The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

When Wendy stepped into the dreamland of the World Tree, the whole world turned pure white in an instant, and then shattered like glass.

When the scenery appeared around her again, Wendy was still interested.

But when Wendy saw the surrounding scene, she froze in place, and then fell into deep silence.

The sun was hanging high in the sky, and the bright sun was sprinkled on the whole land.

The gentle wind was blowing constantly, blowing the land and the grass swaying.

The wind was blowing gently, blowing on Wendy's face and blowing the corners of Wendy's clothes.

"What is this...?" Wendy stared blankly at the scene in front of her, murmuring softly. Wendy was very familiar with this place, which was the place where the wind blew. At this time, a young man was lying on his back above the lawn. The young man looked very similar to Wendy. The young man was holding a flute in his hand, playing beautiful music, and the breeze was blowing gently on the young man's face. Wendy listened to the familiar music and looked at the familiar figure in front of her, and was stunned for a while. Wendy gently stretched out her hand and pinched herself, and still felt pain. She stretched out her hand and touched the ground again, and there was a substantial touch on the ground. For a moment, Wendy didn't know whether this was a dream or reality. Wendy looked at the young man in front of her silently, listened to the familiar melody in her ears, and slowly closed her eyes. Wendy didn't go forward to disturb him, nor did she touch him. Although everything was extremely real, Wendy knew it was just a dream. Since it was a dream, why not make it longer?

What Wendy couldn't understand was why the defense arranged by the Grass God was like this?

From the time he came in until now, Wendy didn't feel any attack, nor did he feel anything threatening to him.

It seemed that everything was so natural and so real.

Just as Wendy closed his eyes and listened to the familiar melody, a voice suddenly came from a distance, interrupting the boy's playing.

"Hahaha, he is here!"

A young man wearing a hood and holding a long stick in his hand pointed at the young man from a distance and laughed

"Are you still dreaming?

Just because you want to become a bard?

You are just a humble civilian, what qualifications do you have to become a bard!"

Beside the young man, there were two or three young men of similar age, one holding a wooden stick and the other holding a wooden spear.

And the young man holding the long stick also had a very obvious mark on him, an apprentice knight!

After hearing this voice, the young man fell into silence without refutation.

The young man's face became a little unnatural, he packed up his musical instrument, stood up and prepared to leave.

When the young man holding the long stick saw the young man leaving, he had an impatient look in his eyes.

"Stop! Did I let you leave?"

After hearing the voice of the young man holding the long stick, the young man ran without saying a word.

The young man knew very well that he couldn't afford to offend the people behind him. The one in the lead was a famous noble son, not someone he, a commoner, could afford to offend.

The young man was panting and running hard, and behind him, the three young men were also chasing him and shouting at the same time.

"Stop, stop! Don't let me catch you!"

The young man ran very fast, and it can be seen that he had experience in running away frequently.

But the young men behind him were faster, and they were all formally trained people.

The young man in the lead even received knight training, which was naturally not comparable to the young man.

The two sides started to chase each other, and the boy was very fast.

Although the distance was gradually getting farther, the physical energy consumption of both sides was indeed not proportional.

It was obvious that the boy was panting, while the three young men behind him were still breathing steadily.

Wendy watched quietly on the side, with a complex look in his eyes.

And just when the three young men were about to catch up with the boy and catch him.

Wendy gently raised her hand, and a green light emerged from Wendy's hand.

There was a sudden turbulence of air under the feet of the three young men who were still chasing, making the three people unstable and falling directly to the ground.

The boy also took this opportunity to quickly


When the three of them stood up and wanted to chase him, the boy had already run away.

The young man holding a long stick looked at the back of the fleeing boy with anger in his eyes. He had never been so embarrassed before.

"Don't let me see you again next time, otherwise I will break your legs!"

The young man holding a long stick roared angrily on the spot.

And the boy who had already run far away heard this voice.

The boy's face tightened and he quickened his pace, fearing that he would be caught.

Wendy also looked at the people and things in front of him with a complicated expression, looking at the familiar scene in front of him, looking at the scene that had happened before, and appeared in front of him again.

Wendy fell into silence.

After a long time, Wendy sighed softly.

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