After Tianyun was completely disappointed with those people, he left.

Let them continue to fend for themselves and suffer in the endless cycle of death.

Their hearts are so dark that they can no longer tolerate a little light. Such people are not worthy of being saved!


Zhongli's test for Liyue has been successfully passed with the help of the traveler.

In the farewell of the crowd, he learned the way to Inazuma.

After being guided, the traveler went to the outlying island via Beidou's ship!

When the traveler Kong and Paimon boarded the outlying island, the first thing they did was to ask about the Eye Hunting Order.

"Oh, the Eye Hunting Order,

The general had already cancelled it before, it was said that there was a disagreement with the gods of Xumi, and there was a conflict.

After a friendly conversation, he agreed to cancel the Eye Hunting Order!"

The traveler was a little surprised when he got the answer from a passerby.

Paimon exclaimed and flew around in the sky.

"Hey! Cancelled!

What about our commission?

That's a big commission of 1,000 original stones!"

Traveler Kong was also scratching his head in distress. Obviously, Traveler Kong didn't want to miss such a big opportunity!

At this time, a man in red clothes suddenly came over.

It was Zheping!

Traveler Kong also suddenly became alert, looking at the stranger who suddenly came, and tightened his weapon in his hand!

Zheping raised his hands with a smile on his face and explained hurriedly

"Ahem! Don't be nervous, you two!

I have no ill intentions!

I came here just to ask you two, are you the travelers from a foreign land?"

"How do you know!"

"Although we are closed to the outside world, some news from outside can still be passed in.

And your story has long been turned into a book review, which is quite popular among major storytellers.

I have always admired your story before, and now I see the real person for the first time, I am still quite excited!"

Traveler Kong, then let go of his guard, and Paimeng asked doubtfully

"What do you want to see us for?

If you want an autograph, you have to pay.


"Ahem! Not that!

It is not convenient to talk here, please follow me..."

Paimeng and Traveler Kong looked at each other and slowly followed.

A big dog was sitting on the counter in a secret tea room.

In the private room inside, Teppei sat opposite the traveler and began to introduce himself slowly.

"I am a member of the resistance army. We already know about your commission.

And now Inazuma's Eye Hunting Order has been cancelled. I'm afraid you can't continue to complete your original commission!"

"Hey! Why is this happening!"

Paimon stamped his feet in anger in the air, and the traveler was full of regret.

"But don't worry, although the 1,000 original stone task is gone.

But I still have a 2,000 original stone task. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Two... two thousand!" Paimon exclaimed instantly, covering his mouth, a little unbelievable.

The traveler slammed the table and stood up directly, staring at the man in front of him, his eyes shining as if there was light.

"I accept it!"

"Hey! I haven't told you the content of the mission yet!"

Zheping was a little slow to react and was startled by the Traveler's actions, but he still said slowly

"This mission is also left to you by the little girl who hired you and came to Inazuma.

She said she was afraid that you would work hard and make a wasted trip, so she specially prepared a mission for you!"


Ningguang's daughter!

What a good girl!"

Paimon suddenly realized, and Traveler Kong nodded in agreement.

"This mission is a series of missions. Every time you complete a mission, you will get a certain amount of original stones as a reward!

The total is 2000!

And the name of this series of missions is...

The Book of Thunder!"

"The Book of Thunder?

What a strange name!

But there will be no problem if you give it to the Traveler!

The Traveler is very powerful, and no mission can stump him!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips, his face filled with pride.

And Traveler Kong was also full of confidence and very calm.

Zheping scratched his head helplessly and handed the task to the traveler.


Then he left!

Zheping looked at the back of the traveler leaving, muttering to himself

"I don't know what the Lord Grass God is thinking.

Why arrange these useless and time-consuming tasks to hone this traveler?

It will take more than a month to complete all these tasks!"

In this way, the traveler began his journey to the Book of Thunder...

But the traveler Kong didn't know what kind of tasks were waiting for him in the future!

At this time, Tianyun suddenly found that his system, which had been silent for a long time, had changed from 0 to 1 on the panel.

When he saw this discovery, Tianyun's face was very happy.

This means that the traveler finally left Liyue and went to Inazuma.

He began his journey to the Book of Thunder!

Thinking of this, Tianyun smiled gently.

Tianyun looked at the things in the exchange list with ill intentions on his face.

"Hehehe, Traveler! You want the original stone, I want the points, let's benefit each other!

It's a pity that the speed of point growth is a bit slow.

Forget it, take your time!

After all, the mission is still long!"

Tianyun put away the panel and scanned Xumi with the pupil of God again, but still did not find the doctor's figure.

This gave Tianyun a headache, for the doctor hiding in the dark.

Tianyun was very afraid of the crazy scientific research, even slicing himself.

There are seven evil eyes on the body, with power comparable to that of gods.

Such a person disappeared silently, no matter how hard he looked.

There was no way to find any trace, which made Tianyun feel a sense of crisis.

I always feel that there is a conspiracy waiting for me, but I have no way of knowing.

The next day

Coral Palace Xinhai also returned to the side of the little grass god Nashida.

Looking at the short little grass god, Coral Palace Xinhai's eyes did not have any contempt.

"Lord Grass God has completed all the tasks!

Seno has agreed to help the rebels stabilize the desert area.

And Tinari in the forest has also agreed to your request, Lord Grass God."

"Okay! You've worked hard, do you want to take a break?

I specially prepared a super-large fish tank for you...


Super-large pool!"

Tianyun coughed twice, and immediately changed his words halfway through his words.

Coral Palace Xinhai was expressionless, looked at the little grass god Nashida, and said word by word

"Let me correct it again, Lord Grass God.

I'm not a fish!

Why do you always treat me as a fish!"

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