blowing the corners of their clothes repeatedly.

Both of them looked into the distance...

Today is a special day, the beginning of the Lantern Festival.

And that is the direction of Liyue, where people sing and dance.

Several immortals in other places all looked towards the direction of Liyue at the same time at this moment.

The immortals quietly looked in the direction of Liyue, the place they guarded.

In their hearts, they offered their blessings to Liyue at this moment...


(Preview of the next issue

Chapter 148 The proposal of fishing, the grass god who was cured of seasickness by Zhongli

Chapter 149 The reason why the grass god was seasick, the Coral Palace Heart Sea who was laughing and crying at the bottom of the water

Chapter 150 The Coral Palace Heart Sea who complained, the little grass god Jixiang who couldn't catch any fish

Chapter 151 The little grass god who caught a lot of fish, the Coral Palace Heart Sea who accidentally bit the hook

The plot of the Lantern Festival officially opened here!

The author is still very satisfied with the structure of the overall plot.

I also hope to bring you a better experience of the Lantern Festival.

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