The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

"How did you... do it?"

The Thunder God Shadow, who had always been calm, could no longer calm down.

Even if he could sense the two figures, they were just illusions created by the Grass God in front of him.

But the power and reality emanating from them were almost exactly the same as the two in the Thunder God Shadow's memory!

"You are obviously only 500 years old! How do you know what the Rock God and the Wind God looked like during the Demon God War!"

That's right, the two imaginary figures in front of him were the young Rock God and the Wind God during the Demon God War!

The young Zhongli was dressed in white and had a hood on his head. He slowly stretched out his hand, and a yellow beam of light extended from his hand.

A spear emitting golden light slowly appeared in his hand, which was filled with unparalleled pressure!

Barbatos, the wind god, wearing a green robe, stretched out his hand and clenched it in the void. The green energy began to condense instantly, and the Sky Harp appeared in his hand.

As the wind god gently waved his hand, the green energy instantly filled the Sky Harp, and the Sky Harp slowly unfolded, and a green bow and arrow emitting a chill appeared in his hand!

Tianyun put his hands together, green light appeared in his eyes, and the green energy in his hands also rushed upwards frantically at this moment.

When the shadow building received the power of the little grass god Nashida, it solidified at this moment!

A vine that reached the sky rose from the ground, setting off the little grass god Nashida, and the green light ball enveloped it.

Waves of green waves began to emerge from the body of the little grass god Nashida. After the waves reached a certain critical value, they turned into a column of light and soared into the sky.

The entire castle tower was completely enveloped by the green beam of light, and the outside world could not see clearly what was inside.

The grass god Nashida slowly closed her eyes and clasped her hands together in a prayerful manner.

"All things have spirits!

The world tree that is silent underground!

Wake up!"

The earth began to tremble, and countless cracks spread out from the ground. At this moment, it was as if the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

The earth was shaking, the ground was breaking, and accompanied by a huge sound, a very large branch slowly rose from the ground.

The branch slowly wrapped around the grass god Nashida, covering her, and then the branch spread rapidly upward in an instant, and a stream of green light filled the branch.

The extremely huge tree filled the entire castle tower. Tianyun was inside the giant tree at this moment, with his hands slowly clasped in front of his chest. A burst of green light instantly spread outward with the grass god Nashida as the center.

The originally dry branches were full of green in an instant, and the green leaves on them, from sprouting to growing, all happened in an instant.

When the huge change occurred...

Zhongli in Liyue seemed to have sensed it.

Looking in the direction of Inazuma, Zhongli's eyes were a little relieved

"This power...

It's really amazing...

It seems that the power of the old friend has returned a little!

The breath of the past...

In this case, let me see if the little girl of the past has grown enough now!"

A yellow light flashed from Zhongli's eyes, and then disappeared.

After doing all this, Zhongli continued to drink tea with a faint smile on his face.


Wind God Wendy was holding a bottle of dandelion wine, drinking under the windmill. Feeling the huge changes in the distance, he drank the wine in his hand

"Hey~ I didn't expect it!

Has the power of the grass god reached this level?

And I was still there, feeling my own breath!

I really miss the passionate fighting years!

Now we fight again in this way.


It's also an interesting thing!




Without Tianyun himself noticing, the two figures that had originally condensed suddenly flashed in their eyes, flashing with spiritual light.

At this moment, the two figures became more real and more vivid.

Tianyun was in the world tree with angry eyes, looking at the Thunder God in front of him and slowly speaking

"No need to say more! Since you want to fight! Let's talk about it after the fight!"

Tianyun has completed the protection work, and the next battle will be taken over by the little Nashida Grass God.

Tianyun condensed two figures and perfected them. This was the limit of what Tianyun could do.

I have no strength to fight anymore!

When Tian Yun's eyes slowly closed, and when he opened them again, there was no anger in his eyes, only calmness and purity!

From this moment on, it was the real battle of the gods, the real peak battle!

The little grass god Nashida officially took over the body, and endless green light began to bloom from the little Nashida. The little Nashida grass god slowly pressed down with both hands and spoke softly

"Guardian Tree!"

The ground near Lei Shenying suddenly trembled violently. One after another, huge trees rose from the ground, and at the same time grew hands and feet.

They were huge tree men, and they all released powerful auras.

The huge tree men rushed towards Lei Shenying, and the huge and thick branches suddenly attacked.

Lei Shenying slowly closed his eyes, and the world seemed to be quiet at this moment. After a flash of lightning, the attacking tree man was split into two.

Lei Shenying knew very well that his current situation was not very good, and the solution to all this was the little grass god.

At the moment of making the decision, Lei Shenying disappeared instantly.

At the moment when Lei Shen disappeared, the young Zhongli also disappeared suddenly at this moment, and then a muffled sound came from the air!


At some point, not far in front of the little grass god Nashida.

Zhongli held the golden spear tightly with both hands and pressed down suddenly, while Lei Shenying below attached both hands to the sword to block!

So fast!

After seeing this scene, Tianyun was also secretly surprised.

"The wall is thousands of feet high!" Zhongli spoke slowly, and a yellow light flashed from the spear.

"Not good!"

Lei Shenying immediately increased the force that could be blocked, but even so.

Lei Shenying still felt a huge force coming instantly, knocking her out.

Lei Shenying's long sword stabbed into the ground, leaving a long scratch on the ground.

There was a sharp sound of knife scratching on the ground.

Lei Shenying looked solemn, looking at the young figure in front of him, whose face was still calm.

"It seems! I have to get past you first!"

The young figure in front of him gave Lei Shenying the greatest pressure, even though he knew that the person in front of him was just created by the Little Grass God.

But the extremely real sense of oppression and the real sense of power made Lei Shenying feel that this was the illusion of a real person!

It seems...

I should also be serious!

Lei Shenying's eyes slowly closed, and when he opened them again, purple thunder flashed in his eyes!

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