The truth is that the way is magnificent, and the God of Lightning is eternal.

This is the slogan shouted by the Inazuma soldiers as they rushed to the front line.

The so-called God of Lightning is the Lord of Lightning.

From the moment of birth, human beings have a strong yearning and curiosity about the world. This is the anchor point for understanding the world and the foundation for building rationality.

The world of the Inazuma people is also like this.

There were wind, rain, thunder and lightning there very early, there was skylight and sea... there was the General of Thunder.

It was the general who sent down thunder from the sky, ignited the trees, and brought fire to the people.

It was the general who brought down the rain, moistened the earth, and brought wealth to the people.

It was the general who protected Inazuma, defeated the demon, and brought stability to the people.

The general's reputation has long been freed from the shackles of life and turned into a belief that Inazuma will inherit forever.

With this reputation and power, people have reason to believe that their descendants will also witness the same scenery, build their hearts with the same faith, and continue this inheritance.

This is the eternal paradise that the general promised to the people!

Even if two of the three magistrates have been infiltrated by the fools, the general's thunder is still so dazzling.

The woman who walked out of the castle tower was wearing a purple fitted kimono with a gentian flower on it.

Compared with the traditional kimono, the collar of this kimono is not tight, but is separated to the shoulders. At the same time, the hem is much shorter than the ordinary kimono, only reaching the thigh.

This is a very suitable outfit for fighting. It is beautiful and will not be restricted by the clothes.

The dark purple long hair was tied into a braid and hung behind her, and the closer to the end, the lighter the hair color.

Although this hairstyle reminds people of a village woman, it is just right for her.

She doesn't have many head ornaments, only a combination of gentian and folding fan.

The golden tassels hanging behind her ears make her look more noble.

The most amazing thing is the teardrop mole at the corner of her right eye. Its existence not only does not destroy the beauty of the general itself, but suppresses the coldness in the corner of her eyes.

"The way of the general is magnificent! The god of the song is eternal!"

After General Raiden came out, under the leadership of Kujo Sara, everyone shouted this slogan that had already resounded throughout the entire Inazuma.

General Raiden had no expression on his face, and there seemed to be a faint flash of lightning in his light purple eyes.

Bai Luo crouched on a cherry tree near the martial arts field of the castle tower, not daring to breathe.

Because he was not sure whether General Raiden would notice his presence.

Fortunately, after she came out, her eyes were more focused on the boy who challenged Kujo Sara to a duel in front of the emperor. It seemed that he did not see through Bai Luo's invisibility, which also made him feel relieved.


There was no lengthy speech, nor was there any pre-war mobilization.

General Raiden stood tall in front of the castle tower, responding to the enthusiasm of his people without any emotion.

As a puppet pushed by the Thunder God in front of the curtain, General Raiden only had things that must be done and things that must not be done.

For her, a duel in front of the emperor was just a matter of nodding, and there was no third option.

Kujo Sara, who was already familiar with General Raiden's style, took a deep breath, walked down the steps, and came to the martial arts field.

Seeing this, the boy put down the white cat in his arms, stroked its little head, and signaled it to wait somewhere else.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but it ran to the only cherry tree in the entire martial arts field.

This also made Bai Luo, who had been here for a long time, very nervous.

"At this point, there is no room for regret. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? I will try my best to help you fulfill them."

Pulling out the sword in his hand, Kujo Sara sighed secretly.

"A wish?"

The young man spit out the grass leaves in his mouth, and also held the sword in his hand, looking at the general who was looking down with a fiery gaze.

"I have eaten the food I wanted to eat, and I have also seen the castle tower. Apart from that sword that I don't want, I have nothing else to ask for."

"I know."

Just want to die?

As the arm of the hatamoto general Shima Masaoki fell, the duel in front of the emperor officially began.

Both sides are holders of the thunder attribute god's eye, and their fighting styles are also vigorous and vigorous.

Kujo Sara was the first to swing the sword, bringing a burst of lightning, and directly took the opponent's head.

If you trace the origin of Inazuma's swordsmanship, it actually comes from the same person.

That is the god of thunder.

The naginata technique, sword technique, and sword forging technique were all passed down directly by the Thunder God.


Different people have different branches.

But in the final analysis, some similar shadows can still be seen.

Therefore, in addition to the factor of the Eye of God, this kind of duel also depends on the understanding and application of the sword by all parties.

Kujo Sara's swordsmanship originated from the military camp, and there is a little more solemnity in the opening and closing.

After being trained by General Lei Dian, she has a little more power.

The boy who fought against her is different.

He has been wandering around the world for many years, so he always has more room when he draws his sword.

This also led to him being suppressed by Kujo Sara at the beginning.

Even so, it does not mean that he will definitely lose.

To put it another way, Kujo Sara is an explosive player, while the boy is a persistent player.

Don't look at her momentum, but after this breath, it will be the boy's home court.

The first blow is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted.

If she can't defeat the boy with this breath, then it's time for the opponent to fight back.

But as the fight went on, Kujo Sara noticed something wrong.

The three magistrates who were watching the fight next to the martial arts field were not sitting on the chairs at this time.

After all, the Thunder Generals were standing, how could they dare to sit down.

Kamisato Ayato, who was watching the fight, also noticed something wrong with Kujo Sara on the field.

In the eyes of others, he may know some swordsmanship as he has been in power for many years, but at most it is for personal use.

Little did they know that he himself is also the owner of the Eye of God and has excellent combat power.

He could see that Kujo Sara's breath had almost been used up, but the boy never used it to fight back.

Most of the time, it was Kujo Sara who was attacking, while he was counterattacking slowly.

Even if there was an opportunity to attack sometimes, he seemed not to see it and missed these opportunities.

It was more of a farce than a duel in front of the emperor.


After finding a chance, Kujo Sara's sword lightly flicked, shook off the weapon in the boy's hand, and rushed forward to put the sharp blade on his neck.

The boy did not resist throughout the whole process, and even threw his weapon away somewhat obediently, allowing the other party to subdue him.

This time, not only Kamisato Ayato, but even Hiiragi Shinsuke, who was not famous for his martial arts, saw some clues.

"Do you know what you are doing?!"

The sharp blade flashing with cold light was placed on the opponent's neck, and Kujo Sara's hands kept shaking.

She never felt that her swordsmanship could beat the opponent, after all, she was mainly based on archery.

According to her expectation, she would use swordsmanship to reduce the opponent's vigilance, and then switch to bows and arrows, catch the opponent off guard, and win the battle.

But she never thought that the duel in front of the emperor would end in such a dramatic situation.

"I still need to save my energy to face the general's sword."

The young man had an apologetic look in his eyes.

Because he understood what such a duel meant to her.

But he destroyed the solemnity of this duel in front of the emperor.

"You can't stop it."

Putting away her sword, Kujo Sara said very seriously.

Having followed General Raiden in battle for many years, she had the honor of seeing the general take action.

That sword embodied the ultimate martial arts of General Raiden.

It had reached the point of no thought, no mind, and unparalleled.

No one would survive under that sword.

Even the devil couldn't stop it.

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