The city of Xumi is now in chaos.


After three days of war in Xumi City, the entire city has settled down again.

The surrounding resistance has also subsided, and the next step is the trial ceremony that the masses are looking forward to!

As for the hatred of the elders and great sages, the residents of Xumi City are not much less than the lower-class people outside.

The rebels outside are indirectly oppressed, but for the residents of the entire Xumi City.

They no longer feel that kind of oppression every day.

Whether it is the inhuman 007 work system, the high mortgage that cannot be repaid, or even the ridiculously high prices.

As well as various miscellaneous taxes and procedural taxes, these things made the residents in Xumi City breathless!

In the expectation of these people, the grass god Nashida slowly walked to the high platform of the central square.

"Now I announce!

The people's trial! Officially begins!"

The grass god Nashida gently raised her hands upward, and green light burst out from the grass god Nashida.

The light spread rapidly around and soon enveloped the entire square.

An extremely huge dream was built by the grass god Nashida.

This dream kept spreading outward and eventually enveloped the entire Xumi City.

There are countless small dreams in this big dream, and each dream corresponds to a single person.

And whoever the person he wants to judge most in his heart will appear in front of him.

Before the trial, it will be confirmed whether the crime is established. In the dream, it is the grass god Nashida who can see through the lie.

Everyone will show their truest self in front of the Little Grass God Nashida.

Tianyun is not very concerned about the punishment scenes of other people.

What Tianyun cares about is what the punishment of the Great Sage is like?

In such a trial and punishment scene, Tianyun took the initiative to take over the body and persuaded the Little Grass God Nashida to go into hibernation first.

The following scenes and occasions are not suitable for the Little Grass God Nashida to watch.

The Little Grass God Nashida also went into hibernation very obediently. It is obvious that the Little Grass God Nashida also understands that if she is there, she may be soft-hearted.

After Tianyun officially took control of the body, he came to the dream of the Great Sage.

You must know that the speed of time in the dream is different from that in the outside world. The deeper the dream, the slower the speed of time!

In an extremely dark room, the Great Sage was tied up all over, and his expression was still full of malice.

Above it was a water leak, from which drops of water were constantly dripping, and they fell on the forehead of the Great Sage.

The Great Sage struggled violently, still cursing

"Let me go, let me go!

You ants, you slaves dare to judge me!

Do you think you will make me surrender like this?

It's just a drop of water!"

Tick! Tick!

The surroundings were extremely quiet, without any sound, only the dripping water filled the entire room.

After a period of cursing, the Great Sage stopped, perhaps because he was tired of cursing, and water was dripping on his forehead.

When the Great Sage calmed down, he found that the surroundings were terribly quiet, and an indescribable sense of loneliness enveloped the whole person.

A kind of panic, a kind of fear, gradually floated to my heart.

Time passed slowly...

Tick! Tick!

A day passed...

The Great Sage did not change at all, still kept cursing, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual.

Tick! Tick!

Two days passed...

In this extremely dark environment, the dripping water made the Great Sage panic, but he still cursed.

Tick! Tick!

Five days passed...

In the dark environment, the Great Sage's forehead began to feel a stinging sensation. The place where the water dripped, I don't know if it was an illusion, seemed to have been soaked by water and began to rot.

The Great Sage no longer cursed, and his panicked eyes drifted around, always feeling that there seemed to be a ghost emerging in it.

It has been 5 days since he last hibernated. The mental fatigue and the fear in the environment are bothering the Great Sage!

Tick! Tick!

Ten days have passed...

The water drops seemed to have pierced his skull.

Bone, every drop will be accompanied by extremely severe pain.

The Great Sage roared in pain, but in this quiet environment, he was always alone.

The fatigue of the brain, the mental pressure, the darkness around, the fear in the heart, all tortured the Great Sage.

The Great Sage felt that he was going crazy, as if he was in hell, without the calmness at the beginning, and without the arrogance at the beginning!

Tick! Tick!

A month passed

The Great Sage's pupils were dilated, but his eyes were wide open, and the water drops were still dripping. The Great Sage, who was dripped by the water, had lost his life.

The Great Sage was scared to death, scared to death by mental collapse and fantasy!

The Great Sage finally died of...

The water dripping punishment!

Then the whole dream began to shatter, and the shattering of the world represented a new beginning.

A new reincarnation began again!

In the endless darkness and the mental torture of dripping water, the Great Sage died more than 100 times.

Only then did he enter a new world.

When the Great Sage appeared again, his eyes were full of fear, and he kept touching his whole body.

After finding that he had no injuries, he continued to curse

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!

No matter how many times you kill me, I will not surrender, damn grass god, damn stink bug!"

There was still no response around, and the whole world was covered by cylindrical walls.

No matter what method the Great Sage used, he could not escape, and there was still a lot of hot steam below.

At first, the Great Sage only felt that the temperature was a little hot, but as the white steam in this space increased, the temperature in the air became higher and higher.

After only 5 minutes, the Great Sage was now red all over, like a cooked shrimp, panting, and sweat dripping from his body.

The Great Sage was trembling all over. Under this extremely high temperature, the Great Sage's steps were so weak that he could hardly stand.

The Great Sage felt a sharp pain all over his body, and after a minute he could no longer bear it and screamed miserably.

The extremely intense pain came from his whole body, and the first thing that was affected was his eyes, which seemed to be blind, as if they were pierced by something, and the piercing pain came from them.

"It hurts!

It hurts so much!"

The pain caused the Great Sage to fall to the ground below, but when his hands touched the floor below, a more intense scream came.


My hand!

My hand!"

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