The place that was originally stained by the black power was corroding at a faster speed.

Tianyun sighed softly after seeing this scene.

Unexpected, expected!

Tianyun expected that the world tree would have problems, but it was unexpected so early.

Tianyun was not surprised that the doctor could not cure the problem of the world tree.

If the doctor could really solve the problem of the world tree.

Then in the plot of the original god, there would be no need for the traveler and the grass god Nashida to solve it and save the world.

Although the world was finally saved, the price was that the Great Compassion Tree King was forgotten by all the world!

How could such a thing be allowed to happen again in front of Tianyun!

Tianyun closed his eyes and placed his hands on the World Tree.

Tianyun mobilized all his strength and input it into the World Tree to help it expel the black power.

But it was useless...

The black power was not so easy to expel.

Or Tianyun's connection with the World Tree was not very deep.

The little grass god Nashida was the branch of the World Tree, and Tianyun was just an outsider.

How could he have an uninterrupted connection with the World Tree?

Tianyun slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again.

The look in the little grass god's eyes changed...

The deep eyes with wisdom disappeared, and the clear and bright eyes with a bit of innocence appeared.

The little grass god Nashida looked at the world tree hurt by the black and corrosion with a worried look in her eyes, and whispered softly


I'll help you!"

The little grass god Nashida slowly opened her arms, and a green energy suddenly surged out of it, accompanied by a strong resonance, resonating with the world tree.

Circle after circle, the green energy began to vibrate.

The dark energy that Tianyun's power could not expel was also vibrated out at this moment and separated from the world tree.

Although the corrosion of the world tree was not resolved, the speed was also slowed down.

Although the black energy was suppressing the corrosion, it was also suppressing the energy of the world tree.

And when this black energy could not suppress this corrosion, but suppressed the world tree instead.

The corrosion would naturally become more serious!

The doctor on the side has been quietly looking at the little grass god Nashida in front of him, with his eyes slightly narrowed.

The doctor is very sure that this time it is no longer the grass god before!

Now the grass god gives the doctor a feeling of purity and innocence.

But before, it was full of depth and wisdom!

The one in front of the doctor feels more like what a grass god should be like.

But it seems that he has no wisdom.

Are wisdom and knowledge separated?

Both have become an independent personality!

After a long period of thinking, the doctor came to this conclusion.

"It's really interesting..."

At this moment, the doctor understood why this generation of grass gods is so different from the previous grass gods.

It was beyond the doctor's expectation that it would become like this.

However, in terms of the results, this model seems to be more suitable for the grass god!

One is responsible for pacifying the people and becoming a belief!

One is responsible for external enemies and becoming a responsibility!

With mutual complementation, the grass god no longer has the previous weakness!

The world tree exudes a brilliant light, when the little grass god Nashida resonates with the world tree.

Circles of green ripples are shaking wildly and spreading further away.

The doctor, who was not far from the World Tree, was also hit by the green energy and flew back a distance.

When the green shock wave was about to hit the doctor, a shield appeared in front of him. Although the whole person was still knocked away, he was not injured.

The doctor looked at the grass god Nashida in the distance, and then looked at the world tree that was still shaking and dispersing the dark energy.

The doctor gently patted the dust on his body, slowly stood up, and looked at the grass god Nashida meaningfully.

"Huh! Don't you welcome me?

Since the experiment has failed, there is no need for me to stay here!

Next time!

We will meet again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black energy slowly covered the doctor's body, and then the doctor disappeared.

The grass god Nashida in the distance, after seeing this

After the curtain, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor gave the little grass god Nashida a very uncomfortable feeling.

Even the world tree was disgusted with the doctor's breath, and the doctor seemed to have many secrets!

But then the little grass god Nashida's sight was thrown on the world tree again.

The little grass god Nashida felt the pain of the world tree being corroded, and her eyes were full of sorrow and worry.

"My wisdom...

What should we do now!"

Tianyun sighed softly in his heart.

According to the plot of the original god, the little grass god Nashida has two God's Hearts.

With the power of the two God's Hearts, he connected to the Great Compassion Tree King 500 years ago!

But because of Tianyun's joining, the plot has changed, and a series of events have happened ahead of time.

But now...

There is no second God's Heart to borrow power.

Tianyun could only go to Inazuma first to see if the Heart of Thunder God had been taken away by the Fatui.

If not, just borrow it!

After all, Thunder God Shadow still owed him a favor, and I believe he would not refuse such a condition.

But if it had been taken away...

I'm afraid I have to find another way...

"Nashida, with your current power, can you contact the Great Compassion Tree King 500 years ago?"

After hesitating for a while, the little grass god Nashida slowly closed her eyes, and her whole body began to emit a bright, emerald green light.

The rich grass elemental power all gathered on the body of the little grass god Nashida, and finally formed a hand-held round table.

Tianyun recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the thing that the little grass god Nashida gave to the traveler in the plot?

And when the little grass god Nashida's hand was placed on the round table, some memories of the Great Compassion Tree King appeared.

Just relying on the connection of this power alone, although it is already very close.

I can feel the vague connection, but I can't break through the barrier.

Although the grass god Nashida has grown to a certain extent.

But with only one God's Heart, I still can't contact the Great Kindness Tree King 500 years ago!

"I can't contact the Great Kindness Tree King 500 years ago.

My wisdom!

What should I do?"

"It seems...

I can only go to Inazuma again!

Perhaps borrowing the power of the Thunder God's Heart can solve the current problem."

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