The two of them were in a mess.

"The new Fatui executive officer - the instructor."


Looking at the man in front of him, Ke Lai's eyes were full of despair.

In recent years, in order to find the missionary who injected her with the residue of the demon god, she often dealt with the Fatui.

Yes, a real "deal".

So she also understood very well what kind of status the executive officer had among the Fatui. They were the strongest twelve people, even more terrifying than her enemy the missionary.

"Ten minutes, I'll give you ten minutes, get dressed and come upstairs to see me, I won't wait for you later."

Bai Luo was very satisfied with Ke Lai's expression, and after confiscating the other party's fruit knife, he said.


When Bai Luo mentioned clothes, Ke Lai subconsciously looked at herself. The next second, a blush appeared on her face.

The bandages tied tightly around her body gave her the illusion that she was wearing clothes. It was not until now that she realized that she had just jumped around like a monkey in front of the other party in this posture.

"Don't try to escape. This is the base of the Fatui. There are our people everywhere. Whether it is the chimney or the sewer, there are people guarding it."


Until Bai Luo's footsteps disappeared at the end of the corridor, Ke Lai breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the big bed in the room.

She looked at the bandages on her body, which still had a smell of medicine, and this medicine was effectively suppressing her epidemic, making her relax unprecedentedly.

After confirming that there was no problem with the bandages on her body, Ke Lai cast her eyes on the set of clothes she had placed next to her.

From the style point of should be Mond's daily clothes, but the fabric is more advanced. Just by rubbing it with your hands, you can feel the smooth and silky feel.

If you wear it on your body...

Just imagining that feeling, Cole felt a certain softness emanating from her bones.

Looking at the old clothes next to her that had been eroded by wind and sand for several years, Cole finally accepted the new clothes.

"This is Mond's clothes, not the Fatui."

After self-hypnosis, she accepted Bai Luo's "charity". After putting on the clothes, Cole followed Bai Luo's instructions and came to the roof of the Goethe Hotel.

Opening the door on the roof, the refreshing wind blew towards her. This gust of wind was not very strong. It gently blew on Cole's cheeks, blowing away her tiredness from the journey, and also calmed her originally chaotic heart.

Compared with the wind and sand in the desert, is the wind in Mond so gentle?

I really want to indulge in this gust of wind and never wake up...

"You will be regarded as a fool by the citizens of Mondstadt."


Looking at Bai Luo who broke all the beauty with resentment, if he didn't know that he couldn't beat him, Cole would have rushed over.

Bai Luo didn't care about her mood. He collected the mist grass extract drying on the roof and put it into the gadget sent by the doctor.

This is an upgraded version of the mechanical bird. It can not only amplify the effect of the mist grass extract, but also add some ingredients that can confuse monsters.

The most thoughtful thing is that this mechanical bird 2.0 version also has a delayed effect function, which can catch those knights off guard.

"Take it."

After collecting the mechanical bird 2.0 together, Bai Luo threw it to the confused Cole.

"What do you want to do?"

Carrying the heavy package with great effort, Cole is increasingly unable to understand this strange executive.

She knew that according to what she had done to the Fatui in the past, even if Bai Luo killed her, she would have nothing to say. But this move of neither killing her nor letting her go made her feel very awkward.

"Don't talk, just follow me."

"... Damn it."


The Monddo Plains, the vast land is covered with green grass, and you can't even see the end at a glance.

Here, you don't even have to worry about getting lost, because you can return to Mondstadt by following the direction of the wind.

The most important thing is that there is basically no danger in Mondstadt except for the hill people and a few monsters.

Compared with the situation of Inazuma where demons are everywhere and bosses are as numerous as dogs, this place is simply a paradise.

"Well... why should I do such a thing."

Hiding in the bushes, looking at the not-so-distant

Kolai said gloomily at the Hilichurls' camp.

She had been away from Mondstadt for two days under Bai Luo's leadership. During these two days, the guy called the instructor had been asking her to place a strange thing in the Hilichurls or slimes' gathering place, and not to alarm the Hilichurls.

He also called it "Gentleman's Daytime Invasion"

This is simply making things difficult for people.

Hilichurls are humanoid creatures that act in tribes. Although their intelligence is relatively low, it does not mean that they are stupid.

They can use weapons and elemental power, and they can also use tools, and even build houses with unique styles.

Wanting to install something with a different style in their nests without alarming them is simply deliberately making things difficult for people.

Fortunately, there is a similar solution in the assassination technique left to her by the mysterious man.

Kolai climbed up the tree and looked at the Hilichurls' camp not far away.

Although it was noon, the hillbillies were lazily lying on the ground and taking a nap, scratching their buttocks from time to time, looking very comfortable.

Even the hillbilly who was originally responsible for the sentry was hugging a meat bone and sleeping soundly.

Putting down the dagger in his hand for self-defense, Cole searched around and picked up a few fist-sized stones.

Although it did not have much killing power, it was big enough to hurt people.

After weighing its weight, Cole raised the stone and threw it at the hillbilly who was responsible for the sentry.

Although it was sleeping soundly, it was actually very vigilant. If you approach it rashly... Cole has suffered a lot. If Bai Luo had not rescued it in time, I am afraid that some plots that can only be seen in books would have occurred.

"Dalasi! (Who is it!)"

The stone did not hit the hillbilly, but it attracted its attention. It seemed to be sleeping soundly, but it actually got up and picked up the thigh bone stick of an unknown creature next to it. It knocked on the ground and warned loudly.

"yaya! (Beware!)

The Hillock people are still very vigilant. Although the travelers have not arrived yet, the Knights will occasionally use them as recruits for training.

So their days are far from as comfortable as they seem.

The gathered Hillock people looked around, but did not see any enemy.

"Dala? (Is anyone there?)"

After a round of inspection, all the hillocks looked at the fellow who gave the warning.

"nye mito......(I didn't see......)"

Scratching his head, the hillock on guard was a little embarrassed. He couldn't tell his companions that he was just taking a nap.

"yo~ (You funny~)"

Seeing that it was a false alarm, all the hillocks returned to their positions and continued to lie down and take a nap.

And the guy on guard could only mutter sullenly: "mosi gusha......(Unhappy......)" and continue to do his job.

Just a few minutes later, the hillock on guard shouted again.

"yaya! dala! (Enemy invasion, be alert!)"

But this time, his fellow hillocks chose to ignore it, covered their ears and continued to sleep, and some even cursed and threw the wooden sticks at hand.

But none of them got up to take a look.

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