The days passed, and soon a month passed.

This month, although Muyang rarely goes out to brush up on experience, the improvement of his strength is huge.

Morax, Xiao and Madame Ping are all little experts in brushing experience, and they can earn tens of thousands of points almost every day.

Especially Morax, he can bring more than 50,000 points to Muyang almost every day.

This is still based on the fact that Mu Yang's strength is insufficient, and the speed of purifying the abyss filth with the power that is divided is insufficient, otherwise this Morax will not be able to bring hundreds of thousands of points to Mu Yang every day?

This also made Muyang more and more eager to get the next God Heart, that is, even Zhongli himself wanted to urge Mu Yang to get the next God Heart quickly.

Obviously, he could purify the abyss filth faster and more efficiently, but it turned out that because Muyang's strength was insufficient, the purification efficiency could not keep up, which also made Zhongli very helpless.

Especially after Grandma Ping and the others also joined, the purification speed began to decline again, Zhongli directly dispelled Mu Yang's idea of wanting to pull in other three-eyed and five-show immortals to purify the abyss filth together, or wait for Mu Yang to become stronger!

For this, Mu Yang didn't expect it at first, but he was soon relieved.

It's like a home network, where the download speed itself is limited, and if the speed is inherently fast, there's nothing wrong with that.

However, if the internet speed itself is not fast enough, and one of the computers is downloading movies, it will inevitably affect the experience of other people using the Internet.

In this regard, Muyang can only sigh that his strength is still not strong enough!!

Otherwise, even if there are enough tool people, there is still a limit to becoming stronger.

However, because of Morax's hard work, Muyang's strength is also improving rapidly, according to his analysis, his strength should have increased by five or six times during this time.

In terms of strength, it has also reached the average strength of the demon god from the level of the first demon god.

There's no way, who makes the gap in combat power between the demon god and the demon god also very big?

Such strength is actually quite not weak.

At least according to Morax's words, Muyang is now more powerful than Heulia, the demon god of salt.

In addition, he was often practicing Zhongli's martial arts, and the speed of his strength progress was naturally increasing day by day.

Keqing and Ningguang have also done a lot of actions during this time.

After Keqing recovered from her injuries, she went out into the field almost every day to clear out the monsters, especially on the road from Liyue Harbor to Guiliyuan, where Keqing's shadow could often be seen.

After obtaining a lot of points, in addition to exchanging the knowledge needed for herself and Ningguang, Keqing used these points to strengthen herself, in addition to the cultivation of internal strength, she also improved her physique, elemental charging efficiency, speed and other abilities.

This also led to Keqing's strength increasing day by day in this month, and Muyang felt that if Tartaglia under the normal situation was to fight now, it was really unknown who would be born and who would lose.

Ningguang is making all kinds of preparations, building roads and towns after the clear weather, and the cement formula needed has been arranged for Ningguang to be studied.

At the same time, Ningguang asks Keqing to take out a mora and set up a chamber of commerce with her, which is under Ningguang's responsibility, and most of the money earned will be used to build Liyue.

Keqing agreed without hesitation on this point, after all, it was all about building Liyue, and Ningguang was the woman who could make the most money.

In fact, at first, Keqing wanted to instigate Ningguang to build a bank, but after some discussion, the two decided to slow down for the time being, and Tianxuan and Dimensity would definitely come to make trouble.

After all, it is almost an open secret that they have an alliance of interests with the Northland Bank.

We have to find a way to get them down.

For such thoughts, Keqing and Ningguang did not hide it, which can be regarded as a kind of temptation for them.

And Ganyu, as the secretary of the Seven Stars, turned a blind eye to this matter, this meaning is already obvious, if they can oust the two of them through proper means, it is the means of the two, and she will not stop it in the slightest!

After confirming this, the enthusiasm of the two became more and more intense.

In addition to exercising every day, Muyang occasionally walks around Liyue Harbor, and occasionally "bumps into" Tartaglia, and the relationship between the two seems to be more and more like friends, which is an interesting thing.

On this day, Muyang was shouted by Keqing early in the morning, and then she was taken to a house more than ten minutes away from their residence in a hurry.

The house is not big, only about three or four hundred square meters, and it looks very simple, not luxurious, and Muyang already knows the identity of the owner of this house from Keqing's mouth - Uncle Tian!

As the Seven Stars of Liyue, living in such a "simple" house was indeed something Muyang had not expected.

"Keqing, you brought Ningguang's advisor here, is there anything important?" After Uncle Tian welcomed the two into the room, he asked Keqing directly.

Yesterday he received Keqing's greeting post, and he was somewhat puzzled in his heart, such a thing didn't seem to be what Keqing would do, but more like Ningguang's behavior.

Now Keqing has come over with Ningguang's advisor, so what is the purpose?

During this time, everyone can actually see one or two about the cooperation between Keqing and Ningguang, do they want to win themselves over?

Being able to become a Tianshu Star from a civilian, Uncle Tian is naturally not a fool, but he doesn't like to stand in line and form gangs.

Of course, if it's good for Liyue, he'll still support it.

"Well, it's very important, next, Ningguang and I are going to promote a martial art that can greatly improve Liyue's strength, and I hope you can support us in promoting this martial art within the Millelith Army!" Ke Qing paused and added, "This martial art has been recognized by the immortals. "

"A martial art that has already been recognized by the immortals?

The emperor should know about it, right? Have you asked the Emperor of the Rock for his opinion? Uncle Tian frowned and asked.

As the Seven Stars, they all have the means to report the matter to the Rock King Emperor in an emergency, and if they get the approval of the Rock King Emperor, Ke Qing doesn't seem to need to ask for their support.

"We tried to contact the emperor, but we couldn't get in touch, according to the immortals, the emperor is doing something very important, and we can't get rid of it at the moment, let us decide this matter for ourselves!" Keqing said that she didn't lie, and besides, both Ganyu and Grandma Ping said so!

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