The sword flashed, but the ancient rock dragon lizard did not die. As a rock element creature, it perfectly inherited the characteristics of high defense and thick blood of the rock system. Even if its defense power was ineffective in front of the Nine-headed Dragon Flash, its flesh and blood could still withstand the Nine-headed Dragon Flash once. After all, it was not the Tianxiang Dragon Flash in the residual blood state, so it was understandable that it could not be killed in seconds. "Keng——" The reverse blade was sheathed, and the additional active skill was activated. The Nine-headed Dragon Flash, which had entered the cooling state, became available again. "Nine-headed Dragon Flash!" The dragon lizard's rolling movement stopped abruptly, and the feeling of being restrained appeared again. After this knife, it completely lost all the strength in its body. "Ka La La -"

The thick rock armor on the ancient rock dragon lizard fell off, and the blood like magma flowed all over the ground. The ancient rock dragon lizard lying on the magma gasped for breath, and the remaining strength was not even enough to support it to climb up.

With a click, the reverse blade was sheathed.

Although the reverse blade's non-killing effect did not work on non-human creatures like the ancient rock dragon lizard, he still decided to try it.

The equipment he got recently.

[Fairy's Glory (Active)]: One of the three strongest magics in a certain world, the legendary super magic, the ruthless light that does not allow the enemy to survive, can destroy all enemies.

The only active - Fairy's Glory: Immediately cause true damage of 15% of the enemy's lost life. If the enemy is killed, the cooldown time is reduced by 20 seconds. (Cooling time 90 seconds)

Gently shaking his arm, a faint pattern seemed to appear on his right arm, but it could not be seen clearly because of the cover of the red robe.

This magic does not belong to this world, and Bai Luo was not qualified to use it originally, but after the magic modification of Bai Luo's system, it was able to come to this world through equipment.

Although it came to the world in the form of equipment, it still could not cover up its brilliance.

The light of light rose to the sky, and the dark clouds above Tianqiu Valley disappeared without a trace under the agitation of this golden light.

The beam of light, which was more dazzling than the lighthouse in the dark night, actually occupied the entire sky, and the beam of light that rushed straight into the sky made people unable to look sideways.

The light gathered on the top of the ancient rock dragon lizard's head and gradually formed the shape of a halo. This halo condensed the faith, bondage and determination of a group of people, and the power it contained was so strong that the ancient rock dragon lizard could not move.

"Gather here and guide the river of light of the fairies!

"Shine here and exterminate the minions of evil"

"The glory of the fairies! "

As Bai Luo's arm fell, the beam of light... bloomed.

It was like the first ray of sunlight illuminating the horizon. The scorching and holy light made Qi Qi, who was not afraid of the sun, dare not look directly at it.

It contained no impurities, no extra attributes, just light.

Only light.

The halo gradually engulfed the ancient rock dragon lizard. It didn't even have the chance to wail, and it was completely silent.

Not even a slag was left.

The light dissipated, and the mark on Bai Luo's arm disappeared, and it completely entered the cooling state.

Is the fairy's light powerful? It is indeed powerful. The momentum it shows is far cooler than any skill he has mastered now.

It's a pity... This kind of handsomeness is exchanged for damage.

Pay attention to its description , which is 15% of the opponent's lost health. This means that if the opponent has not lost blood, this move can only blind the opponent's eyes.

It is just a large flash bomb.

But if the opponent is at low health... then it becomes a killing skill.

That's why he said before that this is the skill of finishing off the opponent after using the big move.

Xiao Qiqi has already climbed down, carrying a medicine basket, squatting beside the ancient rock dragon lizard, taking out a branch and trying to find something in the ashes.

Unfortunately, she miscalculated.

The fairy's brilliance turned the ancient rock dragon lizard into a handful of flying ashes, and even a large bone could not be pulled out, which was worse than the lady later.

"Luo Bai, medicinal materials, medicinal materials. "

Qiqi stood beside Bai Luo, tugged at his shirt, and protested quietly.

I told you to defeat it and take the goods, but I didn't tell you to kill it.


Bai Luo was a little embarrassed. It was the first time he used the fairy's light. He thought it would be the same as in the game, snatching the teammate's head with a buzzing sound.

Who knew this thing would be so powerful.

Speaking of which, the light just now, even

Liyue City should have seen it, right? If they could, that would be bad.

Immortals, Qixing, and Rock King Emperor might all come to check the situation. If they were blocked, it would be hard to explain.

And the few people who had been marked by him were already on their way.

"Don't move."

After turning into black, Bai Luo stood beside Qiqi and pulled her into Shadow. Almost the moment they entered Shadow, Rock King Emperor had already fallen into the cave.

Then, it was True Lord Liufengjieyun who happened to be nearby.


Although he was not wearing a divine costume, the divine power of Rock King Emperor could not be faked. The Emperor often disguised himself as an ordinary person in the world to visit incognito, so the immortals like them relied more on the divine power of the Emperor to recognize people.

"Is this an ancient rock dragon lizard?"

Squatting down and picking up some ashes, the Emperor frowned.

As a rock element creature, it is almost impossible for the ancient rock dragon lizard to be beaten into this state. But considering that beam of light... it is not surprising that it will become this pile of slag.

"Yes, it has been entrenched here for some time. Seeing that it has not done any evil, the immortals did not interfere too much. After all... it is the dependent of that person."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun sighed and said.

That turmoil is history for the people of Liyue. For them, it is a war they have experienced personally, and it is a war that should not have been fought in the first place.

The dragon king was sealed up, and these dependents of it also sank into the ground with the seal of the dragon king, waiting for the king's return.

I never thought that after it saw the light of day again, it was persecuted like this.

With his brows slightly furrowed, Liuyun Jiefeng thought that the dragon lizard was pitiful, but overlooked one thing. Does the appearance of these dragon lizards indicate that his old friend is coming back?

"Xueyue Zhuyang and Lishan Dieshui are coming too. Go and tell them that they don't need to interfere with the affairs here, including you."

The emperor sighed and said.

"This... Emperor, do you have any clues?"

"Well, I almost know who it is."

The beam of light just now was extremely pure light without any flaws. If it was not the Demon God of Light, then there was only one possibility, it came from outside the world.

Although the beam of light was extremely dazzling, it did not make him feel familiar, but very strange, and... not threatening.

Thinking about Bai Luo's strange power and the sword-drawing technique that was different from Lei's movie, he was basically sure that the owner of the beam of light was Bai Luo.

I didn't expect this guy to have such a killer.

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