The old man was busy, but the old man was busy.

Thunder God Shadow looked at the cute little grass god Nashida in front of him, busy in front of him.

He placed food after food in front of the huge table, his expression did not change, he was still very indifferent, and said in a cold voice

"You don't think you can defeat me with this little trick, right?"

Although he said so, Thunder God Shadow's eyes did not leave the food placed by Tianyun.

Tianyun smiled slightly when he saw this situation, everything was still under control.

However, the scene that happened next made Tianyun's smile freeze on his face.

A flash of lightning flashed, and the table turned into charcoal in an instant, and all the food on it was destroyed!

Lei Shenying slowly put the knife back to his waist, looked at Tianyun in front of him with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice

"For eternity, I gave up everything!

If you want to change my beliefs in this way, then you must be prepared to pay the price!

I will treat you as challenging me to a duel in front of the emperor!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lei Shenying suddenly drew his knife, and a lightning flash that was extremely fast instantly flew towards Tianyun!

Tianyun's pupils shrank suddenly, but he did not panic. Instead, he stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and a green shield composed of grass elements blocked in front of him.


The purple electric light and the green shield collided violently, and the strong current and impact pushed Tianyun back several meters!

Huh! So strong!

Tianyun's eyes were a little solemn, looking at Lei Shenying who was striking lightning again in front of him, and he sighed softly in his heart.

Although Tianyun knew that the plan of food temptation would not succeed long before this, just as Lei Shenying said

She had given up everything for eternity, so how could she change her beliefs because of a little temptation of food?

But she still tried it after all, what if it succeeded?

But in this situation, Plan 2 could not be used.

Then we can only fight well first, and then let the person in front of us calm down!

Looking at the Thunder God Shadow who was already in a frenzy of fighting in front of him.

Tianyun didn't think that he would hear what he said in this state.

The shield in front of Tianyun had cracks when the third lightning strike of the Thunder God Shadow hit it.

The cracks kept spreading, and if you defend it for a long time, you will lose it!

Tianyun looked solemn, slowly stretched out his hands and placed them in front of him to pray, and green light bloomed from his body!

The green light kept rising, spreading and finally turned into a phantom of a building!

It was the appearance of the grass god Nashida's ultimate move!

In order to avoid being brought into her domain by the Thunder God to fight, it would be better to open the domain first!

Then Tianyun slowly raised his hand and whispered

"All things have spirits!


Flame flower!"

Huge green vines broke out from the ground and entangled with Lei Shenying.

Lei Shenying looked indifferent. The vines in front of him broke into several sections with a flash of knife light, but the vines soon grew out again and continued to attack Lei Shenying.

Not far from Lei Shen, a bunch of flaming flowers appeared and began to spray fireballs at Lei Shen.

Using fire elements to attack Lei Shen might have a better effect.

Looking at the attacks coming from all around, Lei Shenying's body was suddenly covered with a layer of lightning, which then spread outward to the entire castle tower.

Under the influence of the purple light, the thunder condensed in the sky also fell suddenly at this moment.

The fierce thunder covered the entire castle tower, and the entire castle tower turned into a sea of ​​thunder!

The sudden change in the castle tower attracted the attention of the people, and those who wanted to approach were all stopped outside by Tianling.

In the Shenying Grand Shrine, Yae Shenzi was holding a crystal ball, and the image displayed in the crystal ball was exactly the situation in the castle tower.

When Tianyun first saw the embarrassment of Lei Shenying, he used the temptation of food to fight against Lei Shen.

Yae Shenzi laughed very happily, and there was one more thing to make fun of Ying in the future.

But when the two of them officially took action and fought together, Yae Shenzi's eyes were a little worried.

Looking at the castle tower submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, Yae Shenzi's brows frowned slightly.

In the sea of ​​thunder, a green ball of light slowly appeared in the air, and in that ball of light was the grass god Nashida!

Tianyun's whole body was blooming with green

The green light was in the light ball, floating in the air, looking at the Thunder God Shadow who was also floating in the air in the distance, with his hands clasped together.

The green light surged in his hands, and a green light ball appeared in Tianyun's hands, accompanied by a huge pressure.

Thunder God Shadow looked at Tianyun's movements in front of him, but his brows frowned slightly.

Although the light ball was small, she felt a very powerful energy from it, surging in it!

Thunder God Shadow slowly tightened the long sword in his hand, and the purple thunder attribute elemental force was continuously injected into the sword.

Slowly put the long sword at the waist, slowly pressed down, with cold eyes, and made a posture of rushing forward.

Tianyun felt a little numb when he saw it, because that look was exactly like performing an Iai Slash!

Tianyun didn't have time to think about it, and immediately slapped the grass attribute elemental force condensed in his hand forward, and huge green barriers appeared in front of Tianyun layer by layer.

Each barrier exudes a powerful aura and is supported by a very powerful elemental force.

It was also at this moment.



The shadow of Thor disappeared from the spot in an instant, and a lightning flashed by at an extremely fast speed.

The figures of Thor and Tianyun crossed each other in an instant...

The barriers standing between Tianyun and Thor were all broken into pieces at this moment, turning into green light spots and floating in the air.

The two figures were frozen...

A few seconds later, the figure of the grass god Nashida was split into two halves by the shadow of Thor.

But there was no emotion in the eyes of the shadow of Thor, still very indifferent, and looked at another place.

There Tianyun was standing high up, with a look of surviving a disaster.

Huh! That was close!

It seems that all forms of combat cannot be limited to the Thor in the game.

You have to know that what is in front of you is a real battle, not the fixed mechanism in the game.

Take this Iai Slash for example. If Tianyun hadn't replaced himself with a substitute in time, he would have been the one who got hit by the knife just now!

"So many barriers can't block your knife, you are worthy of being the Thunder God!"

The Thunder God Shadow looked at Tianyun coldly and said in a cold voice

"So good at hiding?

Then let me see how you hide next!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Thunder God Shadow's figure suddenly disappeared.

When the Thunder God Shadow appeared again, a huge crack suddenly appeared behind the Thunder God Shadow.

The purple crack continued to expand, emitting a very powerful aura and a very rich thunder element fluctuation!

An extremely huge purple ghost hand stretched out from the crack, holding a thunder light blade emitting endless thunder in its hand, and suddenly slashed towards Tianyun.

Tianyun could feel that he had nowhere to escape this time. No matter where he escaped, this knife would cut him!

After finding that he was firmly locked by the attack, Tianyun's eyes were full of solemnity.

It was the most extreme knife of the Thunder God!

It was a thoughtless blow!

It was also an unavoidable blow!

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