The sky is full of bright and clear water.

Tianheng Mountain is a high mountain near Liyue. The spring water flowing down from the mountain passes through the entire Liyue Port, rushes to the sea, and finally merges into the sea.

Standing on the top of Tianheng Mountain, you can almost overlook the entire Liyue City.

And now, the young master is half squatting on the top of the mountain, looking thoughtfully in the direction of Tianqiu Valley.

The light just now was too dazzling, and he couldn't ignore the existence of that light. However, there are many Liyue immortals, and the Rock King Emperor is also in the dark. In addition, the people of the Seven Stars are also staring at him, so he dare not rush there at will.

But he still sent his men.

"My Lord!"

The Fatui sent by the Young Master did not dare to relax, so after investigating the situation, they hurried back.

"How is the situation?"

The Young Master's eyes were still fixed on the direction of the beam. The clouds that were swept away by the beam had not yet returned to their original state. The vacancy in the sky gave people the illusion that the sky was pierced with a hole.

"The Qianyan Army has completely surrounded the vicinity. Half of the Liyue Seven Stars are here. Although we have negotiated with the Seven Stars, they don't seem to want us to get involved."

The Fatui in charge of the investigation gradually sweated on his forehead, because in a sense, he had no gains from this trip. Even if the Young Master punished him, he could only accept it.

"You've worked hard, go and get your reward."

The Young Master nodded.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Several men breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced. As for the Young Master's so-called reward, they definitely didn't dare to get it.

In fact, Tartaglia knew from the beginning that his men would not gain much from this trip. If something similar happened in the Kingdom of Winter, they would definitely not let the Thousand Rock Army and the Seven Stars participate.

Cooperation can only be established when the strength of both parties is equal. If it is a country with unequal strength like Mondstadt or Inazuma, the method of infiltration and cannibalization will be used.

The young master actually knows something about the situation in Tianqiu Valley, such as the matter of the ancient rock dragon lizard and the young rock dragon lizard. For the rest of the Fatui, perhaps only the immature jade on the ancient rock dragon lizard is worthy of the attention of the Fatui.

In fact, the young master noticed another thing.

The legend of the Dragon King.

It is said that there is an ancient dragon as long-lived as a mountain. In the years that are difficult to recall, it once stood shoulder to shoulder with the emperor of Rock Port, but in the end, it became furious because the ground veins were destroyed by human mining of the layered rock abyss, and was finally sealed underground by the emperor himself.

So... does the appearance of the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard mean that the ancient dragon has awakened?

Actually, after coming to Liyue, Tartaglia tried to find out the news about the Emperor, but apart from the [Seven Stars Summoning Immortal Ceremony], there was no chance to get close to the god.

The Summoning Immortal Ceremony is held once a year, and this time it must be heavily guarded. Unless it is ready to turn against Liyue, it is absolutely impossible to take action on that day.

The matter of the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard gave Tartaglia an inspiration. If he found the Dragon King who was sealed underground and tried to release it...

Will the Dragon King who has been sealed for so many years attract the Rock King Emperor who is elusive? Even if the Dragon King becomes weak because of the seal, he can force the Rock King Emperor to show up with the Dragon King's life.

Presumably the Emperor doesn't want to watch his friend who has fought for many years die like this, right?

It's a pity that the beam of light just now attracted the attention of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Tianqiu Valley is now strictly guarded. It is still very difficult to break through the blockade of the Qianyan Army to investigate the situation inside.

However, since the gap has been found, the Fatui will sooner or later magnify this gap without limit until the other party falls apart and completely perishes.

Half-crouching on the top of the mountain, Tartaglia felt the sharpness of the cold wind, and suddenly felt a sense of being cold at a high place.


But the next moment, he seemed to realize something and slowly lowered his head. He found that a red halo appeared under his feet at some point.

This halo was not very large, with a diameter of about two meters, and there seemed to be some kind of light flashing around the halo.

"What is this..."


The boiling magma rushed into the sky and instantly engulfed Tartaglia's body. Although he used water to block the damage of the magma in time, he did not block it.

The huge impact of the magma.

He was like a helpless little yellow plastic duck, being lifted high up, falling off the mountain with a confused look on his face, and falling into the valley.


The nearby fools were stunned for a moment, and then they quickly reacted.


"Enemy attack! Everyone be alert!"

"What the hell is alert! Go save people! Master!"

No one knows why a crater appeared in Tianheng Mountain, and no one knows why the crater disappeared again. They only know... If something happens to Master, they, the subordinates, will be in trouble.

At the foot of Tianheng Mountain, in fact, is Bubulu.

Today's weather was not very good, but the immortal appeared, and just now it burst out with dazzling light, clearing the black clouds in the sky, and even the sun playfully showed its face.

Seeing that the sunshine was not bad, Agui began to feed the koi in the pond.

The dozen koi here were purchased by him recently. He tried to buy the same varieties as before.

Under the power of money, the lotus pond actually showed signs of returning to its original state. No wonder Mr. Bai said that the Fatui would solve everything.

Now, he just hoped that the devil Bai Luo would not come to Bubulu again.

Forget about stewing koi with his medicine pot, and stew frogs with it. During this period of time, he could always smell a strange smell when stewing medicine, and it was useless to scrub it.

Pray that Xiao Qiqi will not learn bad things with Bai Luo, otherwise no matter how many koi there are, they will not be enough for her to eat.

Oh, don't think about it, don't think about it, it's just a bunch of bad things.

Agui shook his head slowly and continued to feed the fish feed into the pond.


Just after throwing out a handful of feed, Agui's attention was attracted by the sound above his head. Looking up, he saw a figure falling from the top of the mountain, and the place where he fell was... the lotus pond!


"My fish!"

Accompanied by a whine, Tartaglia fell straight into the lotus pond, causing a large splash of water, and Agui next to him was drenched.

"Damn... Fortunately I fell into the water."

Grinning, Tartaglia climbed out of the pond, still a little confused. After being thrown away, he wanted to use the power of the water flow to fall back on the mountain wall.

Who knew that after being thrown away, he completely lost control of his body, as if his whole body was paralyzed. It was not until he fell into the water that his strength was restored.

So what happened?

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