The old man was very tired, and the old man was very tired.

Agui stood at the counter, carefully sorting the herbs and marking them.

There have been many strange things in Bubulu recently, such as the pot he used to boil the medicine, which seemed to have been moved by someone. Even though the other party had carefully scrubbed it, he still noticed it.

Fortunately, there was no strange smell in it, and there was a faint fragrance.

This fragrance was different from the fragrance of herbs, and it smelled like some kind of spice.

And there was Mr. Bai from his family.

Today at the Liyue Pier, he met a merchant from Mondstadt, who was selling a big and plump sunset fruit. The sunset fruit after the rain looked round and smooth, and it made people have an appetite at first sight.

Remembering that Mr. Bai was so busy these two days, he bought a few kilograms and wanted Mr. Bai to taste it. Who knew that when Mr. Bai saw the sunset fruit he brought, he showed a constipated look on his face.

Then he was assigned to do this tiring and boring sorting work.

Alas, life is so hard.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that the frog croaking in the yard was a little weaker than yesterday. Maybe it left here with the water flow?


And the new patient was a little dishonest.

Every day, he took Qiqi to squat by the koi pond in the yard and counted the koi.

If it was just like this, it would not be a big deal, because Qiqi seemed to be quite happy squatting with him.

It would be better if he didn't drool when looking at the koi.

Hiss... This guy wouldn't stew the koi with my medicine pot, right?

After Bai Luo took Qiqi back to Bubulu, Ah Gui, who was worried, counted them several times on purpose. Fortunately, the koi were still there, and the fattest one was hiding under the lotus leaves.

There were a few less lotus pods in the pond.

Maybe they were picked by some passers-by? Whatever, it wasn't a rare thing anyway, as long as the koi were safe.

Qiqi was a good girl, Bai Luo realized this when he was playing games before.

So no one else wanted Qiqi, but he was eager to get Qiqi, and even threw more than a hundred into the permanent pool.

As a result, three sky mint guns came before Qiqi came.

Now that he met Qiqi, he could feel how well-behaved Qiqi was.

No matter how many sunset fruits he took out, Qiqi would eat them all, and never said they were sour, but said they were delicious.

This made Bai Luo embarrassed.

He casually stuffed the sunset fruit that Qiqi had bitten into his mouth.

So sour...

He seemed to have forgotten that Qiqi had no sense of taste...

The days in Bubulu were much more dull than before, even duller than those days in Wangshu Inn.

Bai Luo had nothing to do except watching carp with Qiqi every day. After knowing his name, Bai Shu deliberately confined him.

He didn't care. Anyway, if he wanted to leave, no one could stop him, even if the Rock King came...


Opening his eyes, Bai Luo saw Zhongli standing in front of him with a smile, and there seemed to be a glowing rainbow spear floating behind him.

"Morning... Morning."

Bai Luo, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the bed, immediately lay down, and his ruddy face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His lips even raised a few pieces of dead skin mischievously, looking half dead.

"How is the injury?"

Picking up the lotus seeds peeled by Bai Luo next to him, Zhongli ate them very unceremoniously, but the Piercing Rainbow Spear behind him showed no sign of disappearing.

"It's okay, I only had more than eighty stitches."

"......Three wounds had more than eighty stitches?"

The action of eating lotus seeds slowed down, and Zhongli looked at Bai Luo with a strange look and asked.

"One had eighty stitches."

Bai Luo said, and lifted his clothes to reveal his belly.

Good guy, when others lifted their clothes, they were all abdominal muscles, but when Bai Luo lifted his clothes, they were all threads.

At a glance, it was all threads, and there was no flesh at all.


The Piercing Rainbow Spear behind him slowly disappeared.

Forget it, forget it, I can't afford to offend you.

"You are busy with all kinds of things, how can you still have time to come to me."

After the Piercing Rainbow Spear disappeared, Bai Luo was relieved, at least he was not afraid of being beaten.

At the same time, he was a little strange, wasn't the young master investigating Zhongli these two days? Zhongli actually has free time to run

Bu Bulu came to "visit" him.

"As the God of Contract, nothing is more important to me than the contract, so I came to see how you are doing and whether you can continue to fulfill the contract between us."

Although he said this, Zhongli knew very well that the contract would most likely be shelved. In this state, even if Bai Luo wanted to fight him, he probably couldn't do it.

Looking at the dense lines, unless he had a grudge against him for killing his father, not many people would do it.

"Do you think it's okay?"

Bai Luo asked tentatively.

"If I want to kill you, I can do it anytime."

Zhongli smiled.

As he said, he is still the God of Liyue. Everything in Liyue is under his protection. Sometimes Bai Luo makes a small move at random, as long as he is identified as a "move" that hurts Liyue, he can take action.

For example, closing the door with some force, peeing on the grass...

But he won't kill Bai Luo.

How could he not see that Zhidong could see Bai Luo's extraordinaryness? Perhaps the young man in front of him was one of their future choices.

Just like the branches on the tree, no matter which branch extends, it is full of infinite possibilities. So not only can he not kill Bai Luo, but he must let him live well.

After eating the lotus seeds, he threw them into the trash can next to him. Zhongli reached out to the fruit plate with three sunset fruits next to him.

This was not put there by Bai Luo, but by Qiqi.

"Uh... Mr. Zhong, this thing..."

Looking at Zhongli's actions, Bai Luo looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

"I just ate some of your fruits. At most, I'll send someone to send you a few boxes in the future."

Zhongli glanced at him and didn't care about his obstruction.

It's just sunset fruits. Although they are some ordinary wild fruits, he has eaten them before. Could it be that they can turn into flowers?

After eating the sunset fruit, Zhongli was slightly stunned. He swallowed the fruit with a gulp. Three seconds later, he asked with a trembling voice: "What kind of sunset fruit is this? Mondgogo fruit variant? Inazuma hibiscus hybrid? Why... the taste is not right?"

"I think it's not the variety."

Bai Luo really thought about it for a few seconds before giving his answer.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out why the sunset fruit from the same tree is sweet when others pick it, but sour when he picks it.

The sunset fruit from the same stall is sweet when others buy it, but sour when he buys it.

Could it be that he was targeted?

"I'll send you something sweet next time."

After silently putting the sunset fruit back to its original place, some of Zhongli's thoughts changed.

In terms of common rationality, even if he can't kill this kid, beating him half to death is still okay, right?

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