The whole Wuyou Pavilion has a typical Inazuma style of decoration.

On the right hand side of the entrance is an irregular bar, which looks a bit casual, but the raw materials pay more attention to the natural layering, giving people a sense of calm and simplicity.

After a long journey, it is also a good choice to eat some snacks here in your spare time.

On the left is the tatami, which is very common in Inazuma. As the leader of the Inazuma style, this kind of thing is very common in the private rooms and halls of restaurants.

Especially the Ukiyo-e style background wall, although the depiction is exaggerated, the visual impact will also give people a unique experience and make people appetite.

"Welcome to Wuyouting, if you want to order...ah, it's Mr. Kujo."

Okazaki Erika, the proprietress, greeted him subconsciously when she heard the door open.

After looking up, she realized that the person who came was an acquaintance.

"Thank you for your hard work. My friend and I just came to have a simple meal."

The business of Wuyouting is so hot, all thanks to this person's cooking skills.

Her cooking skills can be said to be one of the best in Inazuma Castle.

"Please take a seat, both of you."

Okazaki Erika should be an acquaintance of Kujo Sara, but she was staring at Bai Luo the whole time.

Because in her impression, Kujo Sara came here either to ask her husband questions or to have dinner with the bigwigs in the family.

It's really rare to bring a man here alone.

So she subconsciously wanted to lead the two to the private room upstairs.

Because generally, couples who come here like to go to the private room on the second floor where they are not easily disturbed.

In this way, it would be convenient even if we did something we didn't want others to know about.

"No need to go to the second floor, we can just have a simple meal here."

Kujo Sara didn't see what Okazaki Erika meant, she just didn't want to occupy the store's resources.

She pointed to the bar and walked over with Bai Luo.

"Huh? Isn't this Master Kujo?"

Inside the bar, an old man with gray hair was drinking by himself. After noticing Kujo Sara coming over, he took the initiative to greet her.

Judging from his slightly drunken eyes, he had drunk a lot of wine.

"Senior Okazaki, it's better to drink less wine."

Being called a senior by Kujo Sara was enough to prove that Bai Luo's previous guess was correct.

This guy was either a former shogunate soldier or a veteran of the Tenryo Bugyo.

And looking at Kujo's slightly respectful expression, this guy's status was probably not low.

"With sake in hand, delicious food is always with you. How can you justify this busy life without a glass?"

The old man named Okazaki Rikuto smiled carefreely, picked up the wine glass again, and drank a glass.

That is Inazuma's sake. If it was winter's fire water... would he dare to drink it like this?

"Who is this..."

Soon, Okazaki Rikuto's eyes shifted to Bai Luo.

As mentioned before, this was the first time he saw Kujo Sara come to the izakaya with a stranger of the opposite sex.

"Hello, boss, I am Sara's friend, my name is Bai Luo."

Without waiting for Kujo Sara to speak, Bai Luo began to greet the other party very familiarly.


Okazaki Rikuto was stunned for a moment, and his eyes looking at the two of them became a little strange.

Because not many people dare to call Kujo Sara by name.

So far, the only people who can call Sara so intimately are the chief priest and Kujo Takayuki who adopted Kujo Sara.

Looking at Kujo Sara's reaction...she actually agreed to this young man named Bai Luo calling her that.

Okazaki Rikuto subconsciously looked at Okazaki Erika who came to listen to gossip under the pretext of cleaning the table.

[What do you think? ]

As Okazaki Rikuto's wife, Okazaki Erika and her man have a perfect understanding.

So she received the other party's signal perfectly.

[I think there is a play. ]

Blinking, she conveyed such a signal.

"So what do you two want to eat? Mapo tofu? Even if it is Liyue food, Erika is also good at it."

From Bai Luo's name, Okazaki Rikuto can tell that he should be from Liyue.

He doesn't want to drink wine.

Because compared with watching the fun, the deadly low-proof sake is already tasteless.

No matter which world it is,

Liveliness is always the essence of human beings.

"Give me some three-color dango."

Looking at Okazaki Rikuto, Kujo Sara said uncomfortably.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but there seems to be something wrong with the senior Okazaki in front of me.

But if she really tells her what's wrong, she can't tell.


"Three-color dango, right? Please wait a moment."

Three-color dango can be said to be one of the special delicacies of Inazuma. When the general had not yet issued the isolation order, this snack was very popular with foreigners.

Its production method is very simple. Glutinous rice is kneaded into a dango shape with water and steamed.

The colors of snapdragon and red cherry balls are used as embellishments, adding a lot of lively atmosphere to this monotonous and simple glutinous rice dango.

For snacks like this, izakayas usually make them in advance.

If someone orders it, just take it out and steam it and it can be served.

So it didn't take too long before a plate of hot three-color dumplings was served to Bai Luo.

Bai Luo picked up a string and tried to take a bite.

Hmm... soft and glutinous but not sticky, but with a chewy feel.

It was sweet but not greasy, and had a scent of cherry blossoms.

When it was in the mouth, the slippery taste reminded people of snapdragons at the first moment.

It seemed as if the next moment this round dumpling would turn into a goldfish and swim in the mouth.

Bai Luo didn't like sweets, and saying he wanted to eat was just an excuse.

But after really eating this thing, he actually liked it from the bottom of his heart.

"Do you want to try it?"

Bai Luo gestured after looking at the remaining two dumplings on the bamboo stick.

"Sorry, sweets will relax people physically and mentally, and once you eat them, it's easy to..."

"Hair loss?"

Bai Luo subconsciously continued her words.

Speaking of which, there is a saying that animals will lose their hair if they eat too much sweets. Could it be that Tengu will also lose feathers because of this?

The answer to him was Kujo Sara's murderous gaze.

At the same time, Okazaki Rikuto, who was eavesdropping nearby, also had a look of hatred on his face.

How can you flirt with a girl like this?

"I will take care of the feathers carefully, so you don't need to worry about it. You just need to know that I don't like sweets."

Looking at the tri-color dango in Bai Luo's hand again, Kujo Sara's face was full of rejection.

But is Bai Luo such a person who will give up easily?

Not really.


"Oh, it's a pity."

"If you don't like to eat it, you don't like to eat it, just like I don't like to wear those brightly colored clothes, there's nothing to regret."

Kujo Sara thought that the pity in Bai Luo's mouth meant that she didn't eat tri-color dango.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Bai Luo bit off another meatball and said with a little regret: "You know, this is a snack that even the general loves very much. It would be a pity if you don't try it, Sha Luo."

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