The young master actually didn't know what the little grass god Nashida would like to hear.

Judging from the previous situation, the little grass god Nashida is likely to be able to hear the inner voice of a person.

In other words, what the young master was thinking just now was basically known by the little grass god Nashida.

In front of a god who can read minds, it is simply impossible to do intelligence work!

However, the desire to survive still forced the young master to shout in his heart.

Lord Grass God is extremely intelligent and unparalleled in wisdom. He is the smartest person in Teyvat.


The young master doesn't know what the grass god's hobbies are, but since the grass god is the god of knowledge and wisdom.

Then from the perspective of wisdom, it will definitely not be wrong to praise him!

Tianyun: Emm...

The grass god Nashida can feel what the young master is thinking, and Tianyun can naturally feel it too.

Although the young master is right to think so, Tianyun always has an urge to laugh, feeling that the young master is scolding him.

When the opera ended, everyone began to slowly disperse.

The moonlight hung high in the sky, casting a thin light, and a fine breeze blew the clothes of the grass god.

The wind blew gently across the face of the grass god Nashida, blowing the corners of her clothes repeatedly.

The grass god Nashida lay alone on the fence, looking up at the round moon in the sky, with a bit of sadness on her face.

Wendy, holding a wine jug, looked a little tipsy. She slowly walked towards the grass god Nashida and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?

Are you not happy today?"

After hearing what Wendy said, the grass god Nashida turned her head and smiled at Wendy and said softly


I had a lot of fun today. I ate a lot of delicious food and played a lot of fun things. It was a very happy day for me."

Wendy slowly came with the wine to the grass god Nashida's side. They lay on the fence together, looked up at the moon in the sky, and took a sip of the wine gently.

"Why can't I see happiness on your face now?"

The grass god Nashida was silent for a while, then looked up at the moon in the sky.

The grass god Nashida slowly raised her little hand, and the moonlight shone into the grass god Nashida's eyes through the gaps between her fingers.

"The moon has been gone for a long time, and the people of Xumi are still in dire straits.

As a god, I can only stay here and cannot share the pressure for them."

At this point, the expression on the face of the grass god Nashida also calmed down, and said with a bit of self-blame and grievance on her face

"Maybe I am not a qualified god..."

After hearing this, Wendy laughed softly and sighed softly

"So what do you think a qualified god looks like?"

After thinking for a while, the grass god Nashida said softly

"It can make people live happily and protect people from disasters!"

Wendy laughed loudly when he heard this, raised the wine pot in his hand and drank it hard, with an intoxicated look on his face


If you follow this standard, you have already done it!

Gods cannot bring happiness to people. They have to create their own happiness.

You also have many believers. Since you believe in them, then give Xumi to them!

Let yourself live a little easier. As a god, there are things that gods have to do!"

After hearing Andy's words, the grass god Nashida was stunned for a moment, and then turned her head to stare at Wendy's eyes again.

Those eyes were clear and bright, without the slightest color.

The grass god Nashida looked at Wendy's eyes and fell into silence.

The wind blew gently, and the night insects chirped all around. Everything was so natural and harmonious.

The grass god Nashida suddenly laughed, and the corners of her mouth were smiling again.

"That's right!

Since everything has been handed over to them, we must trust them!

And as a god, I must also do what a god should do!"

Several figures appeared in the mind of the Little Grass God, including Zhou Shu, Xinghuo, Zhang Jiao, and many other people.

With them in Xumi, I believe that any difficulties can be solved.

And as a god, I need to solve the problems that mortals cannot solve.

The corruption problem of the world tree...

Only when the problem of the world tree is solved can people truly live and work in peace and enjoy peace.

Just the Little Grass God

Nashida looked into Wendy's eyes, and was touched. After hesitating for a while, she asked softly


What about you?"


When Wendy heard the sudden question from the Grass God Nashida, she was stunned for a moment, and was a little confused about what the Grass God Nashida meant.

The Grass God Nashida looked calmly into Wendy's eyes

"As the God of Wind, you have been traveling around.

As a god, don't you think this is strange?

Except for me, the gods of other countries rarely go out.

I don't know why you like to drink...

But I know that wine can make people intoxicated...

They all say that drinking can make people forget their troubles...

So what about you?

Why do you drink?

What are you looking for?"

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