Muyang took the contract and looked at it, good guy, 20% of the equity of the New Era Chamber of Commerce!

This new era chamber of commerce is a chamber of commerce established by Ningguang and Keqing some time ago, and it is said that the two have invested in a total of ten small goals.

Moreover, during this time, Ningguang used the means of capital use obtained from Muyang, and the Mora of this chamber of commerce was also growing rapidly.

Of course, Ningguang's use of capital is not indiscriminate, her main target is actually some chambers of commerce that are usually rich and unkind, and when dealing with these people, Ningguang will not spare the slightest.

Even she witnessed the horror of the power of capital for the first time.

If this force is not controlled, I am afraid that it will swallow the whole country!

"This is a 20% stake in the New Era Chamber of Commerce, and 50% of the shares, Keqing and I have hung on the body of the Rock King Emperor in an anonymous way, and the money earned from this stake will be used by us to build Liyue.

The remaining 30%, I 20%, Keqing 10%, after all, we had Mora input at the beginning, and Keqing himself contributed money and efforts.

Moreover, if we set up a chamber of commerce to make money by ourselves, we can earn more Mora than this number, which is also our hard-earned money. Ningguang said in a serious tone.

"That's true!

If you are willing to give up your conscience, you can become the capital that controls the lifeblood of the economy! Mu Yang said thoughtfully.

He did not hesitate to choose to accept this equity agreement.

He has no doubt about Ningguang's ability, and from then on, Ningguang is also working for himself!!

Although his shares are the same as Ningguang, the taste of lying down and taking money like this is simply not great!

As a celestial principle, Ningguang is also regarded as his own people, and it seems that it is natural for the other party to raise himself, but Muyang still feels that this is a great sense of accomplishment.

However, Zhongli should also know that he has this equity, right?

Will he have people send bills to the New Era Chamber of Commerce in the future?

Hearing Muyang's compliment, Ningguang's eyelids twitched, not to mention the problem of bad conscience.

If she dared to do this, I am afraid that she would directly become a thorn in the side of the Rock King Emperor.

I don't know how I'll die when the time comes!

"And what do you want from Jean?" Mu Yang then asked Ningguang again.

"There is an alchemist named Albedo among the Knights of Mondstadt, whose alchemy skills are among the best in the entire continent of Teyvat, and I need him to work for us for a while.

A lot of the technology you uploaded in the group is very difficult to reproduce just the people under us! Ningguang didn't hide it, and directly stated his goals: "We need a powerful alchemist to accomplish these goals. "

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, Albedo?

For Albedo, Muyang in his previous life didn't have much bad feeling for Albedo, and of course, he didn't have much good feelings.

After all, he entered the pit after the Snow Mountain plot, and he didn't do that special plot about Albedo.

In addition, he doesn't play the rock team either, and he doesn't catch Albedo, but he doesn't have any ill feelings towards Albedo.

If you really count it, a person like Albedo is indeed a technical master.

No matter which country it is, it is the object that the leaders of each country want to strive for.

However, Albedo's birth, the creation of the Golden Reindot, was a problem.

For Muyang, who is a heavenly principle, Reindot is the object that must be eliminated and killed.

This guy is a madman!

The Doctor is crazy enough, right?

Conducted various human experiments around the world, studied the power of demon gods, and even made various slices of himself.

This is a man who can even do it without any scruples.

Doctors are no longer enough to be called human.

But the golden Reindot is even better than the doctor.

She began to come into contact with the power of the abyss very early, and when Kanria fell, Reindot degenerated into a sinner, giving birth to a large number of dark demonic beasts, causing varying degrees of damage to the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat!

The poisonous dragon Durin in Mondstadt, the catastrophe of the Chasm in Liyue, and the death of Inazuma Kitsunai Palace were all in Fontaine, and Rheindott almost destroyed Fontaine.

Even today, there are still countless Rheindot creations attacking the world's barriers at the borders of the world.

There is no doubt that Reindot is one of the most vicious people, and a great threat to the entire continent of Teyvat.

If there is a chance, Muyang will not hesitate to get rid of the other party.

It's just that where is the current Rheindot, Muyang doesn't know.

After thinking about it, Mu Yang also nodded slightly and said, "I will go to persuade Albedo, I believe that Albedo will not refuse our invitation!" "

"Okay, then I'll bother you!" Seeing that Muyang agreed, Ningguang was also slightly relieved.

There is really no one in their hands to use.

She and Keqing can't move at will, Zhongli, Grandma Ping, and Ganyu are all immortals, and she doesn't think her face is so big.

If something happens to Liyue, they can turn to them for help, but this is Mondstadt's business, and there are many interests involved.

However, since Keqing said that Muyang's strength is very strong, then it is just right to bring Muyang in, on the one hand, it can enhance the relationship between the two parties, and on the other hand, it can also be more convenient to get some good things from Muyang's hands.

At this time, Ningguang would not believe that Muyang was an ordinary traveler!

Even this chat group is very likely to be related to Muyang, but since Muyang doesn't say it, she won't break it.

"When do you plan to leave, because I can't give you the official status to go to Mondstadt because of the fact that you have to take care of Mondstadt's face.

However, I'll write a letter to Jean here, and she'll take care of you when the time comes! After thinking about it, Ningguang added again.

"It's nothing, but before I leave, I'm going to see Tartaglia again!" Mu Yang said meaningfully: "As my good friend, I am going to Mondstadt for an adventure now, and Tartaglia, as a good friend, should help me solve my problems, right?" "

"You want to take advantage of the Fatui? I'm afraid it's going to be difficult, if you let Tartaglia know your strength, I'm afraid it'll be difficult to continue fooling Tartaglia in the future! Ningguang hurriedly reminded. d

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