The crowds gathered in the square, and the crowds gathered became larger and larger. The entire periphery of the square and even farther away were already full of people. The rebels instantly became guards and began to patrol everywhere to prevent trampling or casualties. The grass goddess Nashida looked at the crowds gathering in the distance, her eyes were moved, and a warm current slowly rose in her heart. "Everyone..." Even in the villages outside Xumi City, people who heard the news were rushing here. When everything was almost ready, Tianyun urged the grass goddess Nashida. "Go quickly, Nashida. Everyone is waiting for you to announce the start of this Flower God Festival!"

The grass god Nashida nodded heavily, and a smile appeared on her face. Her smile was as curved as a crescent moon. A feeling of joy and ease, and a feeling of being touched filled the heart of the grass god Nashida.

The grass god Nashida slowly came to the center of the square, where the stage had been set up.

The people around were also looking at the young figure with expectation.

No one was disrespectful. This was their god, their Lord Grass God!

This was the Lord Grass God who had protected Xumi for hundreds of years, even though this grass god looked very young and very cute.

But for them, this was their god!

When the grass god Nashida walked onto the stage!

There was a warm cheer from the audience, and the people were excited, screaming and cheering.

"Lord Grass God! It's Lord Grass God!"

"I didn't expect that I would actually see Lord Grass God in person!"

"This time, Lord Grass God will personally preside over the opening of the Flower God Festival. It's really exciting!"


Amid the cheers and expectant eyes of the people, the little Grass God Nashida came to the center of the stage.

The little Grass God Nashida looked at the people below who were looking at her expectantly, and a sincere smile appeared on her face. It was a smile from the heart!

"Next, I will announce!

The Flower God Festival!

Officially begins!"

As the voice fell, the whole audience burst into warm cheers!

After the little Grass God Nashida finished the announcement, Zhou Shu immediately went on stage and came to the center of the square.

Since Xinghuo and Zhang Jue had already left here, he was the only one who could preside over the scene.

Zhou Shu looked at the excited people below, and the people were also very nervous.

Even he had never seen such a large occasion. He was very nervous when he was giving a speech before and was only watched by a few people.

Now, the people of the entire Xumi were all focused on him, but now it has come to this.

Even if he was nervous, he had to step forward bravely and absolutely could not let any accidents happen in the Flower God’s Birthday Ceremony!

After Zhou Shu walked onto the stage, he announced to the people below in a very steady voice

"Let us invite the performers of the first program!

They are three brothers!

They come from far away.

They have a burly figure, a strong body, a kind face, and a kind heart!

Let us applaud the three brothers to come on stage, they will bring acrobatics to break stones with their chests!"

After Zhou Shu finished speaking, there was very warm applause and cheers from below, and people's eyes were full of expectations.

But when the three brothers with burly figures, ferocious faces, and scars on their faces appeared,

The enthusiastic atmosphere of the whole audience quieted down at this moment, and the whole scene fell into a dead silence!

A little girl watching the show in the audience hid in her mother's arms in fear, with tears in her eyes as if she was about to cry

"Mom! I'm scared!"

The mother gently patted the child's back, and her voice was also trembling

"Don't be afraid, child, mother will take you to run!"

However, the reaction of the people in the audience was too big, because the faces and burly figures of the three brothers above were too scary!

When the three brothers stood on the stage, Zhou Shu was two heads shorter than the three brothers!

Zhou Shu saw that all the people were quiet and silent, and they didn't know what happened.

Zhou Shu suddenly found that he seemed to be shrouded by three huge shadows behind him.

When Zhou Shu looked back, he found that three hideous-looking and extremely burly strong men surrounded him in the middle.

Zhou Shu looked at the three burly strong men behind him and couldn't help swallowing


At this moment, Zhou Shu seemed like a kid cornered by a bully, and was very scared.

He only knew the program list and the program introduction, but he hadn't seen anyone yet.

After all, time was tight, there was no time to rehearse, and he didn't know who the performers were!

I just heard that they were members of the resistance army, and they were strong enough. I thought that if they could join, the resistance army shouldn't be that bad!

At least that's what Zhou Shu thought at first, but after he saw the figures of the three people with his own eyes, Zhou Shu took back his words!

Damn, he doesn't look like a good person, he's even worse than a bully!

The leader asked softly with a ferocious smile on his face

"Why don't you continue?"

Zhou Shuli immediately shuddered, and his voice was a little stuttering.

"Next... let's invite the three brothers to start their performance!"

After saying this, Zhou Shuli immediately fled, left the stage and ran down, fearing that he would be beaten by the three brothers if he took a step late.

The atmosphere on the stage was very radical, but the three brothers didn't care about it.

The boss slowly walked to the front, clasped his hands and introduced himself in a very rough voice.

"We are three brothers from a small village. We are kind and friendly, and never quarrel with others!

Everyone who has seen us says we are good!

Everyone who has seen us thinks we are very kind!

In order to prove what he said, the proof boss slowly walked forward and came to the edge of the stage, where a little girl was lying in her mother's arms, looking at the huge figure approaching with fear in her eyes.

The boss had a smile on his face, but the smile looked particularly terrifying and scary under his hideous appearance, and asked in a very soft voice.

"This little girl?

Do you think we are all kind?"

The little girl was scared and started crying.

Her mother immediately picked up the little girl, with fear in her eyes, and quickly responded to the boss's words.

"Kind! Kind!

You are the kindest people I have ever seen!"

"Isn't it!"

The boss showed a satisfied smile, and then asked others, and finally got kind answers!

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