"When Liyue Bank was established, the Rhodo Dragon King had already built a special database to prepare for the future data of Liyue Bank. Ningguang nodded slightly and said: "However, if it's just a mobile phone, it's not very convenient, all this still has to wait for the computer to be made."

After that, I'll ask Albedo to make a few computers for me, Keqing, Ganyu, and the Moon Pavilion and Liyue Bank to use first.

And then there's the rest of the General Services Division. "

"I don't care about any of that, I'm more concerned about when the kit will come out. After Muyang played with his mobile phone: "By the way, the camera function also needs to be added, and the video shooter also needs to..."

"Actually, your mobile phone, all the functions are there, but the system and software have not been adapted for the time being, and now I want to do it all at once, it's too difficult. Albedo scratched his head.

At this time, he really wanted to tell Muyang, please let me go.

I really don't have a drop left.

I thought that with Muyang, I didn't need to live that kind of frightened life, at least I didn't need to worry about the seven gods coming to me for trouble because of the matter of Rheindot.

You don't need to worry about destroying the city uncontrollably.

It will hurt the continent of Teyvat!

With the existence of the Muyang boss, it seems that he doesn't need to worry about these problems.

However, after arriving in Liyue, Albedo found that he seemed to have an endless amount of work to complete, and he no longer knew how much time he had not rested, even if he was an alchemist made by Reindott, he couldn't stand it!

He can stand it physically, but he can't stand it mentally, he is not a god after all, and he also has his own will.

At this time, even if Albedo was interested in what he was studying, he had to take a break.

It's drained, it's really gone!

"Take your time, you can give some things to Sumeru to make later!" Muyang nodded slightly, "Liyue can't contract all of these things, and now one is probably pretty good."

The computer still needs you to make and research, but it is not particularly urgent. "

Seeing Albedo like this, Muyang also had a rare conscience.

Ningguang didn't say anything either, if it weren't for Muyang, she wouldn't have urged, even though she wanted to earn more Mora, and she also knew that the more this was the case, the faster Liyue's construction would be, but it was too eager, it was a bit too cruel.

Albedo is such a useful tool, do you want to use it for a few more years?

How can Albedo be used all at once?

Haste makes waste!

"Okay!" Albedo was slightly relieved when he heard this.

"By the way, Alice has been to Liyue before. Suddenly, Mu Yang said coldly: "Now Alice has entered the abyss to find the traces of Reindot." "

"Is she in the abyss?" Hearing Mu Yang mention Reindot, Albedo's expression was also extremely complicated, he should be the last masterpiece of Rheindot's sanity, right?

However, Albedo still cares a lot about Rheindot, after all, everything he has now is also related to Rheindot.

Similarly, Albedo also knows that Rheindot is now likely to fall into the abyss, and if they meet next time, the other party is likely to attack him mercilessly.

If he's going to fight for Teyvat.

No one knows what the situation of Reindot is now, and the only thing Albedo can be sure of is that Reindot is still alive, and that she is in a very bad condition.

Albedo wanted to save Reindot, but he also knew that he didn't have the ability to do so.

If one day, Reindot really dies, then his existence will also represent the proof that the golden Reindot once existed on the continent of Teyvat.

At the same time, he also needs to pass on the alchemy of Reindot.

He had too many reasons to live and not to go to Reindot.

Of course, the main thing is that Albedo himself knows that even if he goes to Rheindot, there is no point in it, and those who have fallen into the abyss can recover?

Albedo said that he had never heard of it, and that even Reindot had no way to do it.

Otherwise, Reindot would not have made himself and tried to pass on the alchemy of the other party.

"Well, Alice says she's in the abyss, but what she's doing, even Alice doesn't know. Mu Yang nodded slightly: "But I think I should have fallen into the abyss."

According to my thoughts, it would be better to kill Reindot directly than to plunge into the abyss and become an enemy of Teyvat.

Alice, on the other hand, wants to save Reindot. "

"Miss Alice, if it were, she would, and it was she who accepted my existence and introduced me to Mondstadt. Speaking of Alice, Albedo was also embarrassed.

Albedo was not surprised that Muyang wanted to get rid of Reindot, which leader of the forces on the Teyvat continent didn't want to get rid of Reindot?

The existence of Rheindott is a huge hidden danger for the entire Teyvat continent.

Albedo himself wondered what he would have done if he had met Reindot.

I'm afraid that for the sake of Teyvat, they will try their best to get rid of Rheindot, right?

"As a friend, Alice is still very good!" Mu Yang nodded slightly and said, "Even if it is a dangerous place like entering the abyss, she still wants to save her friends." "

is also because Alice has entered the abyss, Muyang also knows how far his power can radiate.

For now, if Alice leaves the Teyvat continent for more than a hundred kilometers, Muyang's power will be affected, and with the huge lengthening, the impact will be greater and greater.

As of now, Alice has left the border of Teyvat for more than five hundred kilometers, and her power is only about half left.

And these 500 kilometers are just a drop in the ocean for the entire abyss.

This also made Muyang deeply understand that he was still too weak and needed to continue to get stronger.

"That's Miss Alice, after all. The corners of Albedo's mouth also showed a smile, and then he asked Muyang: "By the way,

How is Klee's time?

She shouldn't have caused you any trouble, right?"

"Klee is still pretty good, but she blew up my house once, and now it's been repaired, so you don't have to worry. Mu Yang chuckled lightly and said truthfully.

..???.. Is Klee so brave?

After knowing that Klee had blown up Muyang's home, Albedo didn't know what to say for a while.

He is very suspicious now, Mu Yang is one of the four rulers, and as for the so-called people from other worlds who come to this world, they are obviously fooling people.

Albedo himself was not a believer anyway.

That kind of breath will definitely not deceive people, Muyang's breath is very similar to the breath of Reindot and the maintainer of the heavenly principle that he said, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be mistaken.

Now in Albedo's opinion, Klee blew up Muyang's home, which is no less than blowing up Sky Island.

There seems to be a difference between the two, but the difference doesn't seem to be much. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Klee is still alive, how much do you love Klee!?

Of course, after learning about this, Albedo's heart was happy for Klee.

After getting along all these years, Albedo also treats Klee as his sister, and even Albedo's most important bond.

Now Klee has such a big guy as a partner, and in Albedo's opinion, this is a good thing.

"Klee, please take care of it. After thinking about it, Albedo could only say to Muyang like this.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang seemed to think of something, and looked at Ningguang to the side, "Do you think Liyue wants to provide weather forecasting?"

If this function is available, it will be of great benefit to the development and construction of Liyue, right?"

"Is there a weather forecast?" Ning Guang also entered into deep thought, "If you can, it will naturally be good for Liyue, but for the weather forecast, I'm afraid no one can guess the climate except for the Rock King Emperor and a few immortals, right?"

"If you want to tell the weather, I heard Miss Alice say that water divination can do it. Moreover, the consumption is not very large. Seeing this, Albedo also reminded.

"Water Divination, where are you going to find this?" Ning Guang frowned, she knew the effect of this forecast.

But she doesn't have this ability, and she can't ask the three-eyed and five-visible immortals to predict this matter, which is too troublesome for these immortals.

Even if these immortals may not care very much, they really can't do this, and Ningguang himself is also resistant to such behavior.

The problem that can be solved with Mora is not a problem, but if it depends on human favor, Ningguang said that he refuses.

(Now the rankings of the Fatui seats are almost all based on PV, and most of them used to think that the captain was fourth, the harlequin first, and the servant tenth, after all, there were only so many pits, and the tenth has not appeared until now, but who would have thought that the servant would be the fourth, and the captain is estimated to be the first rhythm.) I'm afraid the tenth hasn't appeared yet, maybe they left it to the master... Just kidding, in this book, it's still the design of the harlequin is the first, and the mistake is the mistake... Sorry. Stabbed in the back!).

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