The wound was severe, but the patient was still alive.

Bai Luo's injury became more serious. He could walk on his own and even cook for himself when he was in the mood.

But later, no one knew what happened. He couldn't even get out of bed. His dying appearance made Katarina feel distressed. She held his head and looked helpless.

Bai Luo said that everything was fine. The fragrance of the mist grass made people feel a little uncomfortable, but his ribs were a little bit painful.

Also, for some reason, his appetite did not decrease at all, and he could eat a lot of fruits every day.

But when he saw the sunset fruit, he absolutely dared not eat it again.

It is said to be very sour.

The Fatui did not dare to delay and set off for Liyue early in the morning. It was said that the doctors of Bubulu there were skilled in medicine and they might be able to save the instructor.

If it were a normal day, Bubulu would definitely refuse them with the reputation of the Fatui, but they were now heroes of Liyue and were in a honeymoon period with Liyue, so Bubulu could not refuse.

After Wangshu Inn, it was Guiliyuan.

This is a large wilderness. Thousands of years ago, it was a prosperous city with some flowers in full bloom. But the dream eventually woke up, and the paradise was destroyed in the troubled times, and the people left again.

Only the ruins with the imprint of time can show how prosperous this place was.

There used to be two gods who cared about mortals here, but later only one was left.

Later, there was nothing.

Only a dilapidated Guiliyuan was left.

Today, my people are all living and working in peace and contentment, and they are almost returning home together, so it is better to name it Guiliyuan.

The Fatui didn't talk. Some of them were worried about Bai Luo's injury, and some were too depressed by the atmosphere in this place.

Some were also thinking about what to eat in the evening.

After eating almond tofu for a week, it was time to change the taste.

Guiliyuan was very large. The group didn't see the shadow of Liyue City until the evening. The main reason was that Bai Luo was a burden. Otherwise, with the Fatui's marching speed, they would have reached Liyue long ago.

Setting up camp is what the Fatui are best at.

In other words, how to survive in the wild is a skill that all Fatui must master, and they must also learn how to set traps in their own homes.

Bai Luo's tent is the most luxurious and uses the best materials, but it is just a tent after all, not as good as a room.

In the past, Bai Luo would be so interested and write some light novels from his previous life, and plan to submit them to Yaedo when he goes to Inazuma later.

It was not until they were at Wangshu Inn that Katarina saw Bai Luo's handwriting and said something in a very surprised tone.

"Sir, your painting skills are really good. Is this the endless water grass in Dihua Island?"


After that day, Bai Luo never picked up a pen again. He just stood on the branch where the young immortal often stood, looked at the endless reeds in the water, and said only one word.


Katarina didn't know what he meant, but nodded secretly.

The instructor must have a deep meaning for doing this, right?

The food in the wild is not like the inn.

Very simple stewed meat, plus a little milk.

After understanding Bai Luo's temper, some people have been very bold to take out the fire water and start drinking around the campfire.

After Zhidong and Liyue established diplomatic relations, there were also commercial exchanges. Genuine fire water was everywhere, and there was no fear of running out of it.

While drinking, they boasted about their achievements and looked forward to the beautiful scenery surrounded by the people after returning to Zhidong in triumph in the future.

Regardless of their previous reputation, this time they really came to be heroes.

"Where did this milk... come from?"

Subconsciously looking at Katarina's chest, Bai Luo asked cautiously, because he didn't dare to drink milk without knowing its origin.

"I begged it from Wangshu Inn."

Katarina said in confusion.

Compared with Ksenia, who was sent to Inazuma as an advance team early on, Katarina has not really experienced living alone in the wild, and naturally can't understand the other party's self-sufficiency.

"That's good."

After being completely relieved, Bai Luo finally put his mind at ease and drank the milk.

But he seemed to have forgotten to ask where the big black iron pot came from, but it didn't matter anymore, as long as it tasted good.

As the night deepened, bursts of snoring and some low humming began to be heard in the camp.

There were military songs of the Fools and folk songs of winter. It should be someone

I remembered home and some people.

Bai Luo seemed to remember something, but it was a little vague.

The boy named Kolia fell asleep on Katarina's legs. He was Katarina's younger brother. They grew up in the [House of Hearth] and were the Queen's children.

So they also had to serve the Queen and repay her for raising them.

Looking at the two, Bai Luo finally knew what he remembered.

He also knew what was missing around him.

Little Kolia.


Liyue City, Northland Bank.

As the largest winter building in Liyue and one of the strongholds of the Fatui, the lights are often on here even at night.

Nadia stood in front of the door as usual, doing her guard work.

Don't look at her as a woman, but when she really fights with others, she is not afraid at all. She once beat a drunk who tried to cause trouble in the Northland Bank with her bare hands.

If the people of Liyue had not intervened, the drunkard would definitely not have survived.

Are you kidding? No matter how strong the drunkard is, can he be stronger than a bear?

Even though Nadia is usually so delicate, bears will take a detour when they see her.

"Welcome to the Northland Bank."

The dedicated Nadia saw the figure coming out of the darkness in the distance and habitually said, with standard Liyue dialect that was impeccable.

It was just the smell of blood in her nose and the vague evil thoughts that made her alert at the first time.

But when she saw the person coming, she couldn't help but shudder.

"My Lord!"

That's right, the man covered in blood and walking out of the darkness was Tartaglia who had been in the Layered Rock Abyss for several days.

Judging from his refreshed appearance, he should have had a great time this time.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"For the Queen!"

Dartaria was very happy today because he got a good news when he was at the supply station. The instructor was coming to Liyue and was going to borrow something from him.

Oh, that's interesting.

Borrowing a boat is fine, but let's have a fight first!

As for Bai Luo, he just wanted to test his skills at first, but as the other party repeatedly avoided him, he became interested.

And this kind of attention has now even developed into a kind of obsession.

Whether he was beaten by Bai Luo or beat Bai Luo, as long as this kind of relationship happened between the two, he would be completely clear.

In order not to miss Bai Luo, he didn't even clean up at the supply station, and rushed back to Liyue Port overnight, just to block Bai Luo.

Just looking at the current situation... he doesn't seem to have arrived yet?

After entering the North Country Bank, Tartaglia did not alarm others and went straight back to his room.

It was just the bill on his desk that attracted his attention.

He doesn't seem to have spent any money recently, right?

After taking off the bloodstained clothes, Tartaglia casually glanced at the bill.

Who knew that after this glance, he could not take his eyes away.

The string of numbers almost made Tartaglia's heart stop.

Then he looked at the signer.

"Bai Luo!?"

That night, the sound of whales awakened half of the lights in Liyue.

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