"Ying, let's knock on the door!" Paimon whispered to Ying, "We've been out for a few days, Muyang will definitely treat us well." "

"Yes!" Ying Wenyan nodded slightly, and then knocked on the door.

The door soon opened, and a maid walked out of it, and after seeing Ying and Paimon, after thinking for a while, she asked, "Are you Miss Ying and Paimon?"

"Eh, how do you know that we're Ying and Paimon?" Paimon looked curious when he heard this.

According to her memory, it looks like she hasn't seen this person before, right?

"It was the gentleman who told us before that if you came to the door, he would welcome you in, and told us what you looked like. "

Well, a yellow-haired lady and another flying pet in diapers, such a combination, I am afraid that the second team will not be able to come out in the entire Teyvat continent.

is to take the two of them directly towards the backyard.

"It's really big, Ying, why don't we go directly to Muyang!" Feeling the size of Muyang's room, Paimon whispered~ to Yingshu.

There is no way, Muyang's home seems to be much bigger than Qin's home.

This thigh is too thick, and Paimon said that if it weren't for Ying's good relationship, she would also like to be with Ying, otherwise, at this moment, she would want to be with Ying.

Ying looked at Paimon helplessly, and at the same time, she was also estimating how much time it would take for her to afford this house.

It's just that what Ying didn't know was that if it was the previous house, Ying could actually afford it for a year.

Her efficiency in making money is still quite high, but since the last time Klee blew up Muyang's backyard, the wall between Muyang's house and Keqing's house was directly demolished by the construction team arranged by Keqing.

These two rooms are also completely connected.

However, because it is the relationship between the two houses connected together, there is a slight problem with the layout, if it were not for those renovation teams, which need to be used on the original side of Guili, Keqing would like to demolish part of the house and rebuild it.

After all, Keqing herself is engaged in architecture, and she feels very uncomfortable with that kind of discordant layout.

And Keqing's house is much bigger than Muyang's house.

This is no longer a house that Ying can buy after two or three years of hard work.

Moreover, such a big house, coupled with the location near Yujing Terrace, Ying can't buy it.

Soon, Ying and Paimon came to Muyang's location, but after seeing Muyang, their expressions were also subtle.

Sure enough, the relationship between Muyang and Kamisato Ayaka is very unusual, otherwise, how could Muyang bury his head in Kamisato Ayaka's lap, and there is an adulterous relationship between them.

"Traveler and Little Pie Dream, you're here!!" Seeing the arrival of the two, Kamisato Ayaka said softly.

They already knew that Ying and Paimon would be able to come to Liyue Harbor today.

It's not like they haven't been to Guiliyuan before, but they haven't met the two of them, and in the past two days, Ying and Paimon have been eating and drinking outside.

Obviously, the two of them are also very serious when they are doing tasks.

Keqing is also very satisfied with Ying and Paimon, these two people, especially Ying's work efficiency is very high, and a lot of work can be completed with quality and quantity, and even the time she spends doing these tasks is only half or even a third of the other senior personnel.

If she could, Keqing would like to let Ying stay in Liyue for a long time to work.

Even if Ying didn't mind, Keqing wanted to vouch for Ying to become an official member of Liyue.

[Muyang: "Ying and Paimon have arrived, do you want to come and meet?"

Zhongli: "Have you already arrived? You can meet in the evening, how about Wanmin Hall?"

Muyang: "I have no opinion, you can come to my house if you want to." However, they seem to have brought me the food of the Liuli Pavilion, and if I go to Wanmin Hall, I may be a little embarrassed. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Then Xinyue Xuan!"

I don't know why, it seems that every time he eats with the Ruotuo Dragon King, he takes the initiative to mention the Crescent Moon Xuan, it stands to reason that the Ruotuo Dragon King should know that Morax is not cold to seafood, but he still does it.

It doesn't seem that he wants Morax to be embarrassed, but he likes to eat seafood.

According to the words of the Dragon King of Ruotuo, when he fought with the demon gods in the sea a lot, he was disgusted by them, and now he wants to swallow everything in the sea when he sees it.

At this point, the Dragon King and Morax seem to be two completely different philosophies.

Zhongli: "Okay, let's go to Crescent Moon Xuan!"

His old friends have said, what else can he do?

Keqing: "It's a pity, I still want to ask Ying to stay in Guiliyuan all the time, or work for Liyue, if I can, I want to recommend Ying to be a Seven Star."

With Ying's ability to become a seven-star, that is more than enough. "

Jean: "Ying Ke is our Honorary Knight of Mondstadt. "

At this time, Qin was also a little embarrassed, as it seemed that their status in Mondstadt was a little low.

The status of the Honorary Knight seems to be very high, but if you calculate it carefully, it is not very high, and it can only be said to be the same level as the official Knight of Favonius.

But Keqing's side directly wanted to give Ying a seven-star position, although this is not something Keqing can decide, but the Emperor of the Rock King is not also in the chat group.

The status of the Seven Stars is much higher than that of the Honorary Knight.

Of course, Qin also knows that Ying just wants to find her brother, and as for her status in a country, it is also a passing moment for Ying.

Even if the Emperor of the Rock King gave Ying a seven-star position, Ying would not accept it.

It's just that Jean feels that they have been helped a lot by Ying, and they should be given a higher position, at least they have to be honorary captains.

Now, doesn't it seem like they are a little kid in Mondstadt?

Zhongli: "If you are a traveler, you do have the ability to take on the role of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but unfortunately, she is not something that can be bound by one country, and she also needs to leave her own traces between various countries. "

Keqing: "It's a pity, Ying is really a good fit for us in Liyue, and I can see seriousness in her eyes.

She is definitely the best choice to become a Seven Star. "

Zhongli: "Ugh... I'm also a little impressed. "

Muyang: "Actually, it's not completely impossible, just tell Ying that if she becomes a Seven Star, she can use Liyue's power to find her brother, or even pull her brother out of the abyss."

After all, how can she fight the Abyss Order on her own, isn't she?"

Wendy: "Hey, hey, Muyang, you're too despicable, aren't you?"

This is to add a master to Liyue, you know, if Yingru can unlock the seven elemental powers, she will not be weaker than the old man. "

Ray Films: "I feel like she's probably going to be a fighter, but for some reason, it seems like there's a fateful showdown going to happen between us. "

Muyang: "She's not enough for you to cut right now!Anyway, Ying is still an honorary knight of Mondstadt, and Liyue has given Ying a seven-star, so when she arrives in Inazuma, it won't be a problem to give her the title of a general." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lei Movie: "If her martial arts can be recognized by me, it is indispensable to make her a general." "

Lei Movie is serious about things, naturally it is impossible to directly let Ying be a general because Ying has excellent potential, you know, now Inazuma is only the only general.

The key is to get the approval of Ray Movies.

Nahida: "Over here in Sumeru... A sage is needed..."

If Ying was really as good as Muyang and the others said, Nahida wouldn't mind giving Ying a position as a sage, and it wasn't impossible for the Disciplinary Officer to do the same.

Mu Yang: "This is to let Ying hold the order of the Four Kingdoms, and then fight against the rhythm of the Abyss Order, but, one thing to say, I still support you playing like this." "

Jean: "Do you want to turn the honorary knight into an honorary captain?"

Venti: "Hey, yes, I still trust the character of the Traveler, even her brother once tried to help the weak, but something happened later that led him to a different path." "

King of the Great Tree of Mercy: "When Sumeru was invaded by calamity, the prince of the abyss once helped the abyss. "

Keqing: "Then let's talk to Ying?"

Muyang: "Then let's talk about it"]

After discussing in the chat group for a while, Ying and Paimon had already come to Muyang's side, and Paimon kept telling Muyang about what he had done during this time, and the four of them had known each other for a long time.

It doesn't take much politeness.

"By the way, Ying, have you found any information about your brother recently?" Mu Yang asked Ying meaningfully as he ate the food Ying brought.

Kamisato Ayaka's heart began to get excited, it started, it began, Muyang was going to start fooling people again, it seemed that every time Muyang said this, someone would be fooled by him.

It is said that even the general has been dealt with by Mu Yang like this, and this is what Yae Miko said to himself in private.

"Brother, I've been researching a lot about the Abyss Order lately, and I've found that they're really doing all kinds of evil on Teyvat. Speaking of this, Ying also began to worry: "When he was hiding from me, it was difficult for me to find him.

After all, he holds the Abyss Order.

Moreover, my strength is no match for him. "

Speaking of the back, Ying also smiled self-deprecatingly.

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