"Lord Little Auspicious Grass King has always been a qualified and great god, and we are willing to serve such a god. Nilou said without even thinking about it.

Not to mention that she herself is a believer in Nahida, not to mention, the current Nahida is a real grass god in Sumeru.

Under such circumstances, how could Nilou betray the little Lucky Grass King?

The little auspicious grass king is so cute, what kind of problem did the Akademiya's brain have in the first place to bully such a cute little auspicious grass king!

"Although I am not a devout believer in the Little Auspicious Grass King, I must also admit that during this time, under the leadership of the Little Auspicious Grass King, Sumeru is better than before, I don't know how much.

Many of Sumeru's problems have also been solved by the little auspicious grass king, and I recognize such a grass god.

Sumeru is my home, and I will naturally contribute to this. Faruzan shook her long hair and said with a proud expression.

Seeing Fa Lushan like this, Mu Yang also chuckled, he was really no stranger to such a tsundere.

It's really cute.

It would be interesting to have Faruzan and Keqing meet.

Before the crossing, Mu Yang was still very interested in Fa Lushan, and he once wanted to smoke Fa Lushan to his life, but unfortunately, he had no wind c

Faruzan is good-looking, but it's of little use to him.

When he started playing Genshin Impact, Xiao had already passed the strong period, and at that time it had already begun to weaken, so there was no Xiao to smoke.

After all, Xiao's words, full life is the real demon sage.

As for the prince of Sumeru, Mu Yang said that he would only smoke if he was stupid.

Maybe the prince is very powerful, but he said that he would never smoke it.

After all, people are too annoying, and he himself is not a magic cook, so he really doesn't want to smoke this guy.

Therefore, Muyang has never pulled Faruzan up.

It's impossible to let Wendy or Jean play the main C, right?

Of course, the piano can also hit the main C, directly use E to suck the monster up, and then use Newton to deal damage.

But Farusan's bonus doesn't have any effect on the piano.

Now seeing Fa Lushan, Muyang has a different feeling.

"I'll take a good look at your performance after that. Mu Yang nodded slightly: "The Teyvat Continent is also very unsafe.

In the future, you may need your combat power, even if it is for self-protection, there is no problem in improving your strength. "

After thinking about it, Mu Yang added to Fa Lushan again: "Actually, he is hundreds of years older than the people around him, and there is no problem with that."

There are also many people in the chat group who are thousands of years older than you.

And, in the future, you will also be hundreds, thousands of years older than others. It's not a big deal. "

Hearing this, Fa Lushan's pupils shrank sharply, she was a smart person, so she naturally understood what Mu Yang meant.

In other words, there are a lot of people in the chat group who are older than themselves, and they are probably gods.

What kind of organization did you belong to?!

Even the seven gods appeared here.

"I see!" said Faruzan softly to Muyang, forcibly holding her mind down.

"Do you have any arrangements for us in the future?" After chatting a few words, Fa Lushan asked Muyang again.

Fa Lushan's words also made Mu Yang fall into deep thought, the area of Sumeru is a little weird, and there doesn't seem to be much to brush points.

The problem in this place is very big, forbidden knowledge, but the three gods of Sumeru were wiped out.

This harm is destined to be great, but because of Mu Yang's relationship, forbidden knowledge has long been no problem.

The Great Tree of Mercy is now resurrected.

As for the Red King and the God of Flowers, Muyang didn't know how to save the God of Flowers.

It seems that this flower god is the most beautiful and beautiful god on the Teyvat continent, which is what the Great Cishu King told Muyang.

Although Muyang thinks that the King of the Great Cishu is a little arrogant, she is actually still very beautiful, but since the King of the Great Cishu has said so, maybe the God of Flowers is really qualified to be named the most beautiful god.

It's just a pity that it's very difficult to resurrect the god of flowers, and even the king of the Great Cishu doesn't know how to resurrect the god of flowers. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If she had the opportunity, she would never let go of this opportunity, after all, they were also good friends.

Moreover, the strength of the god of flowers will not be weaker than that of the original Great Cishu King.

If the god of flowers can join them, it will definitely be a huge addition to the Teyvat continent.

"What are your arrangements?" Mu Yang looked at the two of them, "If you are going to be in Liyue for a while, you can stay with me, and if you are in a hurry to get to Sumeru, I can open the door for you."

Of course, I suggest that you unlock the teleportation anchor before you leave Liyue, and then you can travel back and forth between Liyue and Sumeru on your own.

I can't send you back and forth every time. "

As for the teleportation anchor, Farusanne and Nilou naturally knew.

It's almost a chat group announcement, and almost as soon as they enter the chat group, some important information about the chat group appears in their minds.

They were quite interested in cultivating immortals.

No woman can resist the temptation of immortality.

"Thank you, Lord Muyang.

We may have to trouble you for a while, but the little Lucky Grass King will let us leave after Liyue has attended the Immortal Ceremony.

Also, we have a lot of things to attend to in Liyue.

For example, at the embassy in Liyue. (Qian Li's)" Fa Lushan whispered to Muyang.

"Are you participating in the Immortal Ceremony?" Muyang's expression was a little subtle, although he was not in Liyue, he knew something about what had happened in Liyue during this time.

Today, Liyue has almost gathered the targets of the vast majority of forces in Teyvat.

Especially the Abyss Sect, I don't know what's going on recently, and the movements are quite big, which also makes Keqing and the others start to get nervous.

Those guys, aren't they going to do things again?

Even though everyone is very fond of points, once the Abyss Order does something, Liyue can't guarantee that there will be no huge losses.

Mondstadt was pitted by the Abyss Order.

(I have to go out and cut my hair today, now my hair is obviously not particularly long, but it has begun to hinder the author's code words, not only to cover my eyes, but also to itch.) )。

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