Ganyu's words obviously made several people in the chat group stunned.

There is no way, it is really that Ganyu usually does not participate in everyone's dinner, but this time, Ganyu is willing to come out, which is very rare.

Even Muyang is curious, could it be that his charm has improved, so that this coconut sheep wants to eat with him?

As Kamisato Ayaka said, when he came to Xinyue Xuan, he directly brushed his face and got a specially reserved box, and it didn't take long for Mei to come over with Yaoyao and Ganyu.

"Yaoyao!" When Klee saw Yaoyao, she directly let Yaoyao sit beside her, and the two little guys were tired of being together.

"Ganyu, isn't this suppressing his appetite?" Mu Yang said softly to Ganyu, who was sitting directly across from him.

"I haven't eaten Crescent Pavilion food for almost five hundred years. Gan Yuqiao's face turned crimson and said with embarrassment.

Mu Yang didn't say it before, Ganyu didn't feel it yet, but now when he goes to Xinyuexuan to eat, Ganyu also misses Xinyuexuan's food.

Of course, if he could, Ganyu wanted to follow Emperor Rock to the Liuli Pavilion for dinner, but considering that it was Tartaglia who was invited to dinner by Emperor Rock King, Ganyu gave up.

It just so happened that the food of Xinyuexuan was also good, and Ganyu came over.

It's not that it's a meal or something, she also has a meal coupon for Xinyuexuan, but she never uses it.

Moreover, Ganyu has never lacked Mora, and she has worked hard for Liyue for thousands of years, and she also has a salary, but Ganyu usually donates her salary.

Otherwise, Ganyu would definitely be at the top of Liyue's wealth rankings.

Ganyu's annual income as the secretary of the Seven Stars is equal to that of the Seven Stars, which is also the respect that the Seven Stars of Liyue have for Ganyu, and of course, how Ganyu uses the money is Ganyu's own business.

Seven Stars' annual salary has been rising in price for thousands of years, for example, now, Keqing's annual salary is 20 million Mora.

This is not a lot of money, after all, the annual income of those coolies in Liyue Harbor is more than one million Mora a year.

The Seven Stars of Liyue are highly powerful in Liyue, with 20 million Mora, which is indeed not very high.

In other words, Ganyu's annual salary is now around 20 million Mora, and she has worked hard for Liyue for thousands of years, if her annual salary has not changed, how many Mora does Ganyu have?

Of course, this annual salary is also growing, after all, Liyue's wealth is increasing, and so are taxes.

Ganyu's total income is certainly not tens of billions, but it is definitely not small.

Of course, the benefits of the Seven Stars are excellent, but Ganyu usually doesn't enjoy them.

Now it is rare to come to the Crescent Moon Xuan, and for the Crescent Xuan, it is also an honor for the Crescent Xuan.

"Five hundred years?.! the corners of Muyang's mouth twitched, how could it be that for Ganyu and them, five hundred years or something, it seemed that it was just a short time.

"I didn't dare to eat more food before!" Gan Yu paused and added, "There is a lot of seaweed in the Crescent Moon Xuan, which is very delicious. "

She doesn't eat meat, not even fish.

But seaweed, Ganyu still eats it.

Moreover, in the Crescent Pavilion, there is not only seafood, but also food such as mushrooms.

"Eh, Muyang, are you also eating here?" At this time, a voice came from outside the door, and everyone looked over and found that the person who came was Hu Tao, who had just seen at noon.

"Hall Master Hu!" Mu Yang nodded at Hu Tao: "You guys also come to eat together?"

"Isn't it that Chongyun just recognized an aunt, and we came over together, although we won't return to the family directly, but we will recognize our relatives after all, isn't it?" Hu Tao smiled and said, "Moreover, my Death Hall has a special cooperative relationship with Xinyue Xuan." "

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, the face of the Afterlife Hall was indeed very big.

After all, the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner of the New Moon Xuan or Liuli Pavilion is not something that can be ordered, but Hu Tao can easily solve it.

Although many people avoid the Hall of the Dead, there is always a place to find the Hall of the Dead.

For example, if you want to find an ancestral grave that suits you, the people of Liyue are very superstitious about such things.

And the Afterlife Hall does have such a business.

"For them, it is indeed good luck to have relatives like Shenhe. Mu Yang pondered for a moment, didn't know where to take out a piece of paper, quickly wrote on it, and after a while, he handed the paper to Hu Tao and said, "Give this paper to Chongyun."

It's good for his body. "

"What is this?" Hu Tao took the note and looked at it, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Hu Tao still knows a lot about the number of Qi Men techniques, and the secret method of the Afterlife Hall is also a kind of Qi Men Shu Shu, and Zhong Li has taught Hu Tao a lot since he was a child.

Although Hu Tao is not a disciple of the Immortal Family, his attainments in the number of Qimen techniques are much more profound than Xiangling, a disciple of the Immortal Family.

Just looking at the note given by Muyang, it seems to be very powerful, but it doesn't seem to have any effect at all.

"This is a technique specifically for Chongyun's physique, and it can be operated as long as the body temperature rises. Muyang smiled and said, "It's a gift to Chongyun as a friend of Shenhe." "

"Is that so?" Hu Tao didn't doubt when he heard this, maybe this exercise was only useful for Chongyun?

As for whether Muyang will come up with fake things to fool people, Hu Tao will not think so.

After all, Muyang is the husband of the thunderbolt general, and the relationship with Zhongli, an immortal, is also very good, and now the people who eat here also have an immortal like Grandma Ping, if you take out something casually, who will believe it.

Chongyun is saved!

Thinking of the tragic experience of his little friend, Hu Tao also felt sad for him.

Maybe it's good to be able to change your fate now, right?

"Okay, I'll go back to dinner first, we'll see you next time!" Hu Tao waved at everyone and exited the box.

"Hu Tao, this child, is still so popular. Seeing this scene, Grandma Ping also chuckled and shook her head and said.

"After a while, let her join in. After thinking about it, Muyang also said.

For Hu Tao, Muyang still has a good impression, the kind that this friend can deal with.

It's definitely not because of her double ponytail that Muyang has a good impression, after all, Aqing is also a double ponytail a lot of times.

Mu Yang is not interested in the certainty, but he can use his own hands to achieve his dream for Hu Tao, the first fire A in Teyvat.

Muyang had also thought about pulling Hu Tao into the chat group before, but now that he thinks about it, he should wait for Liyue's final exam.

It's not that he doesn't want to give Liyue a temporary boost in strength, but the main thing is that Muyang doesn't know if Zhongli wants to fake his death when the time comes.

Although it seems that Zhongli may not fake his death now, but what if?

Wouldn't it be very interesting if Zhongli faked his death, and then pulled Hu Tao into the group by himself, but it was much more interesting than letting Hu Tao know beforehand.

"Yes, Hu Tao is still very talented!" Grandma Ping nodded approvingly.

If Hu Tao hadn't been studying with Zhongli all the time, Grandma Ping would also consider taking Hu Tao as a disciple.

After all, Hu Tao also uses spears, and throughout Liyue, Madame Ping dares to say that no one can match herself in terms of using spears except for the Rock King Emperor, even if he has received the Demon Suppression Greatness passed down by the Rock King Emperor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is not what Grandma Ping boasted about, but she really killed it at the beginning.

The food of Xinyuexuan is delicious, Klee eats very happily, Muyang is also satisfied, after saying goodbye to Grandma Ping, Muyang took Kamisato Ayaka and Klee home.

Then he enjoyed Kamisato Ayaka's meticulous service, in order to thank Muyang, Kamisato Ayaka also let go, and it also allowed Muyang to successfully experience a so-called shareholding.

After all, men are always a little curious, and they also have some special desire to conquer.

Comfortable or uncomfortable, curiosity satisfaction is real.

The days passed like this, and in the blink of an eye, another month passed, and this month, Liyue also changed dramatically.

Under Ningguang's stewardship, Liyue Bank has continued to grow and develop, not only on Liyue's side, but also in Inazuma, Sumeru, and Mondstadt.

As Ningguang had originally envisioned, Liyue Bank cooperated with local communities in various countries.

Liyue is responsible for contributing some of the funds, accounting for 20 percent of the shares of Liyue Bank in each country, and 80 percent in those countries.

Liyue Bank has someone to manage it, while Sumeru, Mondstadt, and Inazuma are in charge of supervision, and have no direct management authority.

This is also to prevent people from these countries from stealing from themselves.

After all, the construction of Liyue Bank in all four countries seems to be a thankless task, mainly for the sake of business development.

From now on, anyone who has an account with Liyue Bank will be able to travel to the four countries to exchange and store Mora.

In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of the loophole to make trouble, Ningguang also invited Albedo and Liuyun to make a series of anti-counterfeiting checks that are difficult to forge.

This has led to more frequent trade between the four countries, and the economies of Inazuma, Mondstadt, and Sumeru are recovering rapidly.

Of course, as Ningguang thought, Liyue had the greatest benefits.

This is not something that Liyue Bank earns directly, but it also brings benefits to Liyue in disguise.

While Liyue eats meat, he drinks soup for the Three Kingdoms...

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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