The shopkeepers were busy, and the shopkeepers were busy.

While Kujo Sara and Kuroda were fighting for a poster, Bai Luo also began to read the light novels in the store.

Compared with the various inspirational books that were widely circulated in the Kingdom of Winter, the light novels here were full of wild ideas.

The idea of ​​reincarnating as a general of thunder and lightning was quite normal, and there were even slightly weird books such as "Reincarnated as a ghost beetle surrounded by four big men".

And one of them attracted his attention.

That was "Shen Qiu's Sword Record".

Compared with other brand new books, this one looked a little worn out and had obvious signs of being flipped through.

"Are you interested in this book?"

When Kuroda noticed that Bai Luo picked up the book, his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't bother to argue with Kujo Sara and hurried over.

"Any questions?"

Bai Luo was interested in it mainly because he knew the person who wrote the book.

But from his perspective... this novel is just so-so.

After all, the imagination of Teyvat Continent is still not as good as his original world.

He has been poisoned by countless anime series and online novels for more than ten years.

"This "Sword Records of Autumn" was brought back by an old customer of our Yaetang from the Liyue Wanwen Collection. After the national isolation order was issued, there was no way to buy it. The entire Inazuma has only this one copy, and it is placed here purely for exhibition and not for sale."

In fact, this book could be borrowed before, but because someone didn't cherish the book and almost destroyed it, the editors of Yaetang discussed and decided to put the book on display in Yaetang as a non-sale item.

The only thing they read was the light novel authors who had cooperated with Yaedo.

Because they also hoped that someone could write a light novel of similar style.

Unfortunately, there are indeed many copycat works on the market, and even plagiarized works, but there are very few that can surpass this book.

If Bai Luo had not come with Kujo Sara, Kuroda would have scolded him instead of explaining in a gentle voice.

"Sorry, I was abrupt."

Putting down the Record of the Swordsmanship in Autumn, Bai Luo showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

"As long as the book is not damaged, everything is fine."

Kuroda put the book back in place with a distressed look, and gently smoothed the wrinkled cover.

I guess he has never been so gentle to his wife.

"You just said... that you can let the cooperating novelists observe this book, right?"

After Kuroda put the book away, Bai Luo spoke.

He had an idea in his mind.

"Yeah, could it be that you..."

"If I want to submit an article, will you refuse?"

Picked up the book "Reincarnation as the General of Thunder" next to him, Bai Luo casually flipped through a few pages and asked.

"Look at what you said, our Yaedo is the largest bookstore in the whole Inazuma, as long as you dare to submit an article, we dare to accept it."

What Kuroda said was absolutely true.

Unless it is some sensitive topics, Yaedo can accept all submissions.

Even if you write a fairy tale, as long as someone is willing to read it, Yaedo will dare to accept it.

After confirming this, Bai Luo did not stay any longer.

Originally, he wanted to go to Naganohara Fireworks Shop by the way.

As his first main C in the game, he still has a good impression of Xiao Gong in the fireworks shop.

Unfortunately, Xiao Gong was not there when Bai Luo went there, so he could only regretfully choose to come again next time.

Having visited all the places he should visit and having achieved his goal, Bai Luo did not continue to visit, but chose to return to the vicinity of Tenryo Bugyosho with Kujo Sara.

After returning, Kujo Sara greeted him and went directly back to Tenryo Bugyosho.

She still had a lot of work to do.

Bai Luo returned to his own courtyard.

The first thing he did after returning was to ask his Fatui to prepare paper and pen for him.

He really intended to submit his work to Yaedo.

Holding the pen in his hand, Bai Luo thought about it for a while and quickly decided on the theme.

"My Thunder God Can't Be This Cute"

When Bai Luo was in Yaedo just now, he did not flip through it randomly.

He deliberately read through all the popular light novels there.

As a result, he found that although there were also some popular love themes, only one book "Please Take Care of My Fox Fairy Palace" was interesting.

The others were all clichéd hero-save-beauty types



He planned to teach the Inazuma light novel world a lesson in a special style.

Considering that the name of Yae Shinko was changed to Yae Masako in "Please, My Fox Fairy Palace", in order to prevent his book from being banned, Bai Luo also decided to change his name.

For example...

Yae Sakurako.

So, the story unfolded.

As eternal followers, Yae Sakurako and General Raiden have always had a good relationship.

But the relationship between the two seems to have problems in recent years?

From a certain point in time, General Raiden began to lock himself in the castle tower and was unwilling to see Yae Sakurako.

And Yae Sakurako could only guard outside the castle tower with her favorite three-color dumplings every day, occasionally telling her followers about her loneliness.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

But facing the invitation of her followers, General Raiden did not respond at all.

One day, Yae Sakurako picked up a light novel that she had never read at the door of the castle tower.

She asked all the Okuji, but no one admitted that she dropped it.

Was it because she was afraid of being punished? Or... she gradually set her sights on the commanding height of Inazuma Castle - the castle tower.

That night, General Raiden, who had not left the castle tower for many years, took the initiative to find Yae Sakurako.

It turned out that... General Raiden, who was perfect and high in the eyes of everyone, was a homebody who liked light novels and sweets.

In order to prevent people from discovering this secret, she always maintained a perfect appearance in front of others, and even dared not see her own family member Yae Sakurako.

After returning to the castle tower, she would enter a barrier that only she knew about and live the life of a homebody.

Only a "shadow" was left in the castle tower to fool the servants who were responsible for taking care of her daily life.

But such a life is ultimately depressing.

After Yae Sakurako picked up the light novel, she noticed that her family member did not seem to hate light novels, but rather cared about them.

So she took the initiative to find him and started a new life with the excuse of consulting God.

After writing several volumes, Bai Luo realized that it was already early in the morning.

The sky in the east was even turning pale.

He wrote for a whole night.

But looking at his work, he felt that it was all worth it.

After waking up his subordinate who had been dozing off, Bai Luo handed the light novel he wrote to him and asked him to taste it.

How could the Fatui dare to refuse the leader's request?

At first, he was thinking of praising it no matter how it was written.

But as he turned page after page, he gradually changed his mind.

"How is it?"

Seeing his subordinate finish the whole book in one breath, Bai Luo asked quickly.

"Sir, if you really want to send it out, I still suggest you prepare to escape from Inazuma first. I'm afraid you'll be chopped off by the Thunder God."

After taking a deep breath, the Fatui gave their most sincere evaluation.

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