The battle was about to begin.

"When does it start?"

Bai Luo asked with a sigh.

Since the other party wanted to die, he would not force him to stay.

But he would also take this opportunity to observe General Lei Dian.

She would definitely appear in the duel before the emperor.

She would definitely come out and cut the sword at that time.

You can see if you can take that sword then.

Don't think he is a coward, but if you really want to fight, he is still much stronger than the ordinary holder of the Eye of God.

After all, he is also the executive officer appointed by the Queen of Winter.


"How soon?!"

The boy's words made Bai Luo put the tea back.

According to the information he had found, duels before the emperor were very sacred, and generally at least three days of preparation would be required before they could begin.

"I took the initiative to propose it. Three days... is still a little too long."

After comforting the white cat in his arms, the boy smiled.

In fact, there was another reason why he arranged his schedule so tightly.

That was Fengyuan Manye.

If Manye knew about this, he would definitely rush over as soon as possible.

Three days was enough for him to get to Inazuma Castle. After all, he was favored by the God of Wind.

Even though he had a calm personality, he would definitely be restless if he saw that he had lost the duel before the emperor.

If the duel before the emperor was scheduled tomorrow, when he got the news and rushed over, he would probably have been beheaded by the general, right?

In this way, Manye would not be in danger.

He could go crazy, but he didn't want to drag down his friends.

Thinking of this, he looked at Bai Luo again.

"Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Bai Luo did not say it too firmly.

If the other party asked him to stop the Eye Hunting Order or help the rebels defeat the shogunate, he would definitely not be able to do it.

"If my friend wants to avenge me... please stop him for me, whether it is knocking him out or knocking him out, just keep him away from Inazuma."

"Well, I can help you with this."

For Bai Luo, this is a very simple thing.

Just inform the Tenryo Bugyo and ask them to stop Kaedehara Manye outside Inazuma Castle.

At that time, as long as he does not rush into the castle tower, everything will be fine.

"Thank you very much for your help, then I will not bother you anymore."

Picking up the bamboo hat next to him, the boy stood up and prepared to leave.

Being able to meet another friend before dying also made him feel much better.

Even if this friend is a Fatui.

"If you don't have a place to stay, you can stay at my place temporarily. My house is quite big."

"No, I want to go to Hanamizaka for a few rounds and eat some things I haven't eaten before, and maybe I will never eat them again."

Putting the bamboo hat back on his head, the boy smiled.

His eyes were full of hope.

The little money in his pocket finally didn't have to be saved.

"Can you tell me your name? I'm about to die, so I should leave a name, right?"

Seeing that the boy had already walked out of the room, Bai Luo couldn't help asking.

"I'm about to die, what's the point of leaving a name? I'm just a wanderer, not worth mentioning."

The word wanderer made Bai Luo stunned for a moment.

It wasn't until the boy left that he reacted.

It's not that the boy's behavior shocked him, but...

The two big words gradually gathered above the other person's head-[Target]

[Second Occupation: Battousai (to be activated)]

[Activation requirements:? ? ? 】


What the hell is a second profession? Why are the activation requirements all question marks?

No… none of this matters. What matters is, has this stepmother-like system of mine finally appeared again?

Yes, Bai Luo has a system.

But he never really took it seriously.

Because this thing is not like the systems in other novels, which make ding-dong noises every day, assign a bunch of tasks, and give a lot of rewards.

In addition to giving Bai Luo the skill of [Black], this thing has such a low sense of existence that he once forgot that he had this plug-in.

It can't even digitize his health value.

Unexpectedly, after being silent for so long, he was actually inspired by the young man's words "Rankou"

The so-called Battousai refers to Kenshin Himura in Rurouni Kenshin. However, according to his current skill template of [Black], this Kenshin Himura is most likely not the one in the anime, but the Kenshin Thousand Victories in the game. I just don't know what effect the high-damage Nine-Headed Dragon Flash in the game will have on the Teyvat continent. Speaking of which, this is the first time he has triggered a career activation. Black's career has existed since he came to this world. It is precisely because of this career that he is sure that he has a system. "Is it because of the Rurouni he mentioned?" Bai Luo gradually retracted his gaze after watching the boy leave the yard. It seems that the bond that opened his second career is on this boy. So... what could it be? Kujo Sara met Bai Luo at the door of his own Tenryo Bugyoso. He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, and stood up only after seeing that he had returned from the city.


Bai Luo asked after looking at Kujo Sara's damaged armor.

As the executor of the Eye Hunting Order, she often had to subdue those "evil people" who were unwilling to hand over the Eye of God, and getting injured was commonplace.

But today's opponent seemed a bit difficult to deal with.

"Well, I met a slightly tricky ghost tribe. Fortunately, that guy is stupid, otherwise I would not be able to succeed so easily."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Kujo Sara found that Bai Luo's expression was a little subtle when he said that the opponent was a ghost tribe.

"Aratake Ichito?"

"Do you know him?"

"That's not the case. I often heard that he bullied children in Hanamizaka. When you mention the stupid ghost tribe, you will naturally think of him."

Bai Luo didn't expect that this pair of enemies would fight at this time.

However, judging from the embarrassed look of Kujo Sara, it should not be easy for her to win.

After all, the opponent is a ghost clan, and the bloodline is not inferior to her demon clan.

"If you want to plead for him, forget it. I have arranged for his God's Eye to be built into the base of the statue, and it is impossible to return it."

Kujo Sara thought that Bai Luo wanted to plead for Arawaki Ichito, so she put away her bow and arrow and said mercilessly.

In fact, judging from the fact that she said that she built the opponent's God's Eye into the base, maybe she is not as heartless as she seems on the surface.

Or does she think that Bai Luo can't take the God's Eye from the statue?

"No, I just want to tell you that someone challenged you to a duel in front of the emperor."

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