After thinking for a while, Mu Yang continued: "If there is something about the economy, I will upload it to the group."

However, I will set a price for some technology related to our world, and if you need it, you can buy it with points.

In the same way, if you have anything to sell, you can also upload it to the chat group, of course, if someone will buy it!

However, I suggest that you don't use points indiscriminately in the early stage, for you, points are still very precious, and these points can improve your strength! "

Ning Guang narrowed his eyes when he heard this: "In the chat group, is it the effect of using points instead of Mora?"

It seems that for us, the significance of points seems to be greater than that of Mora.

You pay for the knowledge, we pay for the points, and it really makes sense. "

Regarding Muyang's proposal, Ningguang agreed without hesitation.

Although Muyang said before that everyone is friends in the group, but there is a favor or something, and there is too much debt, and it is not good.

On the contrary, Ningguang preferred Muyang's suggestion.

Seeing that Muyang and Ningguang finished speaking, Keqing also asked Muyang, "Muyang, I've seen the system of your world, do you think that if we in Liyue want to rule by man as much as possible, how would it be best to develop?" "

Keqing is still Keqing, even if it has been hit, but for the rule of people, Keqing is still very yearning.

It's not for power or anything, she's just to prove to the Emperor of the Rock that the child you're guarding has grown up! You can take care of yourself!

Emperor, you don't need to worry about us all year round.

When Zhongli saw Ke Qing like this, there was also a look of approval in his eyes, worthy of being the woman he was optimistic about, even if she was hit, she still recovered in the shortest possible time.

Mu Yang didn't hide it and said directly: "A similar constitutional monarchy can be implemented, but the power of this monarch is greater, not in vain, but a king who really holds power."

It's just that this monarch doesn't usually need to manage the people below, and there are rock kings and immortals to oversee the Seven Stars and Eight Gates, otherwise with human ambition and greed, Liyue is likely to rot.

Liyue's laws and regulations also have many loopholes that need to be filled slowly.

Moreover, on the continent of Teyvat, it is impossible to do without gods.

Mondstadt's Aeolus has only disappeared for a few hundred years, and you can see how the Fatui have bullied Mondstadt. "

Ke Qing was also silent when she heard this, and now she felt that her previous self seemed to be too self-righteous, and she just wanted to prove herself to the Rock King Emperor and prove that she was a human being, but she forgot some very realistic things!

Without the protection of the Rock Emperor, they would not be much better off in Liyue than in Mondstadt.

She sighed lightly and said, "It seems that I was still a little too reckless before.

The emperor may really know everything, and it is precisely because he is worried that these things will happen that he will always guide us forward!

We also have to work harder to not disappoint the emperor!

One day, we will prove our worth to the Emperor, so that the Emperor does not have to worry about our problems. "

Ningguang took a deep look at Keqing, then at Zhongli and Muyang, and said: "The road is long and difficult, I hope that along the way, the two of you can give us some help!" "

Seeing this, the corners of Zhongli's mouth also showed a hint of a smile, the test of Keqing and Ningguang was roughly passed!

Actually, he didn't worry about these two people either, he was just worried about the other seven stars and eight gates.

And Keqing and Ningguang are mainly compared with other Seven Stars and Eight Gates.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Muyang invite Ganyu to come in, just to let the two of them have some bottom in their hearts.

However, the point system that Muyang said before made Zhongli very interested, he also needs points now, not only his own wear and tear, but also the wear and tear of the Ruotuo Dragon King also needs to be treated, and I don't know how many points it needs to be cured.

The abyssal filth is almost endless, but Zhongli also wants to restore his old friend as much as possible!

He set his eyes on Muyang, and he had a lot of things in his hands that the other party needed.

"As Liyue people, this is what we should do in order to build a better Liyue." Zhongli didn't have any ink, and assured after taking a sip of tea.

Let's hope this time, Liyue won't let herself down!

Of course, the premise must be that the actions of the two of them are beneficial to Liyue.

Mu Yang chuckled: "As an outsider, the news that I will become an advisor to Tianquan Star will soon spread, and I live next to Yuhengxing, so I will become a thorn in the side of some people."

However, I am not good at force, and I hope you will not embarrass me! "

The corners of Zhongli's mouth couldn't help twitching, isn't Muyang good at force?

He doesn't think so, no matter how weak Muyang is now, he is also a demon god-level combat power, not to mention, he is still Tianli!

However, Ke Qing believed Mu Yang's words, and she also saw that Mu Yang did not have the Vision of God, except for a few people, it was indeed difficult for people who did not have the Vision of God to become masters.

She immediately assured Muyang: "Muyang, don't worry, we will try our best to protect you!" "

"Thank you very much!" Muyang sighed silently, A-Qing is really a good person!!

Moreover, it seems to be very easy to flicker, compared to Ningguang, he is an old fox!

"By the way, the two of you seem to know about the other group member?" At this time, Ningguang asked again.

"I don't know, he never spoke." Zhongli shook his head slightly, well, this is also true.

If only Muyang and Zhongli were fine, but now that there are outsiders, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao to speak.

"Is that so?" Ningguang nodded thoughtfully, she asked everything she should ask, and she also entertained a few people to eat.

Next, Ningguang did not continue to test Muyang, but instead chatted with Muyang, Ningguang mainly talked about interesting things about Liyue and Teyvat, while Muyang occasionally mentioned the things he used to be in.

After getting along this time, Muyang couldn't help but sigh, worthy of becoming a woman who became a star of heaven from scratch.

Even if you know that the conversation will expose you more information, you still feel comfortable with this kind of conversation.

This woman's success is definitely not accidental, and there is no one else with such ability!

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