The old man was buried in the tomb.

Liyue is a city completely different from Mondstadt.

The proudly standing foothills and stone forests, the vast plains and the vibrant river beaches together constitute the rich landforms of Liyue, which exudes a colorful style under the climate with distinct four seasons.

Although the name of Shimen is a door, it is actually just a naturally formed natural chasm. It looks like a door, so it is named Shimen.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack here. Although the relationship between Liyue and Mondstadt has always been good, there are still Thousand Rocks Army guarding here all year round. However, the purpose of the Thousand Rocks Army guarding here is more to prevent people like the Treasure Stealing Group from occupying and robbing houses here.

As one of the main roads connecting Liyue and Mondstadt, there are merchants passing through here all year round, which will naturally attract the covetousness of those lawless elements over time.

Fortunately, since the Qianyan Army settled here, there have been very few illegal incidents.

Over time, there is an old man who runs a tea stall here. This old man is said to be from Qingce Village, his surname is Zhou, and everyone likes to call him Lao Zhou Shushu.

People can't sit still when they are old. He opened a tea stall here not to make money, but purely to enjoy the hustle and bustle.

Sometimes listening to the stories of passers-by, or telling passers-by the stories he heard, is also happy to be idle.

However, this old man's craftsmanship is beyond words. The big bowl of tea he brewed makes many people unforgettable, and some people even come from Liyue Port to drink tea.

It is said that the two famous restaurants in the city specially invited the old man to come out of the mountain and work as a tea doctor in their restaurant, and the price offered is very high.

But the old man refused both parties without thinking.

"What I sell is convenience. If anyone is thirsty and doesn't have money, just give him a bowl of tea. It's not for money."

These are the original words of the old man.

Yes, when you are old, it's rare to have something you like to do. Why torture yourself by treating your hobby as a job?


The stone gate is still the stone gate.

The tea stall is still the tea stall.

The old man is still the old man.

It hasn't changed for many years.

Today's tea stall is still as lively as before. The old man is old and his movements are not as neat as before, but the taste of the tea he brews is still the same, without any change.

The customer didn't urge him, but just watched him brew tea quietly, and then respectfully took the big bowl of tea handed by the other party.

As a businessman, not everyone has smooth sailing.

Many people went home from here in disgrace because of business setbacks.

On the way home, I couldn't even drink a sip of hot water.

Every time at this time, the old man would hand over a bowl of tea.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a bowl of tea."

Regardless of whether these down-and-out merchants have fought a beautiful comeback later, they will always revisit the old place again and quietly make up the tea money they owed at that time.

Knowing gratitude, being grateful, and repaying gratitude.

People in Liyue have always been like this.

It was just a group of people coming from Mondstadt that gradually broke the silence of the tea stall, and even made some people change their faces and quietly leave here.


In fact, the reputation of Fatui in Liyue has improved recently, mainly because Zhidong established diplomatic relations with Liyue, and the former took the initiative to help deal with the evil spirits under the Layered Abyss, so that the people of Liyue are no longer so hostile to them.

But for some businessmen, Fatui is definitely a nightmare.

Because Fatui opened a profit-making organization similar to a money house in Liyue City, called the Northland Bank.

Although it was opened by the Fatui, their reputation is the highest in the entire continent. So far, there has not been a single incident of property loss or damage to valuables.

The most important thing is that no one dares to provoke the Fatui, so many people are willing to deposit their valuables in the North Country Bank.

In addition to these deposit operations, the North Country Bank also provides loan services. If the loan can be repaid in time, the Fatui will naturally remain the Fatui who serves enthusiastically.

But if you dare to default on the debt, the Fire Debt Handler is not just a job.

The businessmen at the scene had more or less had unpleasant experiences with the Fatui because of the loan, so after seeing these people, they left subconsciously.

And the behavior of this small group of people, like some kind of infectious disease, quickly spread to the entire tea stall. Some people who didn't know the reason saw this scene, and they also stood up and left together.

In the end, there was only one person left in the entire teahouse.

"Sir, aren't you leaving?"

The old uncle Zhou, who was selling tea, looked at the man in gorgeous clothes who was still sipping tea, and couldn't help but speak


This man had been drinking tea with him for some time. Although he was dressed in extraordinary clothes, he did not have the bad temper of those noble masters. He not only had a considerable understanding of the tea ceremony, but also said something that puzzled him.

"Your tea has more stories than your grandfather's."

But what was strange was that this man never brought money when drinking tea, and he looked as if it was a matter of course, which made people wonder if he was a gangster who was swindling people with a good skin.

Although some people secretly said that they could help him drive away this fake master who was drinking tea for free, Uncle Zhou always laughed.

"It's just a bowl of tea. Since he likes it, I'll make it for him. Besides, when I gave you tea for free, no one wanted to coax you away."

When these people heard him say this, they did not continue to insist.

So at a fixed time every day, this man would appear on the tea stall on time, listen to the traveler's story with Uncle Zhou, and occasionally comment on it.

"It's just the Fatui, there's nothing to be afraid of."

The man picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, and said calmly.

The slightly rough tea bowl was in sharp contrast to his luxurious clothes.

He has recently tried to drink tea like passers-by, but compared to the way of drinking like a cow, he still prefers this kind of tea tasting.

Because compared with those hurried passers-by, he has a lot of time.

He is not in a hurry.

"Alas, these people are not like me, an old man. You should be polite and don't offend them, otherwise the Qianyan Army may not be able to protect you."

Looking at his stubborn look, Uncle Zhou didn't know what to say. After giving some instructions, he began to greet the Fatui who came over.

Just now, he saw a group of Fatui hurried to the stone gate. He thought they were going to Mond to do business, but he didn't expect them to run back so quickly.

I just hope they will leave after drinking tea.

Surrounded by a group of fools, a man in black got off the floating slime carriage and looked at him.

"Guest, would you like some tea?"

The old man put down the tea bowl and greeted the uninvited guests just like he greeted other people.

"One big bowl of tea per person, um...are there any snacks?"

"Only peanuts and some pickles."

"Some peanuts."

"Okay, thank you for your patronage, a total of 28,000 Mora."

For so many people, he actually charged more than 20,000. Uncle Zhou was deliberately making things difficult for the fools.

But the other party was more generous than he imagined, and didn't care about his deliberate harassment at all.

"Well, put it on the young master's account."

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