The wine was poured out, but the wine was not good.

Bai Shu nodded with a smile, holding the bowl of black medicine in his hand.

The strong bitter taste made the grass god Nashida frown.

However, the grass god Nashida did not drink it directly. After taking the medicine, she used her divine power to sense it.

She found that it was indeed not poisonous, and there was nothing bad. It was just an ordinary medicine. Then she felt relieved.

Wisdom said that you should learn to protect yourself when you go out.

Especially the things handed over by the strange uncle, you must be careful to prevent being abducted!

Although the grass god Nashida did not know who the strange uncle was, she still knew that she should be careful of strangers.

After closing her eyes and drinking the medicine soup, Little Grass God Nashida felt.

The discomfort caused by seasickness disappeared at this moment.

However, the bitter taste still made Little Grass God Nashida's eyebrows tightly locked together.

Little Grass God's face did not improve, but became even paler.

"So bitter..."

The unprecedented bitterness filled Little Grass God's taste buds, and even made Little Grass God Nashida suspect that her tongue was going to break.

When Little Grass God Nashida finished drinking the medicine and looked up again, she found that Bai Shu was still smiling, looking like a devil!

The appearance of Little Grass God Nashida made Wan Ye even more worried, but fortunately nothing happened in the end, so he was relieved.

Bai Shu calculated the cost and said after some calculations

"300 Moras in total!"

"So expensive!"

Wan Ye exclaimed. He was shocked by the price, but he still took out 300 Moras from his pocket and handed them to Bai Shu.

"Mora? What is that?"

The little grass god Nashida looked at the guy in the white robe with a confused look on her face.

Bai Shu smiled softly, put away the Moras, put it in the cabinet next to him, and cleaned up the medicine tools.

"This is a special secret recipe, not to mention that some rare medicinal materials are used, so it is naturally more expensive.


Wan Ye naturally did not expect that the little grass god in front of him would have money on him. After all, what money can a little girl who goes out have?

Wan Ye slowly squatted in front of the Little Grass God Nashida, looked at the cute little face and clear green eyes, and gently answered


Can you tell me where your home is now? Who are your parents? I'll take you back!"

Little Grass God Nashida put one hand on her chin, tilted her head and thought, and then slowly said:

"Qun Yu Pavilion! Ningguang!"

The moment he heard the answer, Wan Ye's smile froze on his face.

And Bai Zhu, who was wiping the medicine tools on the side, also stopped his movements.

After hearing this name, Qi Qi, who was not far away, couldn't help but look back at the Little Grass God Nashida.

Everyone was frightened by this sentence, and Wan Ye asked again with some uncertainty.

"Are you sure? Do you know what you are saying?"

Little Grass God Nashida looked serious and nodded gently.

That answer was what Tianyun asked her to say, and the Little Grass God Nashida, who believed in wisdom, naturally did it.

Wan Ye rubbed his brows with some worry, looking at the little girl in front of him, feeling that he might have encountered a big trouble.

Regardless of whether what the little girl said was true or false, Wan Ye had never heard of any scandals about Ningguang, and suddenly there was another child.

Bai Shu seemed to see Wan Ye's headache, and said with a smile, "Why don't you just take her there?

When the time comes, it will be clear whether it is true or not...

If it is true, you have also made a great contribution, and Ningguang should also owe you a favor, and that guy's favor is not easy to get.

If it is false, you have no loss."

Wan Ye felt that it made sense after listening, but he always felt that something was wrong.

However, there is no better way at present. I have helped here, so I will help to the end.

"Okay! I will take you to find Ningguang!"

After making the decision, Wan Ye took the little grass god Nashida and walked towards the direction of the Beidou ship.

Ningguang is not someone he can meet casually, but the big sister of Beidou should have a way!

After Manye and Beidou explained the whole story, Beidou was also puzzled.

Beidou can be said to be one of the people who knows Ningguang very well.

But even Beidou has never heard that Ningguang has any children.

"Okay! I know!"


Jade Pavilion

Beidou brought the little grass god Nashida to Ningguang.

Ningguang couldn't help but tease when she saw Beidou's appearance, "Oh, our big sister also has a child!"

"Go away! What nonsense are you talking about? How could I have a child? This is not my child, this is your child!"

The two have a good relationship, so it's okay to joke appropriately.

However, seeing Beidou's serious look, Ningguang was stunned.

"Are you... serious?"

Beidou directly pulled the little grass god Nashida in front of him, looked at Ningguang and said seriously

"It's serious, but I don't know if this is true.

I brought this child back from Inazuma. When he asked where his home was, he said the name of the Jade Pavilion and yours!"

"How could I have a child? I don't even have a husband..."

Ningguang was stunned before she finished speaking. Ganyu in the dark sent her a message and told her the identity of the little girl in front of her.

Ningguang had seen a portrait of the Grass God...

When she saw the little girl, she felt familiar, and when Ningguang looked carefully, she realized.

It was the Grass God of Xumi!

How could the Grass God of Xumi appear in Inazuma and be brought back by Beidou!

"So this is not your child? In that case, I will take it away!"

When Beidou heard what Ningguang said, he thought that the little girl had remembered it wrong, and turned around to take the little Grass God Nashida away.

"Wait! This is my child!"

Ningguang saw Beidou was about to leave, and she stopped Beidou without thinking too much.

After hearing what Ningguang said, Beidou seemed to have three question marks on his head, and looked at Ningguang with strange eyes.

Just now he said that he had no husband, and now he said that this was his child, what was he doing?

Then where did this child come from? Could it be that he was conjured out of thin air?

"Are you... sure this is your child?"


Ningguang's answer was a little weak. Looking at Beidou's strange eyes, she knew that he must be thinking about something not so good again.


It seems that the scandal can't be escaped. Beidou's mouth can't hold back such gossip.

Although I don't know what the little grass god is like when he came to Liyue, and why he wants to find me.

I heard before that the people of Xumi exiled their gods, but Ningguang didn't believe it at the time!

How can those mortals exile gods?

But now looking at the grass god in front of her, Ningguang realized that the matter might be more serious than she thought!

But Ningguang doesn't need to think about those things now. What Ningguang needs to think about now is.

How to solve the problem of becoming the mother of the little grass god!

Otherwise, once the identity of the little grass god is exposed in the future, it may cause great trouble.

(Thank you for your support, fan fiction writing,

The bulk of the author's income.

Actually comes from gifts from fans and readers.

Of course, it's all for love.

Once again, I sincerely thank the readers of this book, thank you, to thank you.

The author decided to open a new function, the next issue preview

Next issue preview

Chapter 29 The first encounter with the little grass god, the traveler Kong

Chapter 30 Drawing for Paimon (h)

Stay tuned...

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Finally, a reader said that the daily update is too little.

Before the debut, it should have been 4 per day, so let's do this, starting from today

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