After thinking carefully for a while, Tianyun nodded in agreement. He himself was not sure how much energy would be consumed to maintain such a large dream. Tianyun set the trial time for three days later. During these three days, the elders still felt death in their dreams. They began to be judged by people, and a public trial will be held in three days! Let them atone their sins in the cycle of death and suffer in the cycle of death! There are more important things to do now, although the entire city has been basically occupied by the rebels! But there are still many landlords in the farther places, and there are still many termites to be cleaned up. Things are far from over, and the real big cleansing has just begun. After stabilizing the residents in the city in one night, the management personnel were also replaced by leaders elected by the lowest level people!

These leaders elected by the lowest level people, in the process of resistance.

They all relied on their personal charm and style of doing things, and had a certain number of supporters.

Tianyun let it go and let them make up for the emptiness of Xumi City now.

Although they don't know how to manage, their spirit is absolutely pure. After the baptism of the rebels, after the struggle, their spirit has long become firm.

Even if there will be termites later, it will be a long time later.

In order to prevent things from becoming a mess, there will be no ability but only will.

Tianyun also specially cared for them and equipped a student as a secretary!

To help them deal with various affairs, so as to avoid good intentions and bad things!

Zhang Jue and Xinghuo are also about to start a big sweep according to Tianyun's requirements.

Zhang Jue swept the landlords to the north, saved more people, and implemented the land distribution.

We must ensure that people can plant seeds in time before the next season of spring plowing, so that they can harvest food next year!

And the sparks are heading west to eliminate those stubborn elements in the west.

Carry out a big purge of the West!

Let those ignorant guys know that a nation is not easy to mess with!

The rebels in various regions of Xumi are all in battle.

Some are in an advantageous position, some are in a disadvantageous position, and those places with an advantageous position will support other places.

In a house somewhere

A man looked at the girl in front of him with complicated eyes and persuaded softly

"Nilu! Do you really want to go?

There are rebels everywhere outside now!

There is war everywhere, and your life is in danger if you do this!

If the rebels fail, you will die!"

The young girl wearing a white veil and a white dress had a firm look in her eyes and said in a determined tone

"Today is the birthday of the God of Grass and the God of Flowers. Nilu is going to dance the dance of the God of Flowers!

I know all the dangers, but I have a reason to go!"

Nilu was beside A girl on the road sighed softly, patted the man on the shoulder and said softly

"Let her go! Everyone has something they want to do, right?

Why stop someone who has already determined his goal?"

The man nodded softly, then spread his hands helplessly

"Forget it, who makes us your partners, let me go with you.

This way I can protect you along the way, after all, you are the protagonist!"

Ni Lu looked at her two companions, smiled, and nodded heavily.

After Tianyun did all this, the control of his body was returned to the little grass god Nashida.

Now it's night, it's the time of the little grass god Nashida!

The little grass god Nashida sat alone on the roof, looking at the moon in the sky. The dark clouds had dispersed, and the moonlight began to shine on the earth!

But there was a bit of loss on the face of the little grass god Nashida.


Although people's faces were still full of joy, and they could feel the joy in their hearts, they always felt that something was missing.

At this time of year in previous years, people would dance to celebrate the birthday of the flower god!

Even the little grass god Nashida thought that dance was very beautiful.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the crowd in the distance. When the little grass god Nashida looked in the direction of the sound.

She found that two girls and a man were being stopped outside by the rebels, and they were not allowed to enter the square!

Several soldiers with weapons in hand stopped the man and two women, and said in a heavy voice

"Stop! The idle people in front

No outsiders are allowed to enter!"

The man looked nervous and it was obvious that he was very scared, but he still explained

"We are here to help. We have people who can dance the Flower God's Dance!

How can there be no one to dance the Flower God's Dance on the Flower God's Birthday?"

Hearing the man's words, the soldier also hesitated. The man was right. It would be imperfect if no one danced the Flower God's Dance on the Flower God's Birthday!

"Let them come!"

Just as the soldier was hesitating, a soft voice suddenly came from behind him. The little grass god Nashida slowly walked in front of the three people.

"Yes! Lord Grass God! "

The soldiers stood up straight instantly, retreated to both sides, and made a path in the middle.

The little grass god Nashida looked at the girl curiously, feeling familiar.

It seemed as if she had seen her in a dream before!

Ni Lu looked at the little grass god Nashida in front of her, and the whole person was stunned.

It's not her fault. After all, who would have thought that the grass god of Xumi looked like a little girl.

And it's so cute. I really want to rub that rosy little face and those eyes that can make people burst with cuteness.

It's really hard to imagine that such a cute existence would be the god of a country!

After a little hesitation, Ni Lu looked at the cute little grass god Nashida in front of her, and her voice was very soft.

"Are you the grass god of Xumi?

I am a dancer. By chance and accident, I learned the dance of the flower god.

Ni Lu wants to dance a flower god dance for your flower god birthday. Is it okay? "

Ni Lu looked at the little grass god Nashida in front of her with expectation, and her voice was very gentle and a little expectant.

The little grass god Nashida smiled sweetly and nodded gently.

"Thank you! I will watch your dance carefully!"

Ni Lu didn't expect that she would be affirmed by the gods.

And one day, her flower god dance can really be presented to the gods beside the gods.

The flower god dance was originally created by the flower god to celebrate the Great Compassion Tree King. Today, too few people know about it!

And even if they know it, there are even fewer people who can dance this dance.

This dance itself contains certain sacrificial steps, and it also has a very special charm.

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