Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she heard this, the so-called Taoist characters should be talking about the Emperor of the Rock and the Dragon King of Ruotuo, right?

And with the strength of the two of them, if they want to kill someone, it's almost a matter of heart.

I just don't know if the Afterlife Hall has a killer business.

After all, the Hall of the Dead is a funeral industry, and it can be a one-stop business of murder and funeral.

Kamisato Ayaka also didn't believe that there really wasn't any gray industry in Liyue, and some things that were inconvenient for officials to do needed some gray industries to do.

And these industries need some bigwigs to keep an eye on, otherwise it is easy to get out of control.

"Then I'm sorry for you. Ying's eyes flickered slightly, and the person who could be introduced by Muyang must not be an ordinary person.

After all, when Muyang was in Mondstadt, didn't he also play with the wind god Barbatos all day long, and the other party was still the prince of the Raiden General, so this time, did you want to introduce yourself to the Rock King Emperor?

Although this possibility is not high, Ying still doesn't mind Muyang introducing her friends to her.

"Let's go, let's go to the Crescent Pavilion for dinner. Muyang stood up and said to Ying and Paimon.

"Xinyuexuan, doesn't it need to be pre-ordered? Moreover, it needs to be two months in advance. Paimon scratched his head, "Could it be that we are going to pack and bring it back?"

"No, although Xinyue Xuan and Liuli Pavilion need to be booked in advance, but if you have enough status, you can go and eat directly. Mu Yang shook his head slightly, "After all, they also have to do business, and if they don't even have a private room to prepare, they don't need to hang out in Liyue." "

"It's Muyang!" Paimon looked at Muyang with adoration when he heard this.

In other words, Muyang can eat whatever he wants on Liyue's side.

It's just amazing.

Wouldn't it be possible to follow Muyang in the future?

Fortunately, this time I followed the traveler to Muyang's house, otherwise I wouldn't have known that Muyang was so powerful.

Later, Muyang and Kamisato Ayaka took Ying and Paimon to the martial arts arena at home, found Shenhe, who was wielding a spear and practicing his spear skills, and said, "Let's go, let's go to dinner." "

"Who is this?" Paimon asked, looking at Shenhe with an indifferent look on his face.

"This is Shenhe, now she is my guard, don't underestimate her, her strength is very good. Mu Yang said softly.

I forgot to shout Shenhe when I was eating lunch before, which was really a mistake.

However, Shenhe is also really, they don't shout how to eat Shenhe, Shenhe really doesn't come, this woman probably didn't eat lunch.

I don't even have the ability to take care of myself, and for 20 years, I have almost lived in vain.

"I'm afraid this person's strength is not inferior to mine. Ying recalled the spear skills that Shenhe had shown, and said with some bitterness.

Sure enough, Teyvat is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Mondstadt's Captain Jean, Diluc, and Eula are all very good and strong, and their strength may be stronger than their current self.

Inazuma's Kamisato Ayaka's strength will not be inferior to herself.

Keqing's strength, Ying has never seen it, but Ying's intuition tells herself that Keqing's strength is definitely not weak, at least not weaker than the head of the Qin troupe.

There is also a gap between Genshin Impact and Genshin Impact, Keqing, Jean and Diluc are definitely the best among Genshin Impact.

Ying originally thought that she was already very strong when she had obtained the power of the two elements, but when she saw Shenhe, Ying didn't have much confidence to defeat the other party.

Especially the weapon in the other party's hand, it is definitely a top-notch weapon, and Ying said that she was too envious.

If she had a weapon of this calibre, she would definitely be able to take Paimon from northern Liyue to southern Liyue.

A good weapon, when facing a strong enemy, can bring a bonus that is definitely not half a star.

Even sometimes, the slightest difference is a thousand miles, or sometimes ask Muyang, where are there any good weapons in the Teyvat continent that can be obtained.

She is indeed short of weapons.

However, a strong man of this level, when he comes to Muyang's side, can only be a guard?

Wait, does Muyang need a guard?

"Shenhe's strength is still very good.

Liyue has an immortal who has been taught by the immortals.

Recently, I have only just entered Liyue Harbor. "Shenhe's identity is no secret in Liyue.

Moreover, it was Liuyun who borrowed Feng Zhenjun to take the initiative to release it, just to prevent someone from offending Shenhe without being long-sighted, and then being killed by Shenhe.

Although Shenhe may not have much to do at that time, it can also be much less troublesome.

"Immortal disciple, so powerful!" Paimon nodded thoughtfully when he heard this, "If it's an immortal disciple, it's understandable that it's so powerful." "

Ying Wenyan was also silent for a while, becoming an immortal disciple, does he have such a good weapon???

So where to find the immortal master, I also want the immortal master.

"It's just that I was lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by my master. Shenhe stood beside Mu Yang and shook his head slightly and said.

Although he entered the chat group and his achievements were limitless, Shenhe was still full of gratitude to Liuyun and borrowing the wind Zhenjun.

If it weren't for Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun, I am afraid that he would have died in that deep mountain and old forest.

If it weren't for Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun, I am afraid that I would not have had the opportunity to join the chat group and solve the problems in my body.

"Luck is part of strength. Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "Let's go, let's eat." "

After saying that, Mu Yang also walked towards the door with a few people, and by the way, he also took Ying to see the scenery of Liyue.

Of course, the most important thing is to let others know that Ying and Paimon are covered by his Muyang.

Although Muyang doesn't seem to have any official status in Liyue, there aren't many people in Liyue who seem to be just Ningguang's Seven-Star Advisor, Keqing's rumored boyfriend, and Raiden General's Wang Fu, but not many people in Liyue dare to provoke Muyang.

After all, whether it is Keqing or Ningguang, it is not something that ordinary people can offend.

Let some people know that this is covered by Muyang, and in the future, Ying will compete for the Seven Stars...

Well, there will definitely be some gossip, but this is destined, after all, Ying will also live in Muyang's house after all.

When the time comes, I'm afraid that some people will say that Keqing and Ningguang have arranged for their own people to become the Seven Stars, which is to turn the Seven Stars of Liyue into their own Yiyantang or something.

This is also inevitable, but when the time comes, Yinghui will be the Emperor of the Rock King, at least the Seven Stars who are endorsed by Ganyu, and no one will say that there is anything wrong with them.


"Muyang, I heard that you are going to have a dinner treat, don't you mind bringing me one?" When Muyang came to Xinyue Xuan, he found that in addition to Zhongli and Zhong Kui, there was also a Tartaglia here, which made Muyang stunned for a moment.

"I don't mind, of course, if you can pay for it, so much the better. Mu Yang chuckled, as long as Tartaglia didn't make trouble, Mu Yang didn't have any ill will towards Tartaglia.

At least between the two sides, they get along quite well. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Shall I pay?" Tartaglia did not refuse.

Isn't it just to pay, Morana are rich anyway.

Muyang can make himself pay, that is to look up to himself, there is nothing to worry about.

Others want to invite Muyang to dinner, but they don't have this qualification.

If you don't believe it, ask the rich man and ask him if he wants to invite Muyang to dinner?

If there is an opportunity to invite Muyang to dinner, the rich will never miss it, even if it costs 100 million Mora, it is no exception.

Life for the Fatui did not seem to be very good during this time, and the Northland Bank was suppressed, but this did not affect the life of Dadalia in the slightest.

You know, their income in the winter country is not only Northland Bank, before the opening of Northland Bank, didn't they also live the same life?

The Adventurers' Guild is the most important thing for the Solstice Nation.

During this time, the Adventurers' Guild was not affected in any way, and the life should be lived as it should be.

Anyway, for an executive like Tartaglia, there was no impact.

"Ying, Paimon, I'm here to introduce you, this is Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Zhong Kui, my friends in Liyue, they are both guests of the Afterlife Hall!

If you encounter something you don't understand in Liyue and can't solve it, you can come to them and ask. Muyang introduced himself to Ying and Paimon.

"So, this Afterlife Hall is actually an underworld?" Paimon was visibly stunned when he heard this.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that, Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Zhong Kui, you still have such a business in the Afterlife Hall.

It's very similar to us Fatui!" Tartaglia didn't hide his identity, but smiled heartily.

After so much time together, Tartaglia has found the knack.

Sincerity is nirvana.

If you dodge, few people will believe your words.

"Fatui?" Ying and Paimon were also shocked, is this person a Fatui?

Why do you eat with Muyang?

You know, the relationship between Muyang and the Fatui doesn't seem to be very good, right?

"This is Tartaglia, the eleventh executive officer of the Fatui, codenamed Childe, as long as it doesn't involve his own tasks, he is not bad.

is a real battle maniac, and at the same time, he knows something about the abyss, and has entered the abyss. Mu Yang reminded Daochen meaningfully.

Tartaglia's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this, not many people knew about the fact that he had entered the abyss, how did Muyang know?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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