The boat was carrying a large amount of cargo.

On the dock, wooden cranes were being operated by several strong men to transport cargo to the ship, and the sailors were also checking the condition of the hull.

After all, they would have to live on this ship for a long time. If anything happened to it, these sailors would also be buried in the sea with it. No one would be willing to joke with their own lives.

Next to the port is a small market.

At first, only a few fishermen sold their fish here after catching them. As the flow of people increased, vegetables, fruits and other items began to be sold here, and it has become a small market.

Because some goods need to be purchased in person, Beidou started to register at his desk early and selected some things that must be brought.

However, she would still look up from time to time in the direction of Chihuyan, because today was the last day of Manye's vacation, and she didn't know whether he had found the man who called himself Battousai.

Both she and Ningguang attached great importance to this man named Battousai. Not only Manye, they also sent people to look for Battousai openly and secretly.

But they did find out about the wanderer from Inazuma, and they also knew that he seemed to have some kind of conflict with the Fatui, and even the Fatui were looking for him, but no one could find him where he was.

Battousai is definitely a very dangerous person.

If it was in Inazuma, Beidou and the others would naturally not worry. Anyway, even if he had the ability to kill gods, it was none of their business in Liyue, and Beidou might even respect him as a man.

But in Liyue... this guy is definitely a potential threat. This special power that can kill gods must be mastered in one's own hands to be safe.

Liyue has been in a turbulent time recently. Not only did the instructor of the Fatui travel across the ocean to the mainland, but even Inazuma's Battousai also came. In addition to the inexplicable light column that broke through the sky, I didn't expect all kinds of monsters to gather together. It's really a headache.

Speaking of which, Battousai seemed to appear with the instructor. Could they have come from Inazuma together?

Then... are they related?


Another casual glance, but this time I saw the familiar figure and the red-robed Inazuma man following behind him.

The red-robed Inazuma man was not as serious and mature as Beidou imagined. On the contrary... From his slightly brisk footsteps and the lower half of his face exposed outside the mask, he was younger than everyone imagined.

Could such a person really be the Battousai who injured General Raiden?

"Man Ye, if you come back one day later, we might have left you behind."

Beidou greeted Man Ye jokingly, and then looked at Battousai who had been following him.

"Is this person..."

"Big sister, this is the Battousai I mentioned to you, and he is currently considered a hero in the resistance army."

Man Ye's words are absolutely correct.

Even though Bai Luo did not say that he would join the resistance army, his reputation among the resistance army even surpassed the current human god miko lady, and he became a hero in everyone's mind.

Even though there were rumors that he had died under the sword of the general, his reputation remained high, and he even became the spiritual sustenance of many people.

Because if the rumors are correct, this person only relied on swordsmanship, not the power of elements, to injure General Raiden.

His appearance also gave hope to those who were not watched by the gods.

But whether this is hope or despair in another sense is unknown.

"Mr. Himura, this is the leader of the Southern Cross Fleet, the captain of the Death Star, and the Big Sister Beidou."

When introducing Beidou, Manye showed respect and a hint of pride. It seems that after getting along with him for a while, he has already regarded himself as a member of the Death Star.

No wonder he did not return to Inazuma after the lockdown was lifted. Perhaps for him, the Death Star is his only home?

"I am Kenshin Himura, a swordsman who travels around the world."

Bai Luo held the reverse blade, bowed slightly, and saluted Beidou in the way of Inazuma.

"Kenshin? It's really a name suitable for practicing swordsmanship."

Beidou looked at him deeply.

She looked at the reverse blade held in Bai Luo's arms and said as if she was sighing.

In fact, she and Ningguang had both suspected that this guy would hurt the gods because of the weapon in his hand.

How could the reverse blade, a weapon with the blade facing her, appear in the hands of such a peerless swordsman?

There is only one possibility, it has an effect that ordinary knives cannot achieve.

The most important thing is... She always felt that the voice of this Himura Kenshin was very familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

But if she recalled carefully, she couldn't remember where it was.

Maybe this guy had contact with her when he took off his mask.

Or maybe she had heard his voice somewhere.

"I used to be called Xinta, but the master who taught me swordsmanship said that this name was too gentle, so he changed my name to Kenshin."

"It sounds like a really strict master. Let's go to the boat together?"


Bai Luo wanted to get on the boat. Since Beidou had already invited him, how could he refuse?

At Beidou's call, the crew and the helpers at the dock began to transport the purchased items to the ship.

Among the helpers, there was a thin figure that was very conspicuous.

He must have some disease, and he was much thinner and shorter than others.

But he still carried the goods with great effort.

The helpers still took good care of him. They did not let him carry the heavy goods, but let him carry the lightest and smallest boxes.

Even so, it was a bit too heavy for him.

When he stepped onto the gangplank connecting to the Death Star, his body tilted and the box on his back almost fell off.

Fortunately, Bai Luo, who was nearby, helped him to stabilize his body.

"What are you doing! Be steady! I've told you not to come if you can't do it! Isn't it better to go to the General Affairs Department to guard the gate?!"

This scene happened to be seen by the passing help leader, who ran over in a hurry and scolded the man fiercely.

Although he looked ferocious, his eyes revealed concern.

It seemed that he was afraid that Bai Luo would blame this man, so he wanted to strike first and give him some painless lessons.

The man nodded timidly, straightened his back as much as possible, and delivered the goods to the ship.

Where there is light, there will be shadows. Even in a prosperous place like Liyue, there will be similar poor families.

Fortunately, there are many good people among the helpers at the dock, otherwise it would be another dark fairy tale.

But Bai Luo noticed just now that the box he supported seemed to be a fruit box.

Hiss... Could it be sunset fruit?

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