"Magic system?" the Great Mercy Tree King also showed a deep thought when he heard this.

She had also observed the magic system before, especially the magic system of other worlds, which was indeed very powerful, but didn't the Teyvat continent also have a magic system?

It's like those witches in the Witch Society, many of them are quite powerful existences.

"Well, of course, that's only part of the story!

Other systems should also be added, such as the cultivation system, and some genius treasures such as medicines, or special ores. Mu Yang didn't hide it from the Great Cishu King, and explained.

The Great Cishu King also knew when she heard this, according to her understanding of the other worlds she had seen before, it seemed that some special medicinal materials were indeed something that countless people were fighting for.

When you think about it, it seems that it is indeed necessary to change the settings.

Moreover, that kind of thing is not the first time in itself, and the Great Cishu King has no idea of rejecting it.

After all, this is for Teyvat!

As a loving god, how could he refuse Muyang in such a matter that would benefit the Teyvat continent?

Well, at least that's how the Great Mercy Tree King comforted himself!

It's not for fertilization!

At that moment, the Great Cishu King slowly grew larger in Muyang's arms, and the green light wrapped the two of them.


At the same time, Nahida, who was purifying the filth of the abyss in the Mausoleum of the Red King, changed her expression and muttered in a low voice, "That strange feeling has come again...

Could it be that Muyang has come to the World Tree again?"

Her heart is a little uncalm, after all, even the god of wisdom can't maintain her sanity in such a situation!!

Nahida wasn't a child who didn't understand anything anymore, and she was curious about a lot of things.

It's just that seeing her little short hands and short feet, Nahida is helpless for a while737, and she still can't grow up in a short period of time after all.

Now Nahida, who is usually in her teens, seems to have grown a lot, but she is still a child.

No, I still need to get stronger as soon as possible!

No one knows which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

The forces of the Abyss are always thinking about eroding the Teyvat Continent, and looking at the current situation of the Solstice and the Abyss Order, they may attack at any time.

As the new god of wisdom, he can't hold back, and Sumeru can't hold back other countries.

During this time, Nahida was busy dealing with affairs every day, and in the evening, she went to the Red King's Mausoleum to absorb the power of purifying the abyss, and her growth was quite fast.

It's just a pity that she doesn't have many people she can trust, otherwise, she can also leave the affairs to them to handle, and she can handle these affairs remotely, and she can purify the abyss filth by herself every day.

If it weren't for the fact that the Void System had gone wrong, Nahida would have thought about making something like the Void System that could help get the job done.

Of course, Nahida still attaches great importance to mobile phones and computers, and everyone can work on them in the future.

At that time, although this is not a void system, it can also play a certain role in substitution.

However, apart from himself and the Great Mercy Tree King, when will new people appear in Sumeru to join the chat group!

Compared to Mondstadt, Inazuma, and Liyue, there are so few people in Sumeru joining the chat group right now.

I hope Nilou can satisfy Muyang!

Now Sumeru urgently needs another strong person besides himself.

At the same time, there is a need for someone who can act on his behalf.

When it came to choosing between Nilou, she was the right fit.

There is no doubt about Di Na Zedai's belief in herself, because of Mu Yang's relationship before, Di Na Ze Dai also had the Vision of God, but the previous relationship with the Demon Scale Disease made Nahida not want to trouble Di Na Zedai, and the current Di Na Ze Dai seems to be more suitable for doing these things.

Although Dinazada also wanted to help Nahida in order to repay Nahida for bringing her a new lease of life.

But Nahida didn't want Dinazada to be grateful for the rest of her life and then work for herself.

It was a good thing for the people to believe in themselves, and even Nahida regarded Dinazedai as a good friend.

Good friends are meant to help each other, but Nahida also knows that Dinazeda herself is not particularly suited to do these things.

If it's just to repay yourself, so that you want to become stronger and help yourself, there is no need at all.

If she could, Nahida wanted Dinazedai to live her life carefree and happy.

The other party has already suffered enough.

Nilou is now Nahida's main target, but Nahida knows that this is not enough!

We still need to continue to tap talents.

However, there are really few talents in Sumeru, most of them are a bunch of nerds..???.. Eden Hazard, you, look what you've made Sumeru look like.

Similarly, Nahida is also looking forward to the future, and those Pokémon in the World Tree can now be regarded as her dependents.

Because of the Birth and World Tree, Nahida is inextricably linked to those Pokémon.

Even if those Pokémon leave the World Tree, Nahida can see other images through these Pokémon if she wants to.

For example, through that Pikachu, I saw the picture of Muyang and Keqing...

This also gave Nahida's little (CGCH) a lot of new knowledge in her head.

I just don't know how many new Pokémon will be born after this incident, even Nahida is looking forward to it.

I still need to continue to work hard, the divine power of the Great Ci Tree King is not enough to help Muyang drastically change this world and improve this world.

As the purest branch of the World Tree, it is also the World Tree.

As long as you grow up, you will definitely be able to help Muyang and the Great Cishu King!


[Ruotuo Dragon King: "It seems that something new is brewing in the leylines, what is going on?]

Nahida: "It's Muyang and the Great Mercy Tree King who are changing the rules of this world, and since they've done so, there's no problem in thinking about it." "

Lei Movie: "Just believe in Muyang, I think it will be of great benefit to the Teyvat Continent." "

Rhoda Dragon King: "That's true, I don't need to worry about this, and besides, the energy consumed to generate these items does not come from the leylines, but from the power of the abyss. "

Ice Empress: "It seems that the world can be strengthened again, look forward to the day when Teyvat can surround the Abyss." "

The Ice Empress's words made everyone a little silent, such a thing they had never dared to imagine before.

Not even Asmodeus had thought of it like that.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible, after all, the power of the abyss is nourishment for the current Teyvat continent.

Of course, the premise must be that the abyss cannot be menacing, otherwise, with the current strength of the Teyvat Continent, it will not be able to bear it at all.

Lei Movie: "Forget it, in order to celebrate Muyang's strength improvement, I plan to go to the dark outer sea to prepare some materials for the next creation of treasures."

If you have any weapons you want, you can tell me. "

Raiden Zhen: "Do you want to go to the Dark Sea?" remember to be careful, don't fight with the Thunder Dragon King for a long time. "

For the strength of Thunder Movie, Raiden really does not doubt it.

Maybe Lei Movie doesn't know the general idea himself, but Lei Den really knows most of the truth.

In terms of the current strength of Thunder Movie, on the Teyvat continent, it can definitely rank in the top five.

But if you have strength, you can't go out and make waves.

Lei Movie: "Sister, I understand, when Muyang comes back, I will challenge it again!"

If the other party is only one person, then Lei Movie will naturally challenge the Thunder Dragon King from time to time, but the other party has a large number of demon god brothers.

Even if Lei Movie is not afraid of these demon gods, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not sneak attack him once or twice when he is fighting with the Thunder Dragon King, which may cause major changes.

Raiden Sakura: "It's a pity, I still need some time to grow, otherwise, I can go to the dark outer sea with you." "

In terms of character, Raiden Sakura is also a perfect successor to the Thunder movie.

is also a belligerent person, there are not many demon gods on the Teyvat continent now, and the dark sea can be regarded as the best choice.

Asmodeus: "If any of you want to fight, you can come to Sky Island, and I can send you to the vicinity of the world border, where there are a large number of abyssal monsters, gnawing at the world border, almost endlessly."

I've tried to kill some of them, but it's been a drop in the bucket.

However, there are a lot of these monsters, and their strength is also very strong, so it is recommended that you team up to go!" (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Raiden Sakura: "It seems to be good, when my strength improves a little more, I will go to the border of Teyvat Continent!"

Eula: "If you don't mind, how about taking me with you?"

Raiden Sakura: "I can't do it. "

For these, she will not refuse, everyone has been empowered by Muyang, and from a certain point of view, they all belong to Muyang's dependents.

Moreover, fighting the abyss now is the most important thing, and it is quite important to improve everyone's strength.

Fox Palace: "In that case, then bring Yae Miko with you, during this time, Miko has also worked hard, and his strength has also improved, but he still needs some battles." "】

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