The strange ceiling...

Strange bedding...


A smile that deserves a beating!

After seeing Bai Luo, Ke Lai's confused expression suddenly became as if he had eaten a fly, which was particularly ugly.

She checked the bandages on her body and fortunately they were not loosened.

I just don't know why she fell asleep on the floor, but woke up and ran to the bed.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I slept so peacefully like today.

"Did you do it?"

While putting on her clothes, Ke Lai looked at Bai Luo with a suspicious look.

She was naturally asking about her appearance in the bed.

"It's just that someone had a nightmare last night, crying and crying pitifully, and insisted on squeezing into the same bed with me. I had no choice but to spend the night with a crybaby."


After listening to Bai Luo's words, Kelai suddenly felt guilty.

Although her memory of last night was already very vague, she seemed to have really had a nightmare.

Could it be...

"It must be you!"

Seizing the Teyvat fried egg from Bai Luo's hand, Kelai acted like a little wild cat with its fur blown up.

Regardless of whether she took the initiative last night, she would never admit it.

Everything was Bai Luo's fault!

But she didn't touch the cup in Bai Luo's other hand.

Because the milky white liquid gave her some not-so-good memories.

"The badminton festival is coming soon, let's go to Mondstadt to have a look."

Bai Luo said, drinking the milk in his hand without a care.

In Mondstadt, the quality of the milk is guaranteed, and there is no need to worry that it comes from some strange place.

Kelai paused while putting on her clothes, and her slightly crystal-clear lavender eyes were filled with a hint of surprise.

"You mean... let me go alone?"

During this period of time, Bai Luo has been restricting her freedom, and she is almost used to having such a person around her.

Today, the other party suddenly let her go free, and she couldn't believe her ears.

"Well, go and have fun."

Bai Luo knew that Kelai would not sneak away by herself, not only because the way to save her was in Mondstadt, but also because the arrival of a person was destined to keep her in this city.

Kelai's face first showed an expression of surprise, but this surprise soon solidified and gradually turned into a silent bitter smile.

"I'd better stay in the room."

Looking at her body wrapped in bandages, she slowly lowered her head.

Even though she looked much cleaner now and didn't have that strange smell on her body, this kind of dress... was bound to attract strange looks.

In that case, it would be better to stay in the hotel.

It's good to be next to this bastard, at least he won't despise her.

"What do you see now?"

Bai Luo didn't know when he came to Ke Lai's side.

Ke Lai wanted to raise his head, but he held his head down.

He didn't use much force, but was gentle, and the gentle force gave people a reassuring sense of security.


"What else?"


The light of the morning sun shone on Ke Lai's back, and the dark shadow was reflected on the ground, looking so lonely.

She has experienced this kind of loneliness for too long.

"Do you know how this kind of shadow is produced?"

Bai Luo sat next to Ke Lai, and next to the small shadow, there was another tall shadow.

The shadows were not connected, but at least they didn't look so lonely.

"It's light."

Bai Luo didn't wait for her to answer, and just talked to himself.

"One of my predecessors once told me that as long as you can still see your shadow when you lower your head, there must be light behind you. Sometimes when you are tired, you can lower your head and complain to the shadow, but as long as you turn your head, the light will always shine on you."


"Here are some Mora, enough for you to spend a whole day in Mondstadt. If you run out of money, just let them put it on the account of the Fatui."

Rubbing her little head again, Bai Luo stood up and left the room.

Looking at Cole who was still in a daze thoughtfully, Bai Luo sighed calmly.

It seems that this time he failed again.

At the door of the room, Anastasia had

She had been waiting here for a long time.

However, facing this late boss, she did not dare to say much, because no matter how high her status in the Fatui was, she was destined to be unable to shake the existence of the top twelve.

"Instructor, that person has been waiting for a long time."

Anastasia bowed and whispered.

"Take me there."

Nodding, Bai Luo put the mask back on his face.

An old acquaintance came to Mond today, and he came because of Cole, and he felt that he had to meet him.

After following Anastasia out of the accommodation area, they came to the office area on the first floor.

Originally, there were some large bunk beds here. After the Fatui requisitioned this place indefinitely, it was changed into the ambassador's office area.

At the reception desk, an old man had been waiting here for a long time.

"Instructor, long time no see."

The old man was dressed like a Sumeru ascetic monk, his skin was a little dark, and there was a kind of fierce light in his light golden eyes.

His name is the Preacher. After the Doctor was kicked out of the Xumi Church, he followed the Doctor to join the Fatui, and he was considered one of the Doctor's former confidants.

However, as the research deepened, the Doctor even forgot about his existence.

When Bai Luo worked for the Doctor, he was arranged by the Doctor to become the Preacher's subordinate.

Time has passed, and the other party is still the same, but he has become an equal to the Preacher's master. It has to be said that it is also a kind of irony.

"Long time no see, Preacher."

The relationship between the two people can't be said to be too close, but they are not unfamiliar.

When Bai Luo worked with him, he didn't embarrass Bai Luo.

It's not that he is so kind. Only a determined ascetic like him dares to put the remnants of the demon god into his body, right?

But the remnants of the demon god still affected him, making his temperament extremely cruel, and the number of people who died at his hands is even more numerous.

At that time, Cole was lying on the bed dying of the plague. Her mother went to the missionary for help to save her.

She originally wanted to save her daughter, but she didn't expect that she was asking for help from the devil.

Not only did she lose her life in vain, but she also let her young daughter be tortured by the remnants of the devil for several years.

When the doctor sent Bai Luo, he was very optimistic about him. Even if the missionary had any thoughts about him, he had to wait until the doctor lost interest in him.

Now he is somewhat glad that he didn't act impulsively at the beginning.

Otherwise, with the other party's current status, if he wanted to cause trouble for him, he would not even have the chance to resist.

"I think the instructor has already known the reason why the subordinate came to Mond?"

For this former subordinate, the missionary did not dare to show the airs of his old boss.

He bowed respectfully and asked.

"Isn't it the Black Fire that killed the diplomat? Don't worry, I will help you find her."

Looking at the missionary in front of him meaningfully, Bai Luo suddenly had a new idea.

Perhaps... there might be new opportunities.

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