Bai Luo followed Qi Qi in the mountains for more than two days. Maybe it was because Bai Luo got along well with her in Bubulu, so she didn't drive him away.

It seems that having a companion in this desolate mountain is not bad?

It's just that she often forgets his name and his appearance. She can recognize him because he is all black. But she remembers the taste called "sour" in her heart.

Because this is the only taste she can taste besides hot and cold.

"What's your name?"

This is the seventeenth time Qi Qi asked Bai Luo's name along the way. The girl said that she would remember it, but she always forgot it for some reason.

For example, once during the trip, after Bai Luo told her his name, she kept repeating it in her mouth, trying to remember Bai Luo in this way.

"Bai Luo Bai Luo Bai Luo..."

Who knew that after accidentally tripping over the gravel in the mountains, the name in her mouth had changed when she stood up again.

"Luo Bai Luo Bai Luo Bai..."

In response, Bai Luo could only sigh softly, at least it was just the wrong order, and the other party had not called him Bai Jie.

"You should still call me Xiao Bai."

"Xiao Bai..."

A very familiar name, but I can't remember it.

Look at the notebook...ah, it's under the backpack and can't be taken out.

It's not a good thing for the notebook to be pressed under the backpack, because Qiqi's orders are all written in the notebook. If you don't take it out frequently to issue orders to yourself...some unexpected things will happen.

For example, now, Qiqi has disappeared chasing a strange squirrel. If Bai Luo hadn't left a mark on him, it would be difficult to find her again.

When Bai Luo found her, she was crouching on the ground, digging a one-meter-deep pit with a spade in her hand, and her body was dirty.

This is the disadvantage of the decree. If no one helps to lift the decree, she will keep digging here until she catches the squirrel.

Unfortunately... she will never be able to catch the squirrel, because that little thing is not a squirrel at all, but a treasure-stealing weasel.

With a helpless sigh, Bai Luo walked into the pit and lifted up Qiqi who was still digging.

Even though she was picked up from behind, Qiqi's hands were still digging, which gave people a feeling of a robot.

"I like you the most."

After picking up Qiqi, Bai Luo said this, and Qiqi, who had been repeating the digging action, finally stopped with a confused look on her face.

The decree is indeed a trouble, but it is not without a solution. For example, the sentence Bai Luo said when he picked her up from behind just now is the way to lift the decree.

"Luo Bai?"

On her dirty little face, there was a hint of doubt. Qiqi looked at Bai Luo who put her on the ground, tilted her head, and called out his name.

It was probably his name.

"It's Bai Luo... I'm glad you're happy."

After being away from me for so long, she can still call out the name Luo Bai. This girl must be trying very hard to remember me, right? Let's not embarrass her.

The herbs in the backpack had been scattered all over the ground when she dug the pit, but it didn't matter. At least the notebook that was pressed underneath was taken out.

After Bai Luo helped her collect the herbs, he also wiped the dirt off her face. It was the talisman she had pasted on her forehead. Bai Luo didn't dare to move it. He didn't know what would happen after he took it off, so it was better not to do anything stupid.

"Xiao Bai... best friend. Well... the same as Luo Bai."

After turning to the last page, Xiao Qiqi took out the brush, licked it in her mouth, and wrote this sentence in a very beautiful handwriting.

In addition, there are some other notes.

Xiaobai, the best friend.

Ningguang, white, big, and yellow, is the master of Tianquan Star.

Yaoyao, like a small sparrow, small and cute, I want to raise one.

Sunset fruit, sour and delicious, I want to plant one.

Luobai, black, the best friend.

Yeyang, milk is very white and delicious, I want to raise one.

"Just now, the brothers were still wondering why the treasure-stealing weasel they raised was so panicked, but they didn't expect... there was an unexpected harvest."

When Bailuo and the others were cleaning up, a weird voice sounded from the side. At the same time, some people with bad intentions also walked out of the bushes

, intending to surround the two.

In fact, when Bai Luo saw the treasure-stealing weasel, he realized that there should be people from the treasure-stealing group nearby, because this kind of small animal is the pet of the treasure-stealing group.

He thought that the little guy was hiding in the cave and had not come out yet, but he didn't expect it to make another hole and bring in reinforcements.

But this group of soldiers is not that good.


Looking at this group of treasure-stealing group, Qiqi subconsciously wanted to draw her sword. Because she occasionally encountered similar things when picking herbs, she had already given herself an order early on that she should teach such people a lesson.

But Bai Luo untied her order at this time.

"Leave it to me."

After putting Qiqi down, Bai Luo took out his dagger from behind and looked at the people around him.

Indeed, his black is not good at group battles, but it depends on the situation.

If it were just some treasure-stealing groups, he would not be embarrassed by them.

At most, it would be a matter of swinging the dagger a few more times.

"That man, since you have a child, we won't make it difficult for you. Leave half of the herbs and go on your own."

Perhaps because they saw Bai Luo's extraordinaryness, or perhaps because they had heard about Qi Qi, the treasure-stealing group was a little timid for no reason and proposed the condition of leaving the herbs.

This may sound a little incredible, but looking at the herbs in Qi Qi's backpack, it is not surprising.

Qi Qi is not an ordinary herbalist, and the herbs he picked are mostly in places where people rarely go. In short... this basket of herbs alone is of great value.

Half of the herbs can be regarded as a bribe.

But Bai Luo has always been the one who plucked the feathers of the passing geese, so how could he be fleeced by others?

The dark figure flashed to the side of the treasure-stealing group like a ghost, and the dagger in his hand had already sunk into the man's body, but he deliberately blocked this scene.

He didn't want the child to see this scene.

Well... maybe the child is thousands of years old.


The leader felt a chill in his chest, and his strength dissipated with the chill, and then the chill spread to his whole body.

While the others were confused, Bai Luo supported an old man who was about to fall, and put the guy who was coughing up blood foam against a tree.

"Who else wants to take a break?"

After shaking off the blood on the dagger, Bai Luo had taken off the mask on his face. He looked like the god of death in the underworld, which made people feel cold.

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