The Fatui left.

Although they were just some diplomats, they were enough to make the Knights feel relieved.

Compared with those envoys, these diplomats were very difficult to deal with.

Not only were they bad-mannered, but they were also aggressive in many ways. They were also extremely picky about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and even made some knights so angry that they wanted to roll up their sleeves and beat them up.

If it weren't for Deputy Captain Qin taking the initiative to appease these knights, I'm afraid there would be a diplomatic accident.

In short, not many people in the Knights have a good impression of these so-called diplomats.

The person in charge of the escort was Kaia.

Originally, he didn't want to take this task because he felt it was more important to stay in Mondstadt to monitor the instructor.

But the identities of these diplomats are more important. Not only him, but also Deputy Captain Qin came out in person. He could only give up the instructor and complete the escort mission first.

"Line up and get ready!"

After giving instructions to Amber, Qin commanded the members of the Knights to prepare for departure.

As for Kaia, who seemed to be in a daze but was actually eavesdropping on the diplomats, he was also chased to the front of the team by Qin.

As the captain of the cavalry, he had to walk in front.

As for Deputy Captain Qin, she had to guard the carriage to prevent anyone from plotting against the diplomats.

Their mission was to escort these diplomats outside Mondstadt, where the Fatui would pick them up.

As long as these diplomats did not get into trouble in Mondstadt, everything would be fine.

The assembled cavalry team also attracted the attention of the residents of Mondstadt.

They hid in the distance and whispered about the team.

Although they didn't know the mission of the Knights, they could tell from the Fatui mark on the carriage that it was probably related to these pests.

This kind of noisy scene was rarely seen in Inazuma.

The only time was when Aratake Ichito was caught.

"Really... it would be a pity if such a beautiful scene was destroyed."

On the windmill of Mondstadt, Bai Luo looked at the crowd below and couldn't help sighing.

There are many such windmills in Mondstadt. With the blessing of the God of Wind, these windmills will generate a steady stream of power and provide various conveniences for the city.

Now, this place has become a stand for Bai Luo to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

He came to Mondstadt with a mission.

But it was not Krober's mission to recruit experimental materials.

Three years ago, the doctor invented a mechanical bird with the help of the material extracted from the mist grass.

This mechanical bird can induce monsters to riot. The doctor asked Kroeber to put the mechanical bird on the carriage of Klips Leggenfend and his party, causing the dragon Ursa to attack Klips and his party.

In order to protect his son Diluc, Klips used his life to stimulate the power of the evil eye and drove away the dragon.

But he himself was backfired and died in front of Diluc.

It was also at this time that Diluc and the Knights had a disagreement. The former resolutely withdrew from the Knights and began his journey between the seven countries.

Since then, because of this mechanical bird, the dragon Ursa often harassed Mondstadt, making the residents of Mondstadt miserable. At this critical moment, the doctor appeared with the Fatui.

The doctor easily subdued the dragon Ursa, making Mondstadt owe him a favor.

What followed was forced conscription.

Many young boys and girls with potential were taken to winter in the name of conscription and were transformed to create a stronger army.

But as time went on, the influence of the Fatui in Mondstadt was gradually declining, which also hindered the progress of conscription.

And Bai Luo's mission was to trigger an incident similar to the dragon Ursa during the Badminton Festival, repeat the incident three years ago, and deepen the influence of the Fatui on Mondstadt.

This so-called evacuation was just to take back the Fatui's research on mechanical birds to avoid leaving any handles.


When the Knights gathered, a figure in the distance caught Bai Luo's attention.

It was a foreign girl, she was wrapped in bandages and her face was very gloomy. From her tired eyes, she should have been on the road for a long time.

She staggered onto the bridge of the city gate, scaring away all the pigeons that had gathered here.

The little boy who was feeding the pigeons next to him wanted to complain, but when he saw her look, he chose to remain silent.

Noticing his evasive eyes,

After that, the girl showed a mocking expression on her face.


Bai Luo knew this girl, but she didn't know of Bai Luo's existence.

Speaking of which... it was when he was helping the doctor.

This girl was infected with the plague and was on the verge of death. Perhaps out of some kind of evil taste, one of the doctor's missionaries injected her with the residue of the demon god and then abandoned her.

At that time, Bai Luo, who was just an ordinary fool, felt sorry for her, so he took care of her for a while when she was unconscious without telling the missionary.

And it was during that time that he was transferred to the debt collector's unit because of his excellent performance and was forced to be called away.

Unfortunately, the girl didn't wake up until he left.

Bai Luo thought she had died under the torture of the demon god residue, but he didn't expect her vitality to be so tenacious.

Speaking of which... I was kind-hearted but did a bad thing at the beginning. She was tortured like this, maybe it would be more uncomfortable than death?

Cole, staggering, was stopped by the Knights when he reached the gate of Mondstadt.

First, the city was preparing to escort the Fatui diplomat.

Second, she was wrapped in bandages and had a strange smell, which made her look like a person suffering from a serious illness.

If such a person was allowed to enter the city at will, it would probably cause riots.

Especially now was the eve of the Badminton Festival. If she caused tourists to suffer from strange diseases, it would be a terrible disaster for Mondstadt.

It was at this time that the convoy escorting the Fatui left Mondstadt.

Looking at the slowly moving carriage, Cole subconsciously wanted to make way.

But after noticing the Fatui logo on the carriage, her eyes changed.

Her originally lavender eyes turned deep red.

The pitch-black flames condensed into the form of a giant snake, instantly engulfing the entire carriage.

"It's...on fire?"

How could the two pampered Fatui diplomats have ever experienced such a thing?

When they tried to leave the carriage with the research materials, they found that the door had been locked and could not be opened at all.

So the two people, along with the full carriage of materials, were burned to ashes by this strange black fire, leaving not much valuable things.

And Cole took this opportunity to enter Mondstadt.


Seeing the familiar sign, she couldn't help but use that power in public.

But its side effects were also affecting her.

Stumbling and hiding in an empty alley, Cole covered her head and forced herself not to listen to the whispering voice in her mind.

She knew that if she listened to the temptation of those whispering voices, she would not only fail to seek revenge on the missionary, but might also completely lose herself and become a madman who only knew how to kill.

Suddenly, the voice that had been tormenting her disappeared, and the surroundings became quiet in an instant.

At first, Cole didn't know what was going on until... she saw the dark figure at the entrance of the alley.

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