The fire started to burn.


The sparks from the lightning ignited the wood at the bottom of the pot.

Soon, the water in the pot began to steam.

"Sit down, sit down. I don't have anything else here, but I still have snacks and tea."

The enthusiastic Lei Ying magician wiped off the non-existent dust on the cushion and motioned Bai Luo to sit down.

Perhaps because she hadn't seen her own people for too long, she was a little too enthusiastic.

To outsiders, the Fatui are synonymous with bad guys.

In fact, they have unparalleled enthusiasm and trust for their colleagues.

When she learned that Bai Luo was lost in the mountains and forests, Lei Ying magician accepted him without any doubt.

Even though his appearance is obviously different from that of Zhidong.

"Black tea, milk, kerosene, which one do you need? Or do you want to mix them all together?"

After searching under his pillow for a while, the Leiying Warlock took out a jar and two bottles and asked Bai Luo.

"Have you forgotten the most important item in the Fatui Vanguard Training Manual? You must not carry kerosene or any drinks related to kerosene during the mission."

The so-called kerosene is actually a kind of wine.

Just like dandelion wine is the soul of Mondstadt, kerosene is the water of life of Zhidong.

During the Demon War, the Zhidong people created a special medicine for disinfection. Some people tried to drink this liquid and felt good. Then more and more people regarded this liquid, which was supposed to be used in medicine, as a spiritual sustenance.

"What does it matter? In this wilderness of Inazuma, the sky is big and the earth is big, and I am the biggest sister!"

The Leiying Warlock did not take Bai Luo's words seriously.

In her opinion, Bai Luo should be a newcomer recruited by the advance team in Inazuma, and it is understandable that he does not understand some unspoken rules.

Taking out the well-preserved exquisite tea set, Lei Ying magician scooped some boiling water from the pot, cleaned it carefully, and brewed some black tea.

Considering that Bai Luo looked younger, she added some milk to it.

Before handing it to the other party, she asked again: "Really don't want kerosene?"

"If you return to Zhidong later, I will treat you to high-quality kerosene. Now... forget it."

Bai Luo took the milk black tea handed by Lei Ying magician and tasted it.

I have to say that her craftsmanship is still pretty good.

At least in Zhidong, after participating in so many tea parties of young ladies, it was the first time he drank such flavorful milk black tea.

"Hehe, the tea was snatched from the noboris, and the milk was fished from the pot of the hill people. Does it taste good?"


Before the Lei Ying magician finished speaking, Bai Luo directly sprayed out all the liquid in his mouth.

The milk tea that was particularly charming before was now a little unbearable to look at.

"Oh my, young people nowadays are really, they don't know how to cherish at all."

The Lei Ying magician was not surprised. In some missions, they didn't even have such drinks. When the situation was worse, drinking water had to be obtained by water slime.

As a monster formed by the deposition of water elements scattered in nature, it can indeed be used as emergency water, but because of the strong water elements, drinking slime directly is actually harmful to the human body.

If not treated in time, it may even leave serious sequelae.

Now these soldiers who have just joined the advance team can't understand the hardships of their predecessors at all.

"How long have you been stationed here?"

Looking up at the tattered canvas, Bai Luo began to change the subject.

Because he didn't want to hear the Lei Ying Warlock talk about the origin of the boiling water pot.

According to his hunch, she must have been here for quite a while.

"Hmm... I've forgotten that in this wilderness, apart from teasing the hill people and robbing the wild people every day, there is no concept of time at all. When I came here, the lockdown order had not yet been issued."

After taking a sip of fire water, even though she came from Zhidong, this way of drinking still made her face a little tipsy.

Normally, she would never drink fire water in this way.

This is Inazuma, not Zhidong.

Fire water is something that you drink less and less.

Even if you take time to rob a caravan or go to Inazuma City to purchase, you can't buy Zhidong's authentic fire water.

But when friends come, it's different.

Fire water, if you don't drink it together, there will be no such atmosphere.

"Newcomer, sister

Let me tell you, we Fatui don't need to care about other people's eyes at all. We are going to do great things with the Queen. Don't think that I am a little tight at the moment. After I finish the job in Inazuma City, I can at least be a leader when I go back! If someone bullies you, just tell me my name!"

Lei Ying Warlock was obviously drunk. She breathed out the smell of alcohol and patted Bai Luo's back heroically.

Fortunately, she was not very strong.

Otherwise, according to her patting method, Bai Luo would definitely be patted internally by her.

"By the way."

Speaking of this, Lei Ying Warlock remembered that they had talked for so long and had not yet told each other their names.

"Sister, my name is Ksenia, what about you?"

"Bai Luo. "

Ksenia's name made Bai Luo look sideways.

Having lived in Zhidong for so long, he also had a certain understanding of the culture there.

For example, the name Ksenia represents hospitality in Zhidong.

This sister is really hospitable.

"Bai Luo?"

Hearing this name, Ksenia paused in drinking the kerosene.

As a member of the Fatui advance team on Inazuma's side, she also had some understanding of the culture here.

But in his impression, this name did not have any Inazuma style.

It was a bit like Liyue on the other side of the sea.

"Are you from Liyue? "

If Ksenia remembered correctly, Solstice seemed to have strategic cooperation with Liyue recently.

She didn't know what it was specifically, she only knew that her good friend in Hearth House had once approached her mysteriously, saying that he would take his brother to Liyue to do great things.

Alas, lucky Katarina, now she must be eating and drinking with her brother in Crescent Pavilion, right?

It's really enviable.

"Yes, but now he lives in Solstice, because he jumped into the glacier to save a child in winter, he was appreciated by the rooster and made an exception to join the Fatui."

Speaking of this, Bai Luo also sighed.

At the beginning, he never thought that he just wanted to save someone.

When he came up after diving, he was no longer on Earth, but came to Teyvat and appeared in Solstice.

"Hey? Your experience is very similar to someone I know. It is said that person has become an executive officer. I really don't know if we will become executive officers. "

Ksenia didn't realize at all that the young man sitting next to her, who she fed the strange milk tea to as a prank, was actually the young executive she mentioned.

It was not until many years later that she accidentally saw the familiar figure standing next to the queen.

She realized what kind of person she had met in Inazuma.

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