The boat was still floating, but the boat was still floating.

Life on the sea is not easy.

Except for the initial novelty, it was torture afterwards.

Looking around, it was all sea water and sky. After looking for a long time, you can't even tell which is the sea and which is the sky.

Although the surroundings are very vast, sometimes it gives people the illusion that the ship is not moving, which is very depressing.

After looking for a long time, you will feel that it is difficult to breathe, your chest is stuffy and uncomfortable, and you are very irritable.

The best way should be to go into the cabin and sleep, right?

In addition, there are some simple entertainments, such as...

"King's hand."


Looking at the chessboard, Bai Luo's hand holding the chess piece was shaking slightly.

After all, he had never played Inazuma's shogi. Even though Kaedehara Manye had explained the corresponding rules to him, he still couldn't beat the opponent.

Even when he regretted his moves more than 20 times.

Forgive him...

Even in chess, he only knew that the horse moved to the field and the elephant moved to... Eh? Is it the other way around? It doesn't matter...

He knew nothing about shogi.

"Shogi takes time to settle, Mr. Himura, don't worry."

After filling Bai Luo's cup with tea, Kaedehara Manye explained.

He was not surprised that Bai Luo didn't know shogi.

Shogi is a game that is only circulated among famous families, and ordinary people rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with it.

Even if they come into contact with it, they don't have a lot of time to squander like the children of those big families. They still have to work hard for a living.

Judging from some of Himura Kenshin's living habits, he has nothing to do with those so-called children of famous families, and should be a wanderer from a commoner family.

In this way, even if he doesn't know how to play shogi, it's understandable.

Or he can say the word "repent" and play it well in a short time, which is already very good.

"How about we change the way to play?"

Bai Luo sighed and said, supporting his chin with his hand.

He wanted to find some other fun, but what can he do to kill time on this vast ocean?


I'm afraid he'll catch something strange.

If Fengyuan Manye hadn't insisted on coming, he would definitely sleep for a few days and nights like he did when he took a boat from Zhidong to Inazuma before.

"What do you want to play, Mr. Himura? I'll definitely accompany you."

As for shogi, except for the different names of chess pieces in some regions, the way to play is almost fixed.

What's the problem with changing it?

"For example... who can stack the chess pieces higher?"

Bai Luo said tentatively.

To be honest, it is too difficult to stack the shogi pieces on this wobbling ship and make sure they don't fall over.

"......It's really an interesting way to play."

Should we say that he has more active ideas? Or is his thinking more erratic?

Or maybe he is really bored.

Thinking of this, he began to enlighten Bai Luo: "Mr. Himura, sailing on the sea is boring, but it's actually not bad after getting used to this kind of life."

Maple Leaf is also an experienced person, so he knows how Bai Luo feels.

It's hard to imagine how he got to Mondstadt on the Fatui ship before.

It must have been an extremely dangerous journey, so dangerous that he couldn't even take care of other things.

"Alas, maybe you were born to belong to the sea? Compared to the sea... I actually prefer life in the mountains and forests. Occasionally, I catch some small animals and roast them on the fire, sprinkle some cumin... The taste can make immortals cry."

Of course, the happiest days are when I eat and drink as much as I want in Liyue City in the name of a young master. The feeling of spending money that is not my own is really great.

Not to mention immortals, even demons can't stop.

"It's better not to eat things in the wild."

Who knew that after hearing Bai Luo's words, Fengyuan Manye showed a very strange expression on his face.

It seemed that he remembered something.

"It doesn't matter. I still know what can be eaten and what can't be eaten."

Bai Luo waved his hand nonchalantly.

Although he rarely used poison to kill people, he still had some knowledge about poisons.

At the same time, he was also more familiar with some harmful or harmless plants in the wild.

It would definitely not cause any harm.

"Don't trust your own knowledge blindly. A horrible incident happened on the fleet this morning.

It was a rumor that among the fruits carefully purchased by Big Sister Beidou, there was actually a problem. The sour taste was said to have made many old sailors with strong personalities cry. Now no one dared to eat fruits. Big Sister even specially arranged a poison tester with a high salary. "

When Fengyuan Manye talked about this matter, his face still looked frightened.

Because he was holding a fruit from the same batch in his hand at the time, fortunately it was found to be normal later, otherwise he couldn't imagine how embarrassing he would be.

But he didn't notice that Bai Luo, who was originally fiddling with chess pieces, seemed to be stiff for a moment.


When he got on the ship, it seemed that he did hold a box because of Ningguang's spy. Could it be that...

Never mind, anyway, he has long been used to it.


Originally, Bai Luo wanted to evade a few words, but the prompt that suddenly popped up made him stunned for a moment.

"What happened? "

Although Bai Luo's voice was very small, Fengyuan Manye caught it.

This sound, which seemed to be a discovery, caught his attention.

He was sure that the ronin in front of him, who looked unreliable, was definitely one of the strongest people on the entire ship.

So his discovery was definitely very important.

"Nothing, probably an illusion. "

He looked indifferent on his face, but in fact, Bai Luo had already started cursing in his heart.

Because the prompt that suddenly popped up by the system was too unreliable.

[Third Occupation:??? (To be activated)]

[Activation requirements:???]

Are you kidding me? The last time I asked Battousai, at least I was given a specific occupation, but this time it's all question marks?

Lü Bu has a red rabbit tattoo on his body, so why don't you show off your horse?

He subconsciously looked at the top of Fengyuan Manye's head, and fortunately there was no word [target] on it.


And his little action was also captured by Fengyuan Manye.

He noticed that when Bai Luo looked at the top of his head, he subconsciously raised his head.

But there seemed to be nothing else except the ceiling?


"Excuse me! "

Realizing something, Fengyuan Manye apologized, quickly left the cabin and came to the deck.

The deck was no different from usual. Everyone was doing what they were supposed to do. A few people even took the time to greet him. A harmonious atmosphere filled the entire Death Star.

A gust of wind blew up, and Fengyuan Manye took advantage of the wind to rise from the ground and climbed to the observation tower.

"What's wrong, Manye?"

On the observation tower, a sailor named Xu Liushi was working vigilantly.

Because Fengyuan Manye had gone up there to predict the wind and rain more than once, he didn't find it strange.

Just seeing the other party's gradually becoming serious expression, he also realized that something was wrong.

"Notify the big sister and prepare to change the route. "

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