After a long time, the two of them were in a mess.

The next day...

When Wendy slowly woke up, she found herself lying in the room.


Wendy rubbed her head hard, and this time she didn't feel a headache when she woke up.

What happened! I didn't have a headache after drinking so much!

But why is there always a faint bitter taste in my mouth?

Wendy shook her head in a strange way, but she always felt like she had forgotten something.

At this moment, the door outside suddenly opened, and a figure slowly walked in.

The person who came was Beidou.

Beidou walked to Wendy in a heroic manner, holding two bottles of wine in his hands and smiling.

"Hey! You're still alive?

Would you like to have a drink to celebrate?"


There's wine!"

When Wendy saw the two bottles of wine, her eyes lit up instantly and she took a bottle of wine from Beidou.

Although it was a bit strange why Beidou said that, she didn't care too much.

After the two clinked glasses, they drank directly, but Wendy frowned after taking a sip.

"Why is your wine a little bit wrong?

Why is it bitter?"

Beidou was stunned after hearing Wendy's words.

Beidou looked at the wine in his hand and took another sip. His brows furrowed and he said softly, "No! This wine doesn't taste bitter?" Beidou took another cup and poured his own wine into a cup and handed it to Wendy. "Would you like to try mine?" Wendy frowned slightly and took another sip. Although it still had the taste and feeling of wine, it always had a faint bitter taste. "It still tastes bitter." After hearing Wendy's words, Beidou took another sip of wine and there was no other strange smell. When Beidou's eyes turned to Wendy again, he suddenly remembered the moment when Anna fed Wendy medicine. The bitter taste of that bowl of medicine was directly drunk by the guy in front of him, and he was not dead yet! Beidou originally came in to collect Wendy's body, and brought two pots of wine to pay tribute to him. Unexpectedly, Wendy actually survived and lived well.

In addition to the current situation, Beidou had a guess that it was probably the sequelae of Wendy drinking Anna's bowl of medicine.

After all, the bitter taste was unacceptable to Beidou after just smelling it, let alone Wendy who drank it.

Beidou looked at Wendy with a complicated and strange look.

"Do you... know something?"

Beidou's strangeness naturally did not hide from Wendy's eyes, Beidou seemed to know something.


Is this bitter taste serious?"

Beidou hesitated for a while, but still did not give a direct answer, but asked tentatively.

Wendy rubbed her chin with her hand, looked at the wine in the wine, took a sip gently, and after feeling it for a while, she answered softly

"It's not a big problem...

Although the wine will have a bitter taste, it can be drunk..."

Beidou covered his face with his hands in silence, looking at Wendy who was commenting on the wine in front of him.

I'm not asking about the effects of drinking!

I'm asking about the effects on life!

"Is that so...

You drank too much before and fell down.

Anna was afraid that you would have a headache when you woke up because you drank too much.

So she made a bowl of hangover soup for you to help you sober up.


It may be the sequelae of Anna giving you the hangover soup. Maybe it will get better after a while."

"Is that so...

I was wondering why I didn't have a headache when I woke up this time.

Maybe I should find some time to thank you?"

Wendy touched her chin, feeling as if she had forgotten something.

And this feeling was very familiar, as if she had experienced it once before?

After hearing what Wendy said, Beidou laughed dryly and handed the wine to Wendy again to change the topic.


Why think so much!

Let's drink!"

"That's right!

Only good wine and poetry should not be wasted!"

After hearing what Beidou said, Wendy also smiled.

Wendy gently raised the wine pot in her hand, clinked the glass, and drank happily.

In the room of the little grass god Nashida, the heart of the Coral Palace was a little

Looking at Anna nervously, his face slightly reddened as he asked softly

"Is it really okay for us to do this?

If Lord Grass God knew..."

"Don't worry...

It's okay!

We also want Lord Grass God to feel our power and feel more at ease!"

Anna's face was also red, and she cheered herself up.

The little grass god Nashida was still on the boat at this time, in a coma.

And Anna and Coral Palace Xinhai on the side, each holding a little hand of the little grass god Nashida.

Coral Palace Xinhai's face was red, and he gently rubbed the little grass god Nashida's hand.

Coral Palace Xinhai felt the soft and sticky feeling on his hand, and his face became even redder.

Coral Palace Xinhai and Anna's faces were a little guilty at this moment, and they always felt like they were thieves.

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