The world is full of ups and downs, and the world is full of ups and downs.

In the World Tree

Tianyun and Nashida looked at each other, clasping their hands tightly together, and turned their heads to look at the towering red giant tree beside them.

The World Tree was falling continuously, and the red leaves turned into starlight in the air, surrounding and lighting up the space, bringing a kind of quiet beauty.

At this moment, Tianyun seemed to feel a little familiar.

The appearance of the World Tree and the Bitter Tree looked a little similar.

Although I know that this is not the same tree, I also know that they are fundamentally different.

But Tianyun still couldn't help but associate it this way, and Nashida was looking at him with pure eyes around him.

Tianyun slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let's go, it's time to find out the truth!"


Tianyun took the hand of the little grass god, crossed his hands and held them tightly together.

His body was also wrapped in the ball of light, gradually flying towards the world tree.

The world tree covered with red light was emitting dazzling light at this moment.

After Tianyun approached, he watched Nashida gradually put her hand on the world tree, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Tianyun looked at the little grass god curiously, and followed suit.

But when Tianyun's hand touched the world tree, he suddenly felt numb all over his body, as if an electric current hit his brain.

A huge flow of information hit Tianyun's brain, and at the same time, the past scenes happened in front of his eyes.

As the huge energy poured into his body and then returned to the world tree, Tianyun completed an interaction with the world tree.

It was as if everything about him was backed up in the world tree.

The price of obtaining knowledge from the world tree is one's own knowledge, which is all integrated into the world tree.

At this time, Nashida opened her eyes and nodded gently at Tianyun.

"Found it!

As you guessed, the source of everything is an experiment of the doctor.

It's just that the experimental items were stolen by the abyss and leaked, so this happened in Mond.

As far as I can see now, the whole Mond should be about to fall!

Just now, I learned from the induction of world things that monsters have surrounded Mond.

The whole Mond has been surrounded and is in danger."

Nashida's expression was a little worried. Although the people of Mond were not her own people, the God of Wind was still in her territory.

But if she rushed back now, it would be too late.

After hearing what Nashida said, Tianyun frowned tightly.



Except for Mond City, all the surrounding areas have been wrapped in black fog, and only Mond City is left in the whole Mond.

Endless monster armies surrounded Mondstadt, and all kinds of infected people gathered at the city gate.

If it weren't for the huge lake surrounding Mondstadt, the entire Mondstadt would have fallen by now.

At the city gate

A group of knights were fighting bravely, holding swords and spears, blocking the front line and guarding the only passage to Mondstadt.

Lisa stood on a high place, releasing elements, thundering and attacking remotely, paralyzing the infected people.

In the Knights' Command, Qin was walking back and forth anxiously.

"It's been the third day, and there's still no news?"

A knight next to him answered Qin's question

"No news. According to the last news, Lord Barbatos' last destination was Xumi.

But it's too far from here. Even if we receive the news now, it's too late to rush back.

Unless we can hold on until Lord Barbatos arrives."

Kaeya next to him sighed softly at the anxious Qin, with a bandaged cloth in his hand, obviously injured.

"Don't worry too much. We swear to live and die with Mondstadt, and we will never retreat a single step!

I can still fight!

Let me take over when it's your turn!"

Qin refused without thinking when she heard what Kaeya said.

"No! You were just attacked by monsters and injured. If you go up now, you won't be able to handle it!"

"But except for me, there is no other knight who can go up!

I think you should know how critical the situation at the city gate is now. Someone must stand up!"

The moment he joined the Knights

, they were already prepared to sacrifice, weren't they?

Qin fell silent after hearing what Kaia said.

For the past three days, the defense of the city gate has been carried out by the various knights in turn, and with the help of the Eye of God, the owners cooperated with each other.

They barely resisted the attack of the monsters, but there were too many corpses on the bridge.

Whether it was the knights or the monsters, the corpses had piled up.

If it weren't for Mondstadt, which was surrounded by the sea and had only one passage to enter, the entire Mondstadt would probably have fallen and completely become a paradise for monsters.

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