After a few days, Tianyun felt dizzy and walked from the deck of the ship to the land. He instantly became much more energetic. Anna, who had been accompanying him, was relieved when she saw that the condition of the Grass God seemed to have improved. She had suspected that the Grass God was dying several times while on the ship. Even the little Grass God Nashida had a psychological shadow on the ship. Tianyun stood on the dock, looking at the huge ship beside him, and couldn't help complaining. What the hell is the setting of the Grass God's seasickness? If I knew who it was! I must let that hateful guy taste the feeling of seasickness! After getting off the boat, Tianyun and Anna rested for a while before Tianyun recovered.

Just when Tianyun decided whether to leave directly and go to the place where the rebels were.

Suddenly, a pink light began to flash not far away.

A few minutes ago

When Tianyun just stepped on the land of Inazuma, the Thunder God, who was originally in the castle tower, opened his eyes instantly, and lightning flashed in his purple eyes.

This scared the Yae God Son beside the Thunder God Shadow, and after sensing it, he understood the reason.

The gods of Xumi actually came to Inazuma!

You must know that since ancient times, the seven gods have often governed themselves and rarely left their own territories.

Recently, Xumi has often experienced major changes. Now that the Grass God has come to Inazuma, it is unknown whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Yae God Son gently patted Lei Shenying's shoulder and said jokingly

"Don't be so irritable, don't think about fighting all day, let me go explore the way first." Lei Shenying turned his head to look at Yae God Son, and slowly closed his eyes again.

This was tacit agreement with the son of God, and the pink fox also laughed softly.

Turning to look in the direction of the port, he whispered softly

"Let me see what purpose the god of Xumi came to Inazuma with."

As soon as the voice fell

A ball of pink light slowly enveloped Yae God Son, and then turned into dots of pink light and dissipated in the air.

Tianyun found that not far away, a ball of pink light was faintly emanating from the statue.

Then the statue became more lifelike, and when the pink light covered the whole body of the statue, a pink figure walked out of the statue.

The person who came was Yae God Son!

When Tianyun saw the pink light, he had already judged the person who came.

But what Tianyun didn't expect was that the person who came would be Yae God.

Originally, Tianyun thought that when he set foot on Inazuma, he would be greeted by the sword of Thunder God.

But after thinking carefully, this seems to be natural.

Thunder God Shadow is a well-known home girl who will not go out easily!

Then the one who came to investigate the situation can only be Yae God.

But this is also good!

Chatting with a pink-haired queen fox is much better than chatting with a silent puppet who basically doesn't talk.

Yae God, wearing a gorgeous kimono, slowly came to Tianyun.

Yae God had a smile on her face, but there was a bit of vigilance in her eyes.

"I wonder what the Lord Grass God has come to my Inazuma for?"

"Don't worry!

I came to Inazuma with good intentions, and you should know that the Grass God doesn't like fighting.

I came here to help."

Tianyun said seriously, his eyes drifted to the huge slime of Yae God, and then he looked down at his own flat land.


Obviously, she has accumulated a certain amount of divine power and has grown to the state of a young girl, but why is it still flat land?


How come I don't know what Inazuma has to do that requires you, the god, to help?"

Yae God sneered at what the little Grass God said, which seemed to her like a fairy tale.

Inazuma's affairs actually require the help of gods from other countries.

There is nothing wrong with this, that would really be treating her Yae God as a fool.

"Of course! Aren't you worried about the rebels now, are you?"

Tianyun was calm and unaffected by Yae God.

"You mean..."

"Solve the problem of your Inazuma rebels!"

"That's not necessary. Inazuma's affairs don't need the gods of other countries to intervene."

Yae God decisively refused. God represents absolute power and extreme destructive power.

Letting the gods take action on Inazuma's land will cause serious damage to Inazuma's land.

Destruction, Yae Godson would never let such a thing happen.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, should we talk about the next thing in another place?"

Tianyun looked around, and the people around him were watching, and some were even exclaiming.

"Look, it's the Godson!"

"What is the Godson doing to a girl?"

"Ah, if I could replace that girl and be so close to the Godson."

The people watching around saw that the Godson and a girl were very close, and they seemed to have a very close relationship, which seemed a bit warm.

Yae Godson only realized something was wrong at this time, but she was not panicked at all, and waved her hand with a full-fledged sister flavor.

A pink light curtain enveloped the two, and then she spoke softly

"In this case, don't resist, I'll take you to another place to talk."

After speaking, the pink light enveloped Tianyun and Anna, and then they all disappeared on the spot.

When Tian Yun opened his eyes again, he found that the room was full of pink atmosphere.

There was a quilt with a nine-tailed fox embroidered with gold thread in the room, and the vase in the distance looked beautiful, like an ancient toy.

There were many pictures hanging in the room, which seemed to tell stories from ancient times.

But Anna had disappeared, and Yae Shenzi didn't know where she went.

Tian Yun didn't wonder for long before the door opened, and Yae Shenzi slowly walked in from the door of the room.

The Eightfold God Child looked at Tianyun looking around, couldn't help but chuckled and walked forward.

"Are you worried about the priestess who came with you?

Don't worry, I sent her to the front yard, and someone will take care of her.

This is my room, and no one will disturb her.

Now let's talk about what your purpose is in coming to our Inazuma.


The Eightfold God Child said, with pink light flashing in his eyes. The faint pink halo enveloped the Eightfold God Child, which was a manifestation of the condensation of elemental power.

Although the grass god from Xumi in front of him looked harmless.

But the Eightfold God Child would not let down his guard, and none of the gods were simple!

Feeling the atmosphere getting more and more tense, Tianyun waved his hand quickly.

Slowly sat on the Eightfold God Child's bed and touched it with his hand. It was quite soft.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm a newborn god.

How can a person who has just been born have any bad thoughts, right!"

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