After the two left, Tianyun looked at the direction they left, and then looked at the direction of the elders and whispered softly, "Let me see... What tricks do you want to play!" At noon on the second day, many people gathered in the square outside the main hall of the Xumi Elders, watching the current situation of the meeting projected on the square. The people pointed and pointed at the screen, waiting. It is necessary to do this. Meetings that are broadcast live throughout the process are often very important meetings that will affect the decision-making of the entire Xumi. At this time, the parliament passed the issue of depriving the grass god Nashida of the heart of God. The whole meeting process was extremely smooth, and even the grass god Nashida did not have any objections. Everything was under the control of the great elder. "Because of the birthday of the flower god of the grass god, many people died of exhaustion.

Even indifference and neglect indirectly caused the death of 342 people.

And during the war with the demon god, the affected area caused serious damage and losses.

Even gods are guilty of the same crime as ordinary people.


The elder explained for a long time, and said after forging the crime to the little grass god Nashida

"In view of the above crimes, the meeting of the Supreme Elders should have sentenced you to death.

But considering your contribution to Xumi and expelling the demon god.

The parliament will deprive you of your highest administrative power, highest law enforcement power, and Xumi's highest leader as a god!

And hand over The Heart of God is kept by the meeting and retains the title of God!

And as the only God in the Xumi Supreme Leadership Meeting!

If there is any war, demon invasion, or god invasion.

You must unconditionally protect Xumi and ensure that Xumi is not invaded by foreign enemies.

Now, you can leave with your identity as a God!

Xumi will never forget your contribution to our fight against demons and protection of Xumi.

For the crimes you committed before, being able to give you this treatment is already a mercy outside the law.

After all...

No matter who breaks the law, they must be equal. This is also why you stayed, isn't it? "

The Great Elder has another title in Xumi.

Great Sage!

After listening to the Great Elder's story, the Little Grass God Nashida was stunned and her eyes were dull.


It's like this...

So many people died because of me...


The Great Elder saw the Little Grass God Nashida's self-blame, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, everything is under his control. If you don't agree to become my puppet now, Tianyun will immediately take over the control of the body after sensing that the grass god Nashida was in a bad mood. Before, because he was afraid that the elders would find out, it was always the grass god Nashida who was in control of the body. "Wake up! Don't be affected by his words!" "But..." "It's okay! Leave it to me next! Maybe I will do something that will surprise you and be extraordinary, but! Are you willing to believe me?" "Well! My wisdom is in your hands!" After Tianyun took control of the body, he looked at the people in front of him, all of whom were unfamiliar faces. The elders of the past no longer exist. Power and desire can really change many things. Now Tianyun is standing at a crossroads to decide the future fate of Xumi. Is the elder always really stupid? Doesn't he know what the consequences will be if he provokes the gods? When Tianyun heard the request to hand over the Heart of God, he already understood that there must be the shadow of the Fatui behind this.

And the words just now were definitely not something that an ordinary elder could say.

And the Fatui's executive officer in charge of Xumi seemed to be the doctor in Tianyun's memory!

The wisest person in the entire Winter Kingdom.

If Tianyun killed all the meeting members present because of anger.

Then the whole country would fall into darkness and turmoil, and the whole country would be paralyzed.

And that would be the best opportunity for the Winter Kingdom to invade Xumi!

And if Tianyun agreed to the request for legal trial, then it would undoubtedly be that the Winter Kingdom's mission in Xumi was directly completed...

Get the Heart of the Grass God!

Even have a free god as a thug, it's really a good calculation!

No matter which one, the Winter Kingdom will not suffer!

The elder saw that the little grass god Nashida didn't speak for a long time and said

"Lord Grass God!

Is your silence a sign of dissatisfaction with the verdict?

This is a courtroom!

Not a place for you to be petty!"

The elder was thinking in his heart, and he had to say that as a god.

You are a qualified god, even a god who is too kind!

But as the leader of the country, you have lost your wisdom and have no strategy or mind at all.

You are so naive that people want to laugh, and you just stand there.

You have blocked the interests of many people!

In the past few hundred years, we have used generation after generation.

We have exiled you from the level of reputation and national influence in the entire Xumi.

Let you, the god who protected the country and fought against the demons in the past, become a stubborn old man!

An obstacle to the development of the new era!

A stumbling block for the people of Xumi to live a better life!

And this trial will be your physical exile.

Completely extinguish your majesty as a god in the hearts of the people, and from now on, you will become a harmless statue.

If you dare to raise objections, then everything that happens here will spread to the entire Xumi.

It is more confirmed that you are an obstacle to the development of the times.

It also reached the exile of your majesty as a god among the people of Xumi!

The elder was still thinking about what the little grass god might say next.

And the corresponding response strategy.

The little grass god, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke

"I object!"

The elder couldn't help but smile. It was indeed a stupid god who had lost his wisdom. It was too easy to guess and control!

But the little grass god Nashida's next words surprised the elder!

"I give up the title of god! The trial result is changed from not guilty to exile!"

As soon as the little grass god Nashida finished speaking, everyone at the scene was in an uproar.

Even the landlords who were paying attention to this meeting in the square outside began to discuss it.

The elder slammed the table with an ugly face and looked at the little grass god Nashida in disbelief.

"What did you say!"

Tianyun, who took over the body of the grass god Nashida, slowly stood up from his seat and looked directly at the elder who was disrespectful to the god.

"I am tired of being a god...

I give up the title of god and change the sentence of innocence to exile!"

The elder felt a burning anger in his heart. You didn't follow the path I arranged for you. You dared to resist!

You are just a stupid god without wisdom, but you don't accept control obediently!

It's simply unforgivable!

The elder loudly questioned the grass god

"What do you want to do!

Where do you think this is!

This is the parliament!

It's not a place for you to be petty!

Are you using your petty temper to express your dissatisfaction with the most decisive person!"

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