The fire was still burning, but the fire was still burning.

Those who disappeared were naturally because Bai Luo's passive was triggered and they were quantized.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether this kind of monster will trigger quantization or not, because they can be solved with one knife.

The flame under the pot was still crackling, but the number of living people around the campfire was getting fewer and fewer.

Finally, Bai Luo stood in front of Zhongfu.

"Master... please spare my life."

Zhongfu was able to survive in the treasure-stealing group for so long, not only because he was smart enough, but also because he was flexible.

Although a man has gold under his knees, he still has to kneel when he should.

Otherwise, no matter how much gold there is, it will be useless if you don't have the life to spend it.

"Where are the people who originally lived here?"

Glancing at the interior of the temporary camp, there was no one in the dark red canvas tent, and the exquisite tea set and faded blanket were also gone, as if they had been taken away.

"I don't know either. We just passed by here and saw that there was a camp here, and no one lived there, so we temporarily stayed here to make some repairs."

Zhongfu was telling the truth. The most taboo thing in the forest of Inazuma was walking at night.

Not to mention the wild beasts, the most terrifying thing was the evil spirits in the forest and the wild people wandering on the land of Inazuma.

With such a camp that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, they would naturally choose to stay here for a night.

But they didn't expect that the decision made on the spur of the moment would actually provoke such a killing god.

If they had known earlier, they would not have stayed, at least they would not have died so unclearly.

Bai Luo could see that Zhongfu was not lying.

Because his original speculation was also like this.

Such a sloppy and undisciplined treasure-hunting group, let alone Lei Ying Warlock, even if a random advance team member of the Fatui came, they could abuse them.

"You didn't touch the things in the tent?"

"No... no, because when we stayed in someone else's camp before, we were trapped by the trap set by the other party, so now we dare not go into the tent casually."

Zhongfu shook his head and said.

At first, he did have the idea of ​​going into the tent, but after seeing the Fatui's logo on the tent, he gave up the idea.

The advance team of the Fatui left many similar places on Inazuma's land, but these places were full of traps, even more dangerous than some ruins and ancient tombs.

He was more interested in the pot in the camp and wanted to mix some potions.

"Get out with your people."

After confirming that Ksenia's disappearance had nothing to do with these treasure-hunting groups, Bai Luo did not make things difficult for them.

He directly drove away Zhongfu and the two treasure-hunting group members who were still sleeping beside him.

As for the other corpses lying around...

Don't worry about them. The demons and beasts in the forest are happy to help deal with these guys.

After the three unlucky guys from the treasure-stealing group left, Bai Luo came to the tent.

The Fatui's methods of making traps are basically the same, so Bai Luo easily disarmed them and entered the tent.

Compared with the first time I came here, there are many fewer things here.

For example, the exquisite tea sets and small blankets mentioned just now.

These are the things that Ksenia values ​​most.

In addition to these things, important things such as clothes for change, flower seeds of mist grass, and diaries were not left behind.

The tent is basically full of useless things.

In other words... Ksenia should have been transferred away because of something.

"What a pity."

There is definitely regret, but Bai Luo was not disappointed.

After driving away a few civet cats that tried to carry away his fireworks box, Bai Luo carried it to the vicinity of the camp and lit it.


Compared to other fireworks Bai Luo had seen, the batch of fireworks Xiao Gong sent him was much inferior.

It can be seen that the craftsmanship of the maker was very immature, and some of the patterns were not even very complete.

However... it was still pretty good.

After burying the water and fire in his hand near the tent and marking it, Bai Luo left here.

As for whether Ksenia would see the fire and water he left, it didn't matter.

It was enough that the intention was there.


Bai Luo didn't have many acquaintances in Inazuma City. If he had to say... Kujo Sara might be one?

But compared with the relationship of the rumored couples in the outside world, the relationship between the two of them was

The relationship was not good enough to fight at night.

So after greeting her, Bai Luo left.

Although the Lady Cangjing had been transferred by the scattered soldiers, he had his own way to survive the thunderstorm of Inazuma.

Bai Luo's teleportation ability was not a secret among the senior officials of Zhidong.

They were just not very clear about some necessary conditions.

If he was judged to be in the same camp as Bai Luo, he could teleport to any unit in the same camp at will within a certain range.

But after landing, he would be forced to put away his dagger and could not attack units in the same camp.

Unless before teleporting, he determined that the unit was not in the same camp as himself.

So after sensing the ship where Krober was on the sea, he directly used his ability to teleport over and officially set foot on the route to Mond.

On the other side.

"Guest... Guest! Are you okay?"

Looking at the ghost youth who had eaten a full thirty-two bowls of fox ramen and had long lost consciousness, the voice of the snack stand owner was trembling.

The reason for the incident was very simple. This young ghost was his regular customer and often ate on this chair.

But today a strange woman with fox ears came and took the place of this young ghost.

So the two quarreled.

In fact, the owner of the snack stand felt very strange, because if he remembered correctly, this ghost who claimed to be the leader of the Aradaki faction should have been locked up by the town magistrate yesterday? Why is he here today?

Was he rescued by someone?

But in any case, the conflict between the two really broke out.

Fortunately, the situation is developing in a good direction, and the conflict between the two eventually turned into a so-called big stomach king competition.

Unfortunately, the slippery fox-eared woman chose fox ramen.

Everyone knows that fox ramen contains fried tofu, and soy products are fatal to ghosts.

But even so, this young ghost insisted on eating as many as 32 bowls.

In fact, when he ate more than ten bowls, he basically lost consciousness.

So much of the latter was completely eaten unconsciously.

"Okay, I admit defeat. This position is yours. I will also pay for all the ramen for the competition."

The fox-eared woman looked a little regretful, but judging from her quick action when she took out the money, she didn't care about this little money at all.

Perhaps what she would like to see most is that a demon tribe member eats so many soy products that he hates.


The fox-eared woman, who had already paid the money, suddenly paused. She glanced at the demon tribe youth who had been carried away by the Arata sent brothers, and came to the end of the Hanamizaka district alone.

On this land of Inazuma, there are many foxes and fox sculptures.

And these sculptures, in a sense, are her eyes.

And through these eyes, she discovered something.

Bai Luo left Inazuma.

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